Friday, July 29, 2011

No Margin For Error

In the 70's my dad raised hogs in confinement. He had what is called a farrowing house for the sows to give birth to their pigs. After about 5 or 6 weeks, he would take them away from the sows and move the pigs to another building called a nursery. The pigs would stay in this nursery until  they weighted 40 pounds. They were then were sold as feeder pigs. The buyer fed the pigs out and later carried and sold them to a meat packing plants for slaughtering. 

Hogs raised in confinement are hard to move.  They are born in a small pen then, after 5 weeks, moved to a larger pen.  When we would move the pigs from smaller to larger pens, they did not want to go. They wanted to stay in their small pens with less freedom. Most of the time, we had to make it rough on them to get them to move.  I would occasionally feed some out on dirt.  This meant they lived outside with plenty of food, water, a pond to wallow in, fresh air, and a larger lot to roam around. To get them to go to this freedom we had to almost beat them. We moved them with a stock trailer and almost always loaded them by hand. They didn't want to leave their small pen. Even though nasty and smelly, it was their comfort zone. They wanted to stay, and it took some force to get them to go to a better place. When we unloaded them on dirt, they just stood for a long time afraid to walk. Finally, they became accustomed to their new freedom, but the process getting them there was a hard one.

I hate to compare us to those pigs, but sometimes we are the same way.  We will stay in our own place in life, our own little pen, complaining and unhappy. We're afraid to get out of it.  We will not do anything about it, just like the pigs would choose their little pens over the big outside, fresh air, feedlot.  Why?  Fear, complacence, no dreams of a better place, and lack of knowledge will keep us in our little pen all of our life.  What will get us out of this?  Something the pigs didn't have, courage.  We have lost our courage to change.  Something has to happen for us to get it back. 

Our forefathers came to America because they were not comfortable living in their homeland any longer.  Times were hard. The desire to do better overcame their fear of leaving their homes.  After arriving in America, our forefathers had to develop courage to remain here. Later, they had to have such a desire for freedom, to fight courageously for it. Was it by the providence of God that they came? Our country has freed more people, protected more people, and has spread Christianity more than any country in the world.  We do not need to lose sight of this.

How does the world view us today?  They view us by what they see.  The politicians, movies, what we allow, media,  etc.   They do not see us as "Christian America".  Why? Because we sit in our chairs and along with the world look at the news, movies, politicians, the ridiculous activities that we allow, and view our country the same way the world does. We sit in our chairs (I did too) complaining about what "they are not doing" and how bad it is.

God is now blessing us with trials.  Why?  Go to Gen. chapters 37-50.  This is a beautiful story of God's providence with Joseph and the children of Israel.  God protects His people and moves them to a fertile land where there is plenty of grain.  Please read it and then ask yourself this question. What would the outcome of this story been if Joseph was never sold into slavery?  How would Jacob and his family survived the famine? Remember, reading Gen. 50:19-21, Joseph told his brothers,..."you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive".

Review your past.  Have you ever had a hardship that moved you in a different direction which you are now thankful?  There are many examples I could use, but this one comes to mind.  Walt Disney was told he was not creative, and I also read where he went bankrupt. But going through this he developed the courage and persistence he needed to make his dreams come true.  Have you ever been to Disney World?  Would we have it today if Walt Disney hadn't experienced hard times to shift him in a different direction?

Would we have religious freedom in this country today if our forefathers had not experienced hardship?  Does God care about us? Do you seek God more,when you are unemployed, sick, broke, have family problems, etc. or when you have a nice job, money in the bank, perfect health, and no problems?

The time is now with no margin for error.  When I looked into the eyes of my youngest grandchild today,  I realized I needed to open that door of opportunity that God is giving us today.  I can only open it by faith in Him and not faith in politicians or anyone else.

You say, "well I am old and retired, I can't do anything".  As Christians living in this great country there are many things we can do. First, go to Psalms 51:10-13, humble yourself, and read vs 10 desiring more than anything ever in your life for God to create in you a clean heart. Second, go read verse 13 and have the desire to accomplish what this says, to teach others God's ways.

Next, as Christians let's make it a point for the world to see how Christians are to live.  Let's be thankful for the trials we are now experiencing.  If we do not act now, the eyes of my little grandson, in thirty years, will not be seeing the freedom to worship God in this country.  Some other group will be controlling what is said or done.  Freedom will be something he talks about his grandfather having when he was growing up.  This does not need to happen!

God is trying to wake this great nation up.  God and we can do it, not the world.  The world is trying to move us away from God. In Psalms 119:67 "Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep your word"and vs. 68 "You are good, and do good; teach me your statutes".  Then in vs. 71, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted, That I may learn your statutes".(NKJV)

God wants us to follow Him.  He is giving us this trial to wake us up.  Let's wake up, encourage one another, and pray to God like we never have before.  Show courage not fear, faith not doubt.  If I had not been going through some trying times, I probably never would have started this blog. I do not know if you are enjoying reading this or not,but it has been a great help to me. I hope you are reading the scriptures that I use.  They give me hope.

I want to say something that I have mentioned before.  People are hurting and we need God.  With all the bad news we are having, what am I doing, and what are you doing? Everyone, search for your God given talents and have the courage to us them. We have "No Margin for Error".

I hope this encourages you to have courage and faith. Please let me know your comments at or call me 731-796-6414.

I hope you have a good day!

Rick Hepler

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Guaranteed Coon Dog

"Arkansas Straight Cooners" is what the ad said in Field and Stream magazine. When I was a freshman in high school, every day in study hall I would look at the ad and dream about having a good coon dog. I loved "coon huntin".  The ad said, for only $40, they would send you the dog that you describes.More importantly,  they guaranteed the dog would tree coons. If I was not satisfied with the dog, they would send me another one. The only thing standing in the way of my having a good coon dog was $40.  I can't remember exactly where I got the money, but I did. I enthusiastically mailed the money, the ad, and my description of the dog I wanted.

The first thing mother said when I got off the school bus one afternoon was, "They called from the train station in Fulton, your dog is here".  I cannot describe how excited I was.  Mother, my brothers, and I loaded up in the car headed for Fulton. We were all excited.

She was a healthy Black and Tan coon hound just like I ordered. They had shipped her in a very sturdy wooden crate. We decided to wait until we got back home to remove her out of the crate. We loaded the crate in the back seat of the car and headed home.  The one thing that disappointed us was, it cost $37.50 shipping charges, which would come back to haunt me.

The night was perfect.  My dad and I got Julie, what I named my coon dog, out of the truck. We were in Neil Roach's woods just down the road from where we lived.  We had given Julie a couple of days rest to recuperate from her trip.  Boy, she sure was pretty and very healthy looking.  After being in the woods for about thirty minutes, we stopped to listen if Julie was on the trail of a coon. I called out to encourage her. I just knew in a few minutes she would be on the trail of a coon. Dad felt something bump his leg. Julie had run into him when he stopped.  She had been following us the whole time.  My heart sank. What was wrong? She didn't look sick.  I told dad that maybe if we shined a coon and carried her to the tree she would start hunting.  Well, it wasn't long before dad shined a coon.  I coaxed Julie to go to the tree. All she would do was look at me.  I told dad to shoot the coon and maybe that would excite her after she saw the coon hit the ground.  He did, and we spent the rest of the night looking for Julie, my Arkansas, guaranteed, straight cooner. It was guaranteed, she was gun shy.

We finally got home.  I hurriedly looked for my Field and Stream magazine.  There it was plain as day "100% guaranteed". If not satisfied we will send you another dog.  This was reassuring until I kept reading. The small print that followed, even at my young age, told me I had been taken. The small print read, "Buyer incurs all transportation cost to and from our kennels".  I remembered the $37.50. I was stuck with no way of redeeming myself from the laughter of our neighbors and my friends.

I still wanted a coon dog so badly. I talked to some local hunters that I saw every day at Mr. Shaw's store. One sold me his dog, but before I cautiously sealed the deal, he brought his dog over to a tree and said, "Get im". This dog started barking and even tried to climb the tree. This was broad daylight. There was not a coon in the tree, but I liked his enthusiasm. I bought him and carried him out that night. No one ever told me that a coon dog would lie to you.  Every tree we came to that lying dog would bark.

I learned, at a young age, some people would deceive you and lie to you.

I am thankful that I do have something that is guaranteed to be true.  This is God's word. God has given it to us, and it is the truth because it is impossible for God to lie. (Read Titus1:2 and Hebrews 6:18) God's truth is a truth that will set us free. (John 8:32) God even tells us to use this truth to fight the devil.(Eph.6:14)

God also warns us about the devil and his lies. (John 8:44)  He also says Satan himself can transform himself into an angel of light.(2 Cor. 11:13-14)

Everyone of us at sometime or other have been lied to or deceived, which leads us to check the details more closely in our earthly matters. But what about spiritual matters, are we cautious with these also? Remember, Satan can appear as an angel of light. He can deceive us if we don't know the truth.  That 's why in Eph. 6:14, we are told to gird our waist with truth. 

Yes, the truth can set us free and can also save us money, $77.50 to be exact. As we live God's truth in this life we will still have heartaches and trials, but we have that home in heaven guaranteed and without any shipping charges.  Christ has us covered. He paid it all.

Please comment at  If you want me to send this to any of your friends and family please email theirs names and e-mail address.

Have a good day!

Rick Hepler

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Lesson From Betsy The Cow

My grandfather said he would sell her for $4.00.  She was a 3 or 4 day old, half Angus-half Holstein, heifer calf. I paid $2.00 for half, and my brother, Randy paid the other $2.00. We were to feed and care for her until she got big enough to sell. She became a pet and followed us around like a puppy.  I named her Betsy.  Yes, I know my youngest daughter's name is Betsi, but you noticed the names are spelled differently.

When kids at school found out that Betsi's dad had a cow one time named Betsy, you can imagine the grief she received.  I told Betsi I did not name her after a cow and the names were not spelled the same. 

Betsy, the cow, was not only a cow she was my friend.  She would follow me around just like my dog, Poochy. As a matter of fact when she got big enough to sell, I talked Randy in to keeping her. After Randy lost interest in Betsy, I bought Randy's half. She started producing calves. I would sell the steer calves and keep the heifer calves. From Betsy, I acquired a nice little herd of mixed beef cattle.

In 1975, I had met the girl of my dreams, Debbie.  I had ask her to marry me,and she said yes. I wanted to purchase her an engagement ring. I went to the bank where I had borrowed money since I was nine years old, they turned me down for the amount I was asking. They wanted me to buy a cheaper ring. I had already seen the ring I wanted to give my beloved, so left wondering how I was going to get the money for the ring. It occurred to me on the way home that I had 16 head of cattle, which I had plan to sell soon anyway.

Selling Betsy's calves was never a problem, but the reality that she was going to be sold was sad. She had been my friend, and if you can love cows, I guess I loved her. Betsy had done what cows do. They have calves for the purpose of farmers selling them. She fulfilled her purpose better than any cow.  She was not just a cow. She was Betsy. (Do you think subconsciously, I did name my daughter after a cow?)

My $2.00 investment from years ago was now going to enable me to put a ring on the finger of a girl I loved. This girl has not only been my wife for thirty five years, but also my friend.  Betsy had a purpose, and she fulfilled it.

Did you know we were bought with a price?(1 Cor.6:20 and 1Cor.7:23) What was that price? It was not cheap. Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.(Rom. 5:8)  The price was the death of the Son of God.

When we accept Jesus as our saviour, confess Him before men, repent and are buried with Him in baptism, we put on Christ.  In doing so, we become Christians.  What do we then do as Christians?  We live like Christ and glorify God in our body. Read the latter part of 1Cor. 6:20. It says, "therefore glorify God in your body." Read  Matt. 5:14-16. Christ calls his disciples,"the light of the world".  What do we do with that light? We let it shine before men, so they can see our good works (The works that Christians do) and glorify your Father in heaven. What does that mean? Christ showed us how to live, the Holy Spirit inspired men to write how God wants us to live,and in living like Christ we give people in the world a view of God.

How important is it? Do you think everyone in your community reads God's word before they go to bed at night? I'll agree with you.The answer is no. Are children in homes today taught who God is, and that he is a God of love and mercy? Not many.

So if people are not reading God's word, not teaching their children about Him, and never attend a church service, how are they ever going to know about God? The answer (read slowly), when our main purpose as Christians is to do the works that glorify our Father in heaven.  Well Rick, you might say, that is a works based approach.  No, it is not.  Remember, the price has been paid not by our works but by Christ's death.

Betsy, the cow, did what cows do. In doing so, she fulfilled a purpose for me.  If I am a Christian, I do what a Christian does.  Betsy didn't just wear the name cow.  She did the main thing a cow does.  If she didn't have the calves I would never had the money for the ring.  Again, she was a very good cow by what she did.

Many in this country wear the name Christian.  Do we do what Christians do? Read Gal. 5:22. These are some of the qualities, if we exhibit them in our lives every day, will show God living in us and bring glory to Him.

If I show love to everyone, even my enemies, will I be seen as different? What about living a life of joy, peace, and goodness? Will my co-workers and friends notice? I show long suffering to someone that is having a problem along with kindness and gentleness, in doing so, will I make a difference in their life?  Here's a hard one. What would they say if we showed self control in any situation? Don't forget this one, if I forgive as God forgives, will they be encouraged? 

God has given each of His children a talent.  As His children, He wants us to use our talents to manifest who He is to the world. Do you wear the name? Do your peers see you doing what the name suggest?

Remember cows do what cows do, baseball players do what baseball players do, you fill in...........does what........... do, and Christians do what Christians do.

If I wake up every morning in this fallen world trusting in God and passionately living the Christian life,  my light will shine, they will see my good works, and in doing so, I will glorify my Father in heaven.

No matter how bad it gets. Let us all brighten someones life today.

Please send comments to me at

Rick Hepler

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unnoticed Love

The older I become, the more I realize that I have let the love shown to me in the past go unnoticed. I guess our present economic conditions and seeing how hard it is now, to make the financial ends meet in raising children, has gotten me to thinking.  The new ball glove that I received, the new suit on Easter, the new school clothes all came to me from mother and dad with a sacrifice.  I did not see it then, but now I realize mother probably postponed buying her new shoes and dad probably continued wearing the same suit. Mother spent endless hours waiting on me at ball practice.  When I was in high school, dad took one of the cars to work, and mother stayed home letting me take the other car to school.  We lived in the country, and she was stuck at home all day without a way to go.  This is unheard of now.

I understand now, if I went somewhere special, mother or dad probably went without something so I could go. Dad worked at night so mother went to all of my football games. The stress and sleepless nights they endured I only now realize.  I wonder what they went without, so we could enjoy a good Christmas every year. I know now they have mentioned my name in prayer over and over throughout the years. Many go a lifetime without anyone ever mentioning their name in prayer. 

What was unnoticed as a child is now acknowledged. The love that I have for my children shows me the love mother and dad have for me. Their love hasn't changed, I am just mature enough to see it now. I also can look back at their unnoticed love and cherish it today.

I also see all those years that God's love went unnoticed.  The many years I was trying to get everything together with my job, family, and other things, I let God's love for me go unnoticed.  I would always question when things got tough where He was, or why was I going through trials in the first place.

When I started counting the blessings He has given me, I began recognizing the unnoticed love of years past.  He blessed me with a beautiful wife and two beautiful, healthy daughters. I live in the best country in the world. I have freedom.  I have been taught His word. He gave me two loving parents to raise me .
I was not born in a country that does not believe in God, which is a great blessing. No matter what happens in this life I know if I remain faithful to Him, I will one day be with Him in heaven for all eternity.

God demonstrated His love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:8)  There is not anything created that can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 8:39) Do we understand what He said? Nothing, nothing, nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Mother and dad sacrificed for me, so I could have a comfortable loving home when I was a child.  God has sacrificed His son Jesus, so I can have a comfortable home with Him when I leave this life.

I show my parents my love for them by, living right, helping them without them asking, and calling them every day. It is not a task to do these things for them. I show God that I love Him by keeping His commandments, studying His word, and praying to Him everyday. (Read 1John 5:3) God knows I love Him when I desire to live like Christ.

Today, do you have any unnoticed love in your past?  Did you notice this morning the sun is still shining?  Do you know God loves you? Did you know that He wants you to be with Him forever, and He has even made a plan for you to obey, to get there?  You can be going through all kinds of trials, but He doesn't plan for you to have those trials forever. Remember, and I will too, this life is a second compared to eternity. This life will pass.

As you read this, put everything in your life on a shelf for a moment, and reflect on the unnoticed love you have received from God and loved ones. Now, from this moment forward change it from unnoticed to noticed.

Please send your comments to .  Believe me, your comments do not go "unnoticed".

Have a great day!

Rick Hepler

Monday, July 25, 2011

We Needed Hot Water

In the summer of 1971, I worked at a local meat packing plant, Reelfoot Packing Company, on the night cleanup crew. I helped clean the bacon department and anywhere else I was needed. Looking back I really enjoyed it, even though the work was long hours and sometimes kind of nasty. (I only had to clean the blood pit once.)

The night cleanup crew was responsible for cleaning everything. We had to pick up meat scraps, clean processing machines, and get grease off the floor. Everything had to be clean before they could process meat the next day. USDA inspectors would make sure every machine, floor, and anything that touched meat was clean.  If they found any meat from the previous day on the floor or in a machine, they would tag it and no one could begin work until it was cleaned again. Our job was to make sure everything was cleaned right the first time.

Most of my time on the job was holding a large, white, heavy duty water hose.  We had to have hot water to cut the grease on the floors and on the stainless steel equipment. Cold water or even warm (lukewarm) would not work. The water had to be almost boiling hot to remove the grease.

Some nights when we came to work the water was cold.  All we had to do was tell a maintenance man and he would turn the boiler up to get us hot water.  On nights that the water was warm (lukewarm) we would tell them and they may or may not turn the boiler up. They thought if the water was a little warm it was good enough. Well, we needed hot, boiling hot, water.

I worked with a very good friend of my family, Mr. Andrew Gray. He was an older man that had worked for Reelfoot several years.  He trained me to do the job I was doing. He had been working there long enough to know "the ropes".  I remember the first night the water was just lukewarm.  Mr. Gray told a maintenance man that we needed hot water to do our job.  Several minutes past.  Still no hot water.

So, Mr. Gray goes to the boiler room and checks the gauges. They still were not set to give us hotter water. He turns the heat up. After a few minutes, the water was so hot, steam was coming out of the water hose. The job of cleaning the grease up had just been made easier. All we needed was a good man to turn the heat up. Any time after that if the water was just warm, I would go get Mr. Gray. He would know what to do.

Lukewarm-- moderately warm : lacking conviction: halfhearted (Webster's Dictionary)  By this definition, many activities in this life do not need to be attempted lukewarmly. 

I am going to use professional football as an example. Players for the NFL did not get on the team by playing halfheartedly.They have to give it their all everyday. In practice they diligently run through every situation that may come up in a game, to the finest detail. Defense and offense have studied the opposing teams down to the minute details.

Why do they do all of this study, practice and preparation for just a game. They want to win!. Also, would fans pay the money for a ticket or purchase souvenirs of halfhearted players? It is big business and they expect the players to be on fire in their playing. We expect it of them.

Now let's make a huge shift in our thinking. We do not tolerate lukewarmness in our entertainment and sports, but we do tolerate it in the most important area of life today, "Christian living". 

Can I be the salt of the earth that Christ wants me to be by living a lukewarm Christian life?   What does Christ say about being lukewarm?  Read Revelations chapter 3:16. Remember, He is talking about Christians. After reading this, I do not want to be lukewarm.

What makes me lukewarm in my Christian walk?  The cares of this world, and I have plenty, can consume all of my thinking and attention.  Also, being attracted to the material things of this world.  Many times I grow weary, and if I am not careful take my eye off the prize.

Sometimes, I need someone to turn the boiler up and get the water hot.  Christ is that one. He did not come to this earth to show us how to be lukewarm.  Satan does that , and by the way, he is pleased with us if we are in that spiritual position. Christ has shown us how to live and also how to love.  Studying God's word and reading His promises should encourage us to be on fire for Him.  Praying without ceasing also keeps us focused.

I  have to ask these questions. If I live a lukewarm Christian life, will my children and grandchildren do the same? What good will I be to the cause of Christ? Can I fight sin in my life and the world , halfheartedly?
Did our great country become, morally, the way it is today by Christians being lukewarm or on fire?

Remember, lukewarm water will not cut the grease.  We need to send someone to turn the boiler up.

Let's live the Christian life to the fullest each day, to win that crown of life.  (Jas. 1:12)

Send comments to me at .


Rick Hepler

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Substitute

 Substitute: a person or thing that takes the place of another. (Webster's dictionary)

When I was in the eighth grade at Hickman Elementary School, I was on the basketball team. We had a good team and a winning season. We did not lose a game. But, the only time I got to play was when we were way ahead.  You see, I was a substitute and was not as good as or tall as the first string players. The coach never put me in a close game, nor did the fans cheer for me as they did the main players.  My cousin, Tommy Hepler, was one of our star players. I thought he was our best player.  In a critical tournament game, Tommy scored 15 points. The only time I ever received any recognition was a mistake. When our weekly hometown paper came out, it had on the front page, Rickey Hepler scored 15 points in tournament.  Everyone was laughing.  If I remember correctly, I never got off the bench.

In this life we are bombarded with substitutes.  When our favorite players get hurt, a substitute goes in for them. We also have sugar substitutes, substitute teachers, and on and on. You could probably make a long list of substitutes and usually we had rather have the original player, sugar, or even teacher than the "subs".

One substitute needs not only our attention, but we have to have Him.  He is the only substitute, that I know of, that is better than the one He is substituting for. We had to have this substitute because God is a just God, and he has a spiritual law in place. Sin will be punished. 

 If we die in our sins, we will go to the place prepared for the devil and his angels.(Matt. 25:41) Have we sinned?  All have sinned. (Rom. 3:23)  God didn't even spare the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell. (2Pet. 2:4) We cannot achieve the righteousness which God requires alone.

We have as our substitute, Jesus Christ. He is our High Priest and was tempted as we are, yet without sin.(Heb.4:14-15)  Christ died for the ungodly. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  He was that perfect, sinless, spotless sacrifice God demanded. A sacrifice we could not give.

Today, the blood that Jesus shed on the cross continually cleanses us, if we walk in His light.( 1John 1:5-7)
I want you to slowly read  Hebrews 2:2-3. How can we not obey Christ and neglect such a great salvation?

God's wrath against sin is so horrible that even the the devils tremble at His name. (James 2:19)  He created man in His image. Satan and his angels rebelled against God. God has prepared a place for them in everlasting torment and also man, if he dies in his sins.  They have no SUBSTITUTE,  but man does, Jesus Christ.  God loves us so much that he sent His Son to live among us, to overcome the temptations we have, and to die on a cruel cross as our perfect, sinless sacrifice.  I want to ask you. How badly does God want to keep us out of hell?  Think about it. Would you give your son or daughter as a substitute to die for anyone?

The economy is terrible, and people are afraid of losing everything. The good news is (The Gospel) we have One who died in our stead (Substitute), and He has gone to prepare a better place for us for all eternity.  All we have to do is believe in Him and obey His commandments. I do not know of anything in my lifetime I have been offered any better than this. Have you?

Many are in debt today and having a hard time meeting their payments.  If someone came and paid all of your debts, how would you feel?  God has offered us eternity with Him in Heaven. Remember His Son Jesus, our substitute, paid our debt with His Life. Will you go to church this Sunday and worship Him?

I hope this gives you some encouragement.  Where you and I spend eternity is left up to us. I hope Christ did not die in vain for us.

Comments welcomed at


Rick Hepler

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Fruit Called Kindness

 When I was growing up, I could not wait until I could join the 4-H Club.  In the 4-H Club you could have projects that would teach you responsibility.  For my project each year I chose feeding calves, to show and to sell.  In doing so I had to borrow the money to purchase the calves and make a deal with the feed company to purchase my feed on credit, until I sold my calves in the fall. My calves were usually Black Angus steers.  They had to be fed and watered twice a day and their general health and well being looked after. This taught me responsibility that I still use today.

In September of each year we would have a show and sale of our calves.  The steers weights would range from 750 to 1200 pounds. In order to show and sell them they had to be broke to lead and could not be wild. I was good at breaking them to lead, washing and preparing them for showing and finally leading them in the ring before the judges. I even won a few showmanship awards.

I remember breaking them to lead.  I had a certain way I would do this. First, the steers were usually a little wild and would not let me get near them, much less put a halter on them.  The way I did it was to show them some kindness from a distance.  I had a long pole with a curry comb wired on the end of it. I would get them in the barn and slowly start scratching their backs with that comb. 

When they got still enough for me to start scratching their backs, they started liking it.  Each day I would get closer and closer to them.  Eventually, I could do away with the long pole and just walk up slowly to them with a brush and start brushing them. 

Next, I would put a rope halter on them and let them drag the rope. When they stepped on the rope they would have to stop, then later I would tie them to a rail so they would learn that they could not get away when there was resistance on the rope.  I was kind and gentle with them and they knew I would not harm them. With their submission, I could wash them, practice grooming them for the show, and do a better job of caring for them.

Sometimes, God shows us kindness from a distance to get close to us.  In a world that is so fast paced, we do not slow down long enough to see His kindness.  He gives us a beautiful sunrise to start the day. For those who do not rise early, He also gives a beautiful glowing sunset.  The smells of spring after a long cold winter are welcomed by us, but we may never thank Him for this.  Many may not even acknowledge that He created the beautiful shade trees that we sit under, to cool ourselves, on a summer day.

If we run away from Him, as my calves ran from me at first, we will never experience the peace that he offers that passes all understanding. If we begin to recognize His kindness, we will allow Him to come closer. When we desire to get close to Him, we will submit to His commandments and allow Him to mold us in a way that we can serve Him better. We will then have that peace, even when we are experiencing trials in our lives.

Kindness is included in the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Gal. 5:22 . We can use this kindness to get close to people and in turn get them closer to God.  Remember Christ was kind to people. He healed and fed them to get them to see God living in Him. 

Do people know you are a Christian? Are you kind to people? More importantly, do you want to be kind to people? Today in our communities people need, more than ever before, to see kindness.  I know I need it shown to me.  When we are kind to one another, we with God's help can survive any storm Satan may send our way.

Let's, tomorrow, use the fruit of the Spirit, kindness, even if we have to do it from a distance, and see if we can make someone's day brighter.

You, the readers of this blog, are so kind to me. You are patient as I work on improving my writing skills and for that I am very grateful.

Please send any comments to  .

Thank you,

Rick Hepler

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dispelling Darkness

I think the time was in the summer of  1964. My birthday was falling on a weekend and my dad promised to take me camping with all of my friends. My grandfather let us have his old, large, army tent.  I had several of my friends coming and we were all excited.  We were going to set up camp, at the back of my uncle James' farm, on a cliff over looking Reelfoot Creek. 

Of course my little brother, Randy, had to be there also, which wasn't too bad because we did everything together anyway, even though I was four years older.  Randy was also friends with most of my friends.

Well, we set up camp and had a fine fire started.  I believe we cooked hot dogs. We were all having a good time playing. It was getting late and dad said we needed to get in the tent and start trying to go to sleep.  Dad left the tent flap open so the light of the fire would shine in the tent. 

Everyone finally got settled down and off to sleep.  We were all sleeping next to each other in sleeping bags. The tent had a long pole in the middle holding it up. Randy was sleeping right behind the pole.

After about two hours of sleeping, the wind blew and closed the flap of the tent. It was pitch dark in the tent, and that was ok, until Randy was awaken by the pure darkness.  He jumped up screaming, "I can't breathe, I can't breathe". He started running around trying to get out of the tent but kept hitting the pole which caused the tent to shake and he was stepping on everyone.  All of us were yelling and screaming like a bunch of little girls. Finally, someone found the opening to the tent and opened it up. Randy saw that light from the fire and he was like a bug hugging a summer night porch light. He ran and sat by the fire gasping for breath.  The darkness had just terrified him. He may still be afraid of the dark today. I know he is afraid of mice.

Many people are afraid of the dark. Some will not walk down a dark ally at night. Others do not like to come home and walk into a dark house.  Many sleep with night lights.  Just a small light can give comfort to those who are afraid. We are conditioned from childhood that bad things can happen in the dark.  Also, we can't live in darkness. We have to have light to function as well as plants. They must have light to grow.

Now, let's talk about another light we need.  In 1John 1:5 we read that, "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all". That light is a moral goodness, love, and full of purity and truth. In Eph. 5:8 Paul says, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, walk as children of light" and in vs.11 he says, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them".  In vs 14 he says that Christ will give us light. Paul says in Phil. 2:14-15, "Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world."  Christ in His sermon on the mount was preparing His disciples for a great work in a world of darkness. He knew that they would need to have courage and be in obedience to God to carry out their mission.  In Matthew 5:14-16 Christ is encouraging them  by telling them "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven".(NKJV)

The early Christians had such a strong faith in God that they let their light shine, even in the face of fatal persecution for them and their loved ones. They believed that being a Christian was letting the light of God shine through them to dispel the moral darkness of their world.

Now, let's talk about us. Is there a moral darkness hovering over our land today? Has the tent flap fallen, causing the tent to be pitch dark?  Do we in this country kill babies before they are born so the mother can still have her independence or to not have a financial difficulty?  Do we spend billions of dollars each year advertising a drink that kills or injures thousands of innocent people each year? Do we teach our children that life evolved without a creator other than being created from a loving God? How many children in our country tonight will go to bed and not have both parents there to tuck them in and kiss them good night?
I am sure you can name other things but this is dark enough.  There is NO LIGHT IN THIS.  The tent is completely dark and everyone is still asleep.

I say I am a Christian. My light has at times been hidden or weak. Jesus wants me to let it shine. (Remember the song.) Even a candle, if it is not hidden under a basket, dispels some darkness.  Just think, if I put my candle with all of your candles, how much darkness together we could dispel. Remember, our light is not a militant light. It does not use force. It uses the love of a Heavenly Father and the fruits of His Spirit.

If I live a Christ like life, and live every day loving God with all my being, and also love my neighbor as my self,  I AM GOING TO RUN SOME DARKNESS OUT OF TOWN, because if the world can see God living in me the way He wants to be seen, those living in darkness will be like my brother, Randy, wanting to get out of that dark tent and run to the light.

I am removing my basket and getting a bigger candle.  If you think it is a good idea to put our candles together, send me your comments to I know I need to do a better job shining and that is my plan. You may already be shining, but if not, let's shine our lights for God together and in doing so glorify our Father in Heaven.

Have a good day!
Rick Hepler

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Blue Mud"

The summer had been very dry and most of the farm ponds had dried up.  One late summer afternoon my brother, Randy, and I  were trying to find something to do.  We decided to walk to one of the farm ponds to see how low the water was. Well this pond was dry. The surface was all cracked and crusted over.  We decided, and to this day I do not know why, to walk through the middle of it.

 I was the oldest, so I started walking first toward the middle of the pond and  as I got closer to the middle I started sinking.  I told Randy to stop and turn around and get out.  Well, he didn't listen and kept on following me. I finally got out , but Randy got stuck. He could hardly move and every time he did, he would sink a little more. It was that old smelly blue mud, as we used to call it. He was in mud up to his waist and still sinking.  I could not think of anything else to do. Randy and I had been in tight spots before, but this one was getting serious. As bad as I dreaded it, I had to go get our dad.

I ran all the way home wondering if Randy would be under the mud when I got back and also what kind of punishment I would be getting for doing something so stupid and dangerous.  Well, I was out of breath when I told mother and dad the situation.  My dad told me to go get the tractor and bring it to the pond. The tractor was down the road at my uncle's house.  I ran as hard as I could and had already kinda started to tear up, because I didn't think I would get back in time. All I could think of was Randy buried under that blue mud.

I got the tractor started and had it going as fast as it would go. Then, with great relief, I saw Randy and dad coming down the road.  As I got closer I could see that Randy was alright, but he and  my dad had mud all over them.  For a split second I started to laugh but then I saw my dad's clothes, all muddy. He had on his church clothes.  I had forgotten that it was Wednesday. Instead of being at the pond, we should have been getting ready for church.  Looking down at dad's good shoes covered with blue mud made me sick.  I knew then I was really going to get it.

I talked to Randy  about this today, because I could not remember getting punished for this.  He said we didn't.  All dad did was take us to the utility room. He made us take our clothes off and washed us down. He said dad was too scared to do anything to us.  We both had a good laugh about it. But, I realize if dad hadn't been home, Randy would not be here today and a happy memory we have today could have been a very painful one.

We all, at some point in our life, get stuck in "blue mud".  The problems we have tend to grow and make us feel as if we are sinking and can't breath.  The help from others is needed, at times, to get us unstuck. We have many in our communities now that are having hard times. 

In our country today, we have walked on a dry looking pond like Randy and I did only to start sinking in "blue mud'.  We are up to our chest and can't get out by ourselves.  Someone, go get our father, our Heavenly Father that is.  He will get us out if we let Him.

As a nation, we need to come together as never before. As Christians, we need to pray to our Heavenly Father as never before and also put all of our trust in Him.  If we humble ourselves, He will lift us up.

Read: 1Thess. 5:17; Prov. 3:5-6 and Jas. 4:10 . Have a good day!

Please send any comments to

Rick Hepler

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Two Requests

Requests, either receiving them or making them, are a part of everyday life.  Count how may times a day your grandchildren make requests to you.  When ours are with us, it seems like we get a request to do something every 10 minutes, and usually we request them to do something before we fulfill their request.

Some requests we make are very important and some only small. No matter, how large or small, we would like for them to be fulfilled.  Sometimes our livelihood depends on it.

I know of two requests that I have read about,which I hope you, nor I never have to make.  Those two requests are recorded in Luke chapter 16:23-31. The first one is for Father Abraham to send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool the tongue of the Rich man that is in torment.  Remember, the poor man, Lazarus died and is carried away by angels to Paradise in Hades and the rich man died and is in torments in Hades.  The torment is so great that the rich man just wants some relief for just a moment.

Some do not believe when a man dies, outside the life God wants him to live, he will go to a place of torment.  In my Bible, Christ strictly warns that it can happen and this is the case of the rich man.  You notice in reading that his request is turned down. Father Abraham even tells him a great gulf separates them, and they cannot come to him nor can he go to them.  He is in the place of torment forever.

I try to imagine how he feels.  The torment would be bad, but the thought of being there with no hope of ever leaving is worse. I tremble to think of it.  Knowing how terrible it was, I would definitely not want any of my loved ones joining me. These thoughts also came to the rich man.  He remembered  that he had five brothers living the same lifestyle as he had lived on earth.  He knew they were bound for this same place which caused his second request.

Then he said, "I beg you therefore, father,that you would send him to my father's house, 'for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment."  ...(NKJV) 

Being in torment was bad enough, but he knew his loved ones would follow.  Don't you think he has had many days wishing he had lived the way God wanted and that would have influenced his five brothers to live for the Lord.  Imagine you are in torment and you see your adult child or grandchild join you someday.  Then knowing for all eternity that YOU were the reason they are there with you. The way you lived your live on earth, they picked up on, and lived the same way.

Now, how do you feel?  What do you want to do?  The rich man wanted Lazarus to be sent back from the dead and warn his brothers.  Abraham said that if they would not hear Moses and the prophets they would not hear one who was raised from the dead.  If you were dead, who would your children or grandchildren listen to?  Who on this earth now would you want to send to teach them?

Jesus said to his disciples and to us  in Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (NKJV) You notice this command was given to His disciples then and now. No one will be coming back from the dead. It is our responsibility, as Christ's disciples, to carry out this great commission. Does Christ's great commission to His disciples have greater meaning to you now?

Who really is the best to teach your children and loved ones the Gospel?  Don't you think you might be that person? You make sure you are following Christ and His teachings, and they will see it in your life. Examine what you place first in your life because they probably will do the same. Oh, they may already be doing it. Look at their lives. Are they living Christ like or like today's world?  Remember, the rich man's brothers where living as he did. This was what concerned him.

Our places in eternity are decided on  how we follow God today.  Now, which place are you headed to after this life and who are you carrying with you?

Please, think about this and have a good day.  Please pass on to others and also send me a comment.   All comments will remain private.

Rick Hepler

Friday, July 15, 2011

Greater The Fear - Less The Faith

I have to confess to you.  Last night I went to bed at 9:30.  I never go to bed that early, usually it is 11:30 or 12:00. This is not what I want to confess.  For the first time in a long, long time, I went to bed with fear in my heart.  Why? For a moment, I took my focus off of who is really in control and what matters most in this life.

When was mankind introduced to fear?  When he took his mind off God and let sin enter the world by his disobedience.  In Genesis chapter 3:7-11 God asked Adam, "where are you?" and Adam said, "I heard your voice and was afraid". Why was he afraid? He had sinned and saw himself naked before God. 

The only fear that God wants us to have is to fear Him.  Ecclesiastes 12:13 " Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all";  Psalms 111:10 " the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"; Isaiah 8:13 "The Lord of host, Him you shall hallow; let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread."; Matthew 10:28 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."; in verse 31 Christ says ,"Do not fear ..."  and in Hebrews 13:6 "So we may boldly say", "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (all verses are taken from the NKJV)

There are many more passages we could look at, but these are enough to make a point. Should we fear anything other than God?  Which do Americans fear more today, what's happening to their material possessions or God?  I only hear the news media talking about the economy and upcoming election. The only time I hear God mentioned by the news media is in a negative way.  No wonder we are having problems.

I remember one time when one of my daughter's was learning how to swim.  I told her to jump in the water, and I would catch her.  She would not do it because her fear was greater than her faith in me catching her.  Remember the story when God tested Abraham in Genesis chapter 22. God told him to take his only son Issac and offer him as a burnt offering to Him.  Abraham's faith in God was stronger than the fear he had of losing his son. Not only did God know how strong Abraham's faith was, but Abraham also knew.  Then we have in the the book of Luke chapter 22 Peter told Jesus he was ready to go with Him to prison and even to death. Peter thought that he had a strong faith. When they carried Jesus away Peter followed at a distance.  He warmed himself in the courtyard by the fires of the world. When they accused Peter of being with Jesus, he denied him three times.  Peter's fear of the world was stronger than his faith in his Lord.

God is our creator, He is sovereign, and He is definitely in control.  We as Christians need to never forget this.  We do not need to dishonour Him by fearing what man can do to us over fearing Him.  We please Him when we have faith. (Hebrews 11:6)  Satan tries to weaken our faith by increasing our fears.

One very important scripture, that was brought to my attention today, is found in John 17:23, in the later part of the verse, Jesus says to the father, "You have loved them as You have loved Me".  Do you realize what He said? God loves you and me just as much as He loves His Son.  Does this not make your faith in our heavenly Father greater than any worldly fear you might have today?

We are Christians. Let us not fear. God loves us and I trust that He will also take care of us.  God told Joshua in Joshua chapter 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go". 

God is stronger and more powerful than anything Satan can do to us. Let us trust Him, get this country respecting and fearing Him again, and sleep good tonight knowing He loves us.  May your faith always be stronger than your fear.

I hope this helps you increase your faith and conquer any fears this world may send your way.  Please pass on to others  and send your comments to  .

Thanks and have a good day!

Rick Hepler

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Communication Today

Growing up we lived  on the KY-TN state line. We lived in Ky but had a TN telephone, which caused a problem for me. All of my classmates had a Kentucky phone and to call them would have been "Long Distance". It was unheard of for my family to make a long distance phone call unless it was a matter of life or death.  The risk for me at the time was, if I wanted a date with a classmate, I would have to risk a long distance phone call to ask a girl out.  If she said yes, I would have a few days to explain to my parents about the call. I figured going out on a date would take the pain out of any punishment I might receive for the call. But if she said no, I could not handle both rejection and explaining a useless "long distance" phone call. So, I found a solution.

I had a cousin that lived in Union City, TN.  One night while sitting on the car outside the Dairy Queen in Union City, my cousin introduced me to some Union City girls and a few even said that I could call them.
YES, YES, YES they had phone numbers that I could call without it being "LONG DISTANCE".  My problem was solved.  I did start dating a girl from Union City which then caused another problem .  We had a party line. Now to you young folks it is not what you think. Having a party didn't have anything to do with it. Just so you can understand this, it was like having a hacker on your computer, not really, but that is the closest I can come to explaining it.  You see, we had neighbors that shared the same phone line. If you were talking to someone and a neighbor picked up, the polite thing for them to do was immediately hang up.  Some were not so polite.  For example, my uncle James would always try to listen to my conversations.  So, I again came up with another bright idea. I would call around 11:00 PM. No one in the neighborhood would be awake at that time of night.  So I did, and it worked perfectly until one night.

We only had one phone in the house. It was in the hallway on a desk. One night I was really tired, but I wanted to talk to my girlfriend. Same routine as before, I called her around 11:00PM.  I was all comfortable, leaning back in a kitchen chair, then it happened.  I went to sleep and fell out of the chair. The noise was so loud that my hard of hearing dad jumped up out of bed. It liked to have scared my parents to death.  So my calling late at night was ended. I was back to the old time face to face line of communication.

Communication today is unbelievable.  We can communicate all over the world in seconds for pennies in cost. With cell phones, facebook, twitter, emails, web cams and numerous others, we can be as close to each other as we want to be. No more party lines. People do not even care about other people seeing what they have to say. Even their family pictures are posted for all of the world to see, whether you want to see them or not. Texting seems better, for many, than face to face or even "voice to voice".  Serious problems are now discussed by these modern forms of communications instead of the face to face old time discussions.  I don't know where all of this will lead our society.

One form of communication that I have been leading up to, some may think is antiquated, is communication with God. God inspired holy men, with His thoughts and commands, to write what we now call the Holy Bible . In the bible we see numerous examples and even commands for us today to communicate with God through reading His word  and by praying to Him. ( God's Spirit put in those men's mind what to write down. Our technology can't come close to this.)

When I email you, or if I texted you, it would be difficult for you to see my heart.  With God, when we pray, He can also see what is in our hearts.  Also, we try each day to communicate, in one of the ways above, to our friends and family daily if not hourly.  I check my email every hour to see if I have any comments from these post, messages from friends and family or my clients.  If I go a day without hearing from my loved ones, it saddens me.  Do you have that feeling?

Even with all of these different modern ways of instant communication, there is still one that is highly overlooked.

I can communicate with my heavenly Father without any internet connections, chances of being hacked, and always quicker than instant messaging.  I want you to think with me now. What will be your feelings today if you do not hear from your children or other loved ones?  You immediately wonder what has happened to them.

What about God? He has made, through His son Jesus, a way for us to approach Him instantly in prayer.  Will He wonder at the end of the day what has happened to you if He has not heard from you? He already knows. Do you? Why don't you pray to Him now and thank him for this instant avenue of prayer that He has provided for His children.

Let me hear from you at  Remember, it is not "LONG DISTANCE".

Have a great day!

Rick Hepler

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The World Means Everyone

He was very rough around the edges.  He had tatoos, long hair and to some he would probably frighten on their first impression of him. I got to know him several years ago while I was still in banking.  He came in one day and needed a small loan.  I checked him out and found that he paid his payments on time so I made the loan. Through that year I got to know him better.  He would come in sometimes to just talk. Under his rough outer crust he was a nice guy.  You know, he was about like a fried pie. You sometimes don't know what kind of pie it is until you look under the crust.

One day the opportunity came up and I invited him to go to church with me that next Sunday.  He said, "No, I can't go.  I need to try to clean my life up a little before I can go to church and besides I don't look like a church goer.  Anyway,I don't have the clothes to wear" .

This man's statement about going to church still bothers me.  Have Christians left the impression to the world that you have to be dressed up, sinless and problem free to go to church? This man did not know that God loves him just as much as he loves me.  Christians, somewhere down the line, we have missed the mark.

Let's read John 3:16 telling about God's love and who He excludes from that love. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". (NKJV)  The key word is world. That includes everyone and excludes no one.

Christians, we need to quit looking at our fellow man through our eyes and start using God's eyes. Remember whose image mankind is made in. Read Genesis 1:26. We know God hates sin but he loves the sinner. His son, Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.(Romans 5:8)

I want to give you an example using my youngest grandson, Connor, who is one year old. Let's say that his blood has something in it that cures cancer. But for the doctors to get what they need, Connor has to die.( I know this is far fetched and has been used before, but I want to make a different point.) So Connor dies and everyone that has cancer now can be cured. Now, I want to ask you a question. When I see someone with cancer am I going to tell them about the cure? But, most importantly, how much do you think that I will love them? My grandson has died for them. I am going to love them so much as if they were my grandson.

Now, when I look at anyone, I try to use God's eyes. I should love them as God does. When they see me loving them unconditionally they will see Christ living in me. Do you think that if we as Christians loved the sinner as God does, our Sunday morning worship services would have more visitors of different walks of life?  They would come to seek the love of God and also, by the way we treat them they would feel comfortable around us, even though they didn't have nice clothes to wear.

I do not condone sin and I do not believe God does either. So don't go telling that Rick Hepler says that everyone will be saved. We have to be in contact with Christ's blood to wash away our sins the same way in the example I used with my grandson. The cancer patients would have to have what came from his blood to get the cure and they would have to do something to obtain that cure. We can only have our sins washed away by the blood of Christ.

There are many people in our communities that are hurting. Christians, we need to show them a love that they have never seen. We need to be Christians like we have never seen.

This has been very hard for me to write. I want to do  "that main thing" that a Christian should do." That main thing, is "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind and next you shall love your neighbor as yourself".  You notice, the heart is first and everything else will fall into place.  I must remember that I need a saviour.

I want to live a life that on the day of my funeral the preacher will not have to tell anyone that Rick loved the Lord. I want those that will be in attendance to know also that I loved them.  What greater purpose in this life can I have?  What about you?

You and I have the rest of our life to do God's purpose for our lives. The rest of our lives may be only today. Let's do it today.

I hope you are enjoying reading this. Many are wondering why I have this blog. Well, I am in the process of writing a book and I needed to develop writing skills and the discipline to do it. The title I think will be "Christians, We need To Talk".  The title could change, but the content will still have the same theme.

Please send this to others if you enjoy reading it. Send comments of encouragement or criticism, either one I will use to help me grow. Thank you so much! Send comments to  Have a good day!

Rick Hepler

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Encouragement: Good and Bad

We all need encouragement throughout our life here on earth. Sometimes it could be the last link in the chain that pulls us over the top of the mountain of trial.  I usually get the encouragement I need from my family and friends.  I have had an enormous amount of encouragement from the readers of my blog and for that I am very grateful. Think back to a time that you didn't think you could keep going and someone said," You can do it. I am praying for you".  Do you remember the strength those words gave you at the time?

We all like and need encouragement, but how many people in a week do we encourage?  We agree that there are many people in our communities today that are suffering. Do they ever receive encouragement? Encouragement can be an act of prevention.  We all know at least one person that has taken the wrong path in their life that maybe has led to drug addiction, marital problems or have just given up.  What if before they chose the wrong path you were there to encourage them and (do something completely out of the box in today's culture) had prayer with them ?

I would not be afraid to say that there are some people that go week after week with no one ever encouraging them and I dare say that some may even go a lifetime without anyone ever mentioning their name in a prayer. How sad. Don't you think it would make a difference?  I thought so.  Who are you then encouraging today?

We must know what we are encouraging them to do. I am going to tell you a true story about one time my mistake of giving encouragement to the wrong action.

One time, when I was child, on a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon, my brother Randy and I decided to go to the barn and play. We usually would build tunnels through the bales of hay. We had played for about an hour and we heard our beagle hound "Poochy" starting to bark. Looking for something else to do we got down out of the loft to see what he had.  We found Poochy digging and barking. He was digging a hole and was going back and forth.  So we started yelling,"Get it Poochy, Get it." That's all the encouragement Poochy needed. He began to dig as if his life depended on it.(Remember this is on a Sunday afternoon and we our going to have to get ready to go to church in a few minutes) Poochy started barking frantically. We were all excited, yelling and screaming, encouraging our little dog on, wondering what he was after. Then, all of the sudden we heard a growl and Poochy started backing out of the hole pulling something out with him.

Out of the hole he came dragging a big, mad skunk.  When the skunk got his footing he let Poochy have it first and then Randy and I got a big spraying.  Smelling a skunk from a distance is bad enough, but point blank range with a full dose is awful. Not only can you smell it, you can taste it. The worse part was telling mama.  There is nothing worse than being naked in your own backyard on a rainy , cold Sunday afternoon, smelling like a skunk, with your mama mad at you.  The moral of this story is always check out what you are giving them encouragement to do.

Our silence can sometimes be an encouragement to our children or someone else to continue in a wrong activity. Take for an example if you walk through the den and your teenager is watching a movie with their friends. Bad language comes from the TV getting your attention. You turn around and look and see a sexual scene happening in the movie. Your children know you heard the language and saw the graphic sexual material. Now there is no margin for error in this scenario.  If you say nothing, I guarantee , your teenagers will think it is ok for them to continue to watch that filth. So will their friends.  Their moral balance is depending on you. Be very careful of your silence. You do not want to make the wrong choice.

Look at the immorality in our country today that was encouraged by our silence. You can list them. I will name one, same sex marriage.

Give someone encouragement today. Be sure what you are encouraging them to do and let us make it a practice never again to encourage wrong doing by our silence.

Please send me your comments at  If you enjoy reading my blog pass it on to others.

Rick Hepler

Monday, July 11, 2011

Silver And Gold I Do Not Have

Today in our country many people are experiencing unemployment and others just hard financial times. Even the government is in serious financial shape.  The financial problems that I have seen over the last 35 years have sometimes led to other problems.   I have seen many marriages fail, some suicides and mental depression resulting from experiencing hard financial times.  It was just announced this morning that one of our major employers, in our town, locked their doors last night. 

Let's now look in the New Testament about a man who was having hard financial times. Please turn to Acts chapter 3.  We see a man that was lame from birth. In his condition he could not work. He had no means at all to provide anything for himself.  His only alternative was to beg for alms at the gate of the temple called Beautiful.  He even had to depend on people to carry and lay him there each day. As the people would go in the gates each day, he would beg for alms. 

Now let's get closer to this.  How do you think this man feels? He had to depend on everyone just to survive. How many times do you think people just walked by not even looking at him?  Could this man handle rejection? Did he ever have a hope that someday he could walk through the temple gates by himself? Do you think the people got so used to him sitting there each day that they began to just overlook him?

This man had no hope.  He had no long term financial goals or retirement goals.  His dreams were just to get through the next day.  Is it possible to live like this?  Some people across this world are living like this every day.  I try to feel the thoughts this man was having.  I cannot come close, but thanking God for my daily food  has more meaning now.  I am very grateful for everything large or small  that I receive from Him.

The lame man sees Peter and John about to go into the temple. His head looking down with shame he asked them for alms as he had done, to the  people entering, hundreds of times.  This wonderful time it was different! Peter and John fixed their eyes on him and said, "Look at us". So it says he gave them his attention. This man never dreamed of what was about to take place. (Are you excited for him?)

Peter, a man of God, tells him "Silver and Gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you." Now, place yourselves in this man's situation.  Money was always on his mind and he depended on it for survival. These men even stopped to talk to him. Don't you know he expected that they were going to give him more money than the others, since they took the time to stop and talk to him.

The next words out of Peter's mouth would change this man's life forever. "...but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." (NKJV)  In vs. 8 it says that he stood up and walked into the temple with them.  Can you imagine how he felt?  He never dreamed that he would ever be able to walk into the temple.  I am sure his family rejoiced with him and also the people that had to carry him to the gate of the temple each day. We would be, too.

He was walking , leaping and praising God.  He knew by what authority he was healed. Do you think for one minute he questioned who Jesus was?  In vs.16 it tells us it was in His name and and faith in His name that made this man strong. The material blessings from God, silver and gold, did not make this man walk.  The spiritual blessings in Christ did.

I and many of you today have or are now focusing on material things to give us peace.  Can we hear those same words from Peter?  "In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk"  That walk to us should not be the kind on two legs but the spiritual kind that faith  lifts us up to rejoice, leaping with praise, being able to walk the christian walk. Walking in the Light from God, giving us the spiritual strength to carry on and that wonderful hope of Heaven someday, gives us the spiritual legs to walk with God through any crisis we might have in this life.

We do live in troublesome times. These are times that call for clean hearts before God to pray "two-knee" prayers.  You know, the kind that involves us down on two knees before God surrendering our total self to Him and seeking His guidance and protection through fervent praying.

We will see our country walking again when we see this kind of praying by everyone that calls themselves Christians.

Debbie and I usually have our devotional and prayer every night between 9:30 and 10:00.  Christians, please pray with us tonight that our country will walk again. Not by Gold and Silver but by the authority of Jesus of Nazareth.

Please encourage someone today and also if you have any comments send them to:

Thank you for reading and your comments.

Rick Hepler

Friday, July 8, 2011

Why Brokenness?

Brokenness is what you experience when you are stripped of everything, bankrupt, crushed by grief or despair, made weak, and not complete or full. I am sure you can add more, but you get the idea.  I have often wondered why we have it and have looked upon it as being a very negative condition that hinders any happiness that we may seek to find. Boy was I wrong.

Follow me for just a minute.  After the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3, sin entered and stained this world that God created for man. We now live in a fallen world because of it.  Did God want man to live for ever in this state? No, look carefully at vs 22-24. God said , "And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever". Then God sent man out of the garden and placed a cherubim to guard the way to the tree of life.  Why is this important? God did not and does not want man to live in this fallen world forever. He immediately put a plan in place to draw us back to Him so we can live with Him, where there is no sin, for all eternity. And to show us that He wants that to happen, He sent His only son Jesus to die for us. He still gives man the choice to choose to accept His love or not. Does He still love us?  Yes, look at 2Pet. 3:9. ...not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (NKJV) to warn us He says in 1John 2:15 to not love this world or the things in this world. Why? He does not want us to become so attached to this world that we miss the one he has prepared for us.

This answers the age old question," why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?" He allows it so we will come back to Him.  The book of Job shows us that God allowed Satan to afflict Job.  Satan's main purpose was to get Job to curse God.  That didn't happen. We have the advantage over Job because he didn't know why God was allowing this but we do.

There is a parable in Luke that gives me great comfort. It is the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).
The loving father gave his younger son his inheritance and it says the son went into a far country.  I want to ask you, what did the son want more, his money or his independence from his father? Notice, he went to a far country far away from his father. A father that loved him and blessed him with his inheritance. Did the younger son show any gratitude?  All I see is, that he wanted his possessions and his own independent life.  Is any of this starting to sound familiar?

When did the prodigal son remember his father?  When he was living it up in the world having money to spend on his pleasures or when he was eating slop with the hogs?  You got it.  He first had to experience extreme brokenness before, as it says, came to himself.

The most beautiful part of this parable is the father never stopped loving his son.  He watched for him every day hoping, yes hoping, he would come home. Also, the son knew who to come home to, but never realized there would be such a homecoming feast  awaiting him.

After writing this, I welcome brokenness. My brokenness has brought me closer to God.  God has used brokenness in my life to cause me to shift my life in a direction that best serves him.  I still do not understand all the trials that we all experience but I do know this , God is in control and if we let Him, He will one day make it right.

Satan uses our brokenness to get us to curse God, but remember, God allows him to do it so we will be like the prodigal, come to ourself, and return back to Him.

I now can rejoice knowing that God always wants us to come home and be with Him and when I stray off that path to Him, he allows trials in this life to get me back on the path.

Read Habakkuk chapter 3:17-18. Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut of from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls; Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

We need to rejoice that we can have salvation in Jesus.  This helps us overcome any degree of brokenness that we may be experiencing.

I need to finish for today.  Thank you so much for reading this. Please feel free to send your comments to:

I hope you have a good day and if this helps you please pass it on to someone else who might enjoy reading it.
Rick Hepler

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Enemies of Persistence (conclusion)

I am going to try to finish this topic today.  There are several "enemies " of persistence that we could probably talk about. You can look back over your life and remember the goals that you failed to keep by not having the persistence needed to follow through. We each can, if we look back, usually identify why we gave up. Maybe our goal changed or our desire to meet that goal changed, which is not a bad thing. After thinking about it, what was the real reason that you could not persist in what you wanted to do? Only you can answer this and work on not letting the same thing ever destroy your persistence again.

Now, I would like to share an enemy of my own persistence and this  may be one of yours, too.  The name of this enemy is "Baggage From The Past".  When I really want to accomplish a goal, I usually start that self talk of  "you gave up before and this time is no different". Our failures from the past seem to always come up and, at least for me, have a tremendous power to weaken us.

Here is how I am working on dealing with this.  When Debbie and I carried the kids to Disney World, about three years ago, we packed several bags with our clothes, shoes and everything we thought we would need while staying there. Upon arrival in our hotel room we unpacked our bags and put them away, which seems like a logical thing to do. We would looked silly carrying our bags with us each time we left the room.  Can you imagine how tired you would be lugging those bags all day. We were exhausted not carrying anything .

When we carry our emotional baggage from the past day in and day out it will absolutely wear us out mentally. We do not even think about goals, persistence or anything else.  All we want sometimes is just a few minutes of peace.( I would like to know. Is this only unique to me?)

Some times little things happen that can have a major impact on our thinking.  Let me tell you one that has really helped me.  A few days ago, as I walked through the office to the back room, at one of our computers sat Debbie with our 4 year old granddaughter, Anna Jewell, in her lap. They were doing something on the computer. As I was in the back I heard, in a loud voice, "MAMMAW!, MAMMAW!, MAMMAW! make it white!, make it white!" (You know, grand kids can be pretty loud and persistent when they want something)  I walked back through and asked Debbie," what in the world is she wanting you to do?" She said, "she is typing on the computer and wants me to clear the typing off so she will have a white page to start fresh typing again".  It hit me.  I slowly walked back to my desk and sat down.  My eyes teared up and I prayed "Heavenly Father!, Heavenly Father!, Heavenly Father!, please, make my page white." You all know what I was thinking. I cannot change mistakes and failures of the past but God can make the page white again to begin a new chapter in my life. That's it. A new chapter that can be filled with serving God and my fellow man.  That alone gives me the courage to go on with all the persistence I need to accomplish whatever good works I want to seek.  Maybe, just maybe, you want your page white too.

Living in a fallen world with bad news broadcast 24/7, the problems may seem like giants. But I want you to read I Sam. chapter 17.  David was not afraid and knew that God would deliver him because He had done so on previous occasions. But the verse, using the NKJV, that really has an impact for me is in vs. 29. And David said, "What have I done now? Is there not a cause?"

Friend, is there not a cause? We need to persistently seek to do good. Get our page white. Let's all remember the song we used to sing, in VBS, "This Little Christian Light of Mine I Am Going to Let It Shine".

If we all shine together, the darkness we fear will be overcome. 

I hope this encourages you and gets you to thinking. Please send this to a friend . Help someone today to "make their page white".

Please if you have any comments you can email me at

Thanks so much for your time. Have a good day.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Enemies of Persistence (continued)

As stated in the previous blog, persistence is a key ingredient in making your dreams come true.  Maintaining it can sometimes become difficult.  I would say discouragement is a big time enemy of persistence.  Let's discuss this and see if you also agree.

When I was a senior in high school my vocational agriculture teacher carried my dad and me to meet the dean of agriculture at a small Kentucky college.  From the time I was able to walk I always had an animal of some kind around me.  I  had up to that point in my life as pets a cow, hog, billy goat, raccoons, skunks, a rooster, several dogs and horses.  I enjoyed animals and taking care of them.  When the local veterinarian would come and work on our livestock I would watch his every move.  That's what I wanted to be when I grew up, a veterinarian. That's all I talked about.

I was really excited that day when we walked in to the dean's office.  This was the man that was going to help me be something that I had always dreamed about.  My future was going to be good.  After the introductions, I sat patiently ready to hear encouraging words and my future plans of becoming a veterinarian.
That "DID NOT HAPPEN".  The first sentence out of his mouth was, "young man you need to find something else.  Auburn University only takes 2 graduates a year from the state of Kentucky.  It is very hard to meet their qualifications to be chosen".  There you have it. Two sentences from a man I did not know killed all the passion and persistence I had acquired the past 18 years.  As I walked out of this man's office and the door shut, my dream of being a veterinarian would be shut up in than room for ever.  Do you think I was discouraged?  You can bet the farm on it.  I was ignorant of what discouragement can do to you.  I did not know that it could rob you of your persistence in pursuing your passion.

You must know your enemies in this life and know what they are trying to accomplish.  Discouragement has won many battles of destroying dreams.  How can I defeat discouragement.  When I am experiencing brokenness, what are the weapons that I can use to defeat this powerful foe?  Read, slowly, these next few sentences.  You search and search for your purpose in this life. How you can fulfill your talent that God has given you to make a difference in some one's life?  My grandson, Connor, got in bed with me this morning and I looked at him, he is one year old, all of my discouragement vanished. Persistence for my passion of encouraging people by writing and speaking gained many points against the discouragement that I was feeling. 

That's it!  You cannot develop persistence to accomplish a wish. A wish is like a vapour, it vanishes quickly and there is no emotional power to pursue it. Writing down your goals is also a good thing but, If you do not have passionate unshakable emotions attached with them discouragement can easily overtake your persistence and you are back where you started.  Using only your mind will not give you a constant level of persistence.  Take a look at this. Christ told a lawyer in Matthew 22:37 what the greatest command was "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind". (NKJV)

Develop a dream that will involve all of your heart, soul and mind and you will defeat , discouragement, enemy number 1.

I have to go for now. I will continue tomorrow. Please comment or email me at

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Enemies of Persistence

Persistence, the main ingredient for life. We see it all around us. Our children and grandchildren continually apply it to get want they want from us.  The other morning as I was getting ready to shave I noticed the reflection of the five light bulbs above our sink in the water.  As I was troubled about starting a new day, I was reminded by the persistence of Thomas A. Edison in his invention of the light bulb.  Something I had taken for granted every day never realizing the strong persistent attitude he had in which we and the world reap the benefits of this very day.

I have a garden and the plants in that garden must have water.  The water helps them to stand up firm and develop and produce the fruit they were created to produce. Take the water away and no matter how much fertilizer and sunshine they received they will still wilt and die producing nothing more than a place in the compost pile.  The same thing happens to us when we lack persistence. It is like taking water away from plants, we allow obstacles to gradually remove our persistence and our goals die quickly and so do our dreams.

Right now, you and I need to imagine a dream that we have or whatever we have always wanted to do then envision having an unwavering persistence that allows nothing to stop us.  I can see my goal being accomplished. Do you also see it? What about your enthusiasm? Did it just kick up a notch? Mine did!

I believe in God and I believe in His word.  I believe God's word is to help us in this life and also prepare us for eternal life with Him if we will allow it.  We are shown in His word that we do have an enemy.  An enemy that not only wants us to fail but along with the failure wants us to curse the very God that created us and die.
Is this enemy, Satan, powerful?  You better believe he is.  But most of his power comes in our minds, our thoughts, and we, with God's help, can keep him out. Always, Always, Alwaaays remember, "if God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31, NKJV)

We as Americans and Christians need to develop a persistence like our generation has never seen.  That persistence needs to be fueled with desire, enthusiasm and purpose. God has given each of us a talent. Let's blend our talents and use persistence to make our country once again a nation with faithful persevering  Christians.

Each week I will add enemies of persistence that we can discuss.  I promise I will,  "persistently", work on improving my writing skills.  I need you to have a dream so we can together develop the persistence that we need together to see our dreams fulfilled. 

Please send this blog address to all of your contacts.

Next time, I will discuss discouragement.  I believe this is one of the major enemies of persistence.

Until next time, "think about it"


Please make comments or e-mail me at