Monday, March 23, 2015

I Have an Enemy

Enemy: a person who hates another and wishes to injure him; also, one hostile to an idea, cause, etc.; foe. (Webster's New World Dictionary 1968 Edition )
I don't think I had any enemies growing up. I may have had some people that just didn't like me, but none wanted any harm to come to me.  Looking at cable news, you would think a large percentage in this country hate each other.  By definition, if you hate someone and you want harm to come to him/her, then you are his/her enemy.

I do have one powerful enemy today.  I can't see him.  I can only see where he has been. He and his angels represent all that is evil.  He and his angels were cast out of Heaven. He hates us and accuses us before God day and night. (Revelations 12:10-12)

Why is the Devil (Satan) my enemy?

1.  He wants to injure me spiritually.  In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, placing them in a paradise called the Garden of Eden.  They could eat of every tree in the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they must not eat.  If they did eat of it, God said they would surely die.  (Genesis 2:16-17)

One day Satan was alone with Eve at the tree and posed this question.  Has God said, you cannot eat of every tree in the garden? Eve responded saying, they could eat of every tree, but the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. God said, you shall not eat it, lest you die.  Satan immediately responded with, You shall not surely die, which is the first and the most damaging lie he has ever deceived man into believing.  (Genesis 3:1-7)

Eve dropped her guard of keeping God's only command.  She let doubt creep in, slightly opening the door of her heart. With the door barely open, Satan was going to appeal to Eve's pride.  He already knew God's thoughts on pride.  Pride was the reason God cast him and his angels out of Heaven. (Isaiah 14:12-14)  Pride is one of the 7 abominations the Lord hates, listed in Proverbs 6:17.
Notice it is number 1. A proud look. (Some translation have, "a haughty look")

He said in Genesis 3:5, For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.  I will be like God. (Pride)

Then Satan used his tools of temptation as he did with Christ in the wilderness.  These tools are the same used on us today.  They are defined in 1 John 2:15-17 as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Eve saw the fruit was good for food, pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of the fruit and ate it. (Genesis 3:6)

Eve's first mistake was to believe another over God's word.  She wanted what Satan said to her to be true, because it fit what she was thinking and wanted.  Satan used a serpent to deceive and lie to her.  He uses man to do the same today, twisting God's word to say what he wants it to say.

We also read this was the first opinion drawing man from God's truth.  In her opinion, it was a good looking fruit, very tasty and would make you wise. Evidently she expressed her opinion to Adam.  He ate the fruit.  A magnitude of consequences immediately followed.

If I know what God's word says, I can defeat Satan with them.  Christ resisted his temptations in the wilderness with God's word.

To be continued...

Everything evil comes from Satan and every good and perfect gift comes from God.

This is the first in a series of identifying our enemy, showing how he deceives and tempts us, messing up our lives in this life and possibly eternity.

Please send your comments to . Go to  to purchase my books: The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart and 123 Tips for My Grandchildren and Yours .

Thank you.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Can we pass this test?

I have very fond memories of attending elementary school in Hickman, Kentucky.  In the late 1950s Hickman seemed to me like the town of Mayberry on the Andy Griffith Show. We had barbershops, a Ten Cent store, as we called it, clothing stores, drug stores, hardware stores, jewelry stores, and many other stores.  We also had a bank downtown.  With mom and dad, my brothers and I would go to Hickman on Saturday night.  Mom and dad knew almost everyone.  The best part was most of the businesses, if not all, were locally owned.  It was such a peaceful place to go.  Sad to say, our children and grandchildren will never have memories like this.

Springtime at Hickman Elementary would usually signal achievement test coming soon.  Unannounced to us, I think it was Mr. McClellan who came to deliver the test to be given. (That was a long time ago and my memory may be a little foggy on this.) The only thing I liked about the test, was no homework.  The test always had a time limit for finishing each section.  I never liked any kind of test, especially those in college.

So, at a young age we were all exposed to some form of testing.  I did not mind taking a test, when I was fully prepared (very low percentage of the time). But the tests I most feared were those I knew going in the percentage of failing was much greater than my grade could possibly be.  Those are the ones that embedded into my subconscious mind a fear of testing. Even to this day at age 62, I still get butterflies when I have to take a test. The major testing I have undergone lately has not been taken with pen and paper.  I bet it is the same with some of you also.

When tested in this way, I go to an example in Genesis to give me hope and comfort.  Please get your Bible out and turn to Genesis 22.  I am going to pick out several verses for you to mark and meditate on after you read this post.  Verse 1 begins with the test of tests, which should make us all tremble.  It begins, Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, 'Abraham!'  And he said, 'Her I am.'  Then He said, Take your son, your only son Issac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.  The only way Abraham could have had a son with Sara, at such and old age, was from God.
What a wonderful gift.  I am reminded of Romans 8:28 and James 1:17.

Next, let's observe a pleasing faith in God by Abraham.  Abraham gives us a pattern to follow when the sacrifice seems too great to give.   Abraham rose early the next morning to obey God. He didn't procrastinate nor reason with himself about what he should do. (Genesis 22:3)

Abraham had faith God would handle it. He told the men with them to, stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go and we will come back to you. (Genesis 22:5)  He didn't know how, but he had the promises of God and knew somehow, they both would return.

Abraham and his son go up the mountain and when they came to the place, Abraham built an altar, bound his son, and was getting ready to sacrifice his only son whom he loved, and the Angel of the Lord stopped him.  Abraham looked up and tangled in the bushes was a ram provided by God for the sacrifice. (Genesis 22:6-14)  The result from the test of God was;  for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son from me. (Genesis 22:12)  Abraham then named the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide. (Genesis 22:14)

Abraham, a man of great faith, shows us what steps to take when God test us.  Hear and obey His command; do not procrastinate; get up early and go to your mountain; put God first and then receive His blessings.

Who was first in Abraham's life?  God knows all and He  knew Abraham loved Him more than he did his only son.  This proved to Abraham, you can put God first above all that you love and He will  greatly bless you.  What about Issac? He knew his father loved him very much, but to see his father's love for God surely must have impacted his life from that moment forward.

Abraham is mentioned among the faithful in Hebrews chapter 11.  Abraham was not selfish in his love for God. If I am selfish, God will never be first in my life. I will end up giving my time to my career, recreation, family, friends, and material blessings before I do to God.

Abraham, because he did not withhold his only son, received great blessings from God.  Did Abraham know God was going to bless him for obeying Him?   No. God told him after he had obeyed.  (Genesis 22:16-18)

I believe Satan has deceived us into believing this could only happen to those mentioned in the Bible of long ago. In Malachi 6 it reads, for I am the Lord, I do not change, and in Hebrews 13:8 the writer says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  So if God showered great blessings on those in the past who placed him first in their everyday life, will He not do the same for us?

Above everything in our lives today, putting God first must be preceded by a great faith and trust in Him.  In the community where you live, can you imagine if everyone put God first in their lives. If everyone was willing to sacrifice self and put God first, how would your community look?  Maybe we never have seen this, because we have never before seen God being put first in the lives of such a group of people.

Think on this today. Now it came to pass that God tested ( your name).  I am glad blood sacrifices, as they were in the Old Testament, were nailed to the cross. We will not be tested to sacrifice our children in this way. But have I been tested to identify if God is first in my life?  Did I pass? What about you?  If we failed the test, a most beautiful trait shown by God is He lets us take it over.  Let us all read these scriptures daily, applying them to our Christian walk and we, like Abraham, can pass the test. ( Proverbs 5:3-4 and Matthew 22:37)

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Please go to to preview and purchase my new book: 123 Tips for My Grandchildren and Yours.  These are tips I have used and are still using.  This book is for all ages.

 Living the life of a faithful Christian will make us peculiar people. (Titus 2:14 and 1 Peter 2:9, KJV)

Thanks, Rick