Satan knew God had given her a free will. Satan also knew God had given her a commandment, so she would have an opportunity to exercise that choice. How could he get her to make the choice of disobeying the God who created her and blessed her with the paradise of Eden for her dwelling place?
Satan would deceive her by introducing thoughts to grasp, rationalize, and dissect God's only command. (Sound familiar?) He does this in Genesis 3:1-6. The free will God had given her and Adam was going to be tested.
Satan starts with a question, and he already knows the answer. Has God indeed said 'You shall not eat of every tree in the garden'? Why did he ask this question? He wanted her to state the truth God had told her. Why? He wants her to reveal God's truth. Now, he is going to get her to doubt this truth.
You will not surely die. Satan replies in verse 4. The next verse will cause her to rationalize and dissect this command. You will be like God begins her contemplating disobeying God's only command to her.
Verse 6 introduces Satan's unseen weapons to humanity. Will she fall for it? Would you? She saw it was good for food, (Lust of the Flesh) it was pleasant to the eyes, (Lust of the Eyes) and a tree that was desirable to make one wise. (Pride of life).
Satan did not make Eve take of the fruit. He got her to introduce her desires into the decision making process. She then came up with her own reasoning and excuses to disobey God's only command for her and Adam.
Her choice, no matter what excuses she could give, had the consequences of them being removed from the paradise God had given them to live in, a spiritual separation from God, and her spouse also sinning.
Humanity was then enslaved by the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life. What could emancipate mankind from this form of slavery? What would this form of slavery do to mankind in the future?
( To be continued)
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Rick Hepler