Friday, November 21, 2014

The Victory Kiss

What in this world is a Victory Kiss?  The definition of victory is: success in any struggle involving the defeat of an opponent, etc. (Webster's New World Dictionary, 1968 edition) So how does this relate to kissing?  Please follow along with me and we will identify the opponent and I will lead you to the Victory Kiss and how victory over the opponent was gained by this couple. (This is longer than some of my post, but I promise to tie the knot in the end. Get you a cup of coffee or spiced cider to sip on while you read, RH)

We are quickly approaching the holiday season.  Thanksgiving is next Thursday and Christmas will soon be upon us. This my favorite time of the year with good food, Christmas music, Christmas shows, giving and receiving gifts, seeing the smiles on the faces of young children and enjoying time with family.  I also enjoy reflecting back on the memories of Christmas past.  Every Christmas for me has been filled with loving memories that can put me to a peaceful place this time of year.  I have always been with loving families on Christmas.  Each Christmas makes me appreciate the loving families that I am a part of.  All of this just doesn't happen.  Living in this fallen world, we have an opponent who wants to defeat us and steal away from us any happiness involved with being a family as God has instituted from the beginning.

Genesis 2:21-24 tells us that God made Eve from Adam's rib. Adam then named her Eve, and God said,  Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh, NKJV.  This passage tells us that marriage between a man and woman is sanctioned by God.  Also read Malachi chapter 2:10-17.  In verse 11, God tells that Judah has profaned the institution which God loves.  He is talking about marriage and in verse 16 we see God's feelings on divorce.  For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce.  Go back up to verse 15.
But did He not make them one, having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring.  Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. 

Christ was asked about divorce in Matthew 19:1-9 and also describes adultery in Matthew 5:31-32.
Satan wants us to steer clear of these verses and have us divorce for any reason. One of the problems we have with our culture today is the breakdown of the family. Satan uses the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, just like he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden, to destroy the family as God has instituted. But, God is not like we are, and He is more loving. He is forgiving and also makes a way for one to repent if you are guilty of falling for the deceptions and temptions of Satan.  You say, I have made such a mess of my life, I could never get forgiveness.  You are wrong. Read Isaiah 59:1. Read also what the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians in 1Corintians 6:9-11. Is there hope if you have been sexually immoral? Read closely what is said in verse 11. And such were some of you. Satan doesn't want you reading this verse.  He wants you to feel guilty and just give up.

If you are in the above situation, don't give up.  The man that wrote the above, the Apostle Paul was previously called Saul of Tarsus. He went around killing Christians, but look what happened to him.  He became one of God's greatest servants here on earth.  How did he do it?  You can read about this in Acts 9:6,17-18.  Have you done anything as bad as killing Christians like Saul?  How did he handle the guilt of killing innocent people?  Here is how.  Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV You may have really messed up your family in the past, but do like Paul, He repented of what he was doing and started doing what God wanted him to do. You can do it.  You owe it to yourself and your family to try.

Now to the couple that beat all odds. Would you have given up?  I know many in that generation that also overcame and are entitled to the Victory Kiss and after reading this I am sure you do to.

It was a warm day in November, the 22nd day of November to be exact.  She was 17 and he was 18.
Her aunt and uncle were present as witnesses. The only other people present were the preacher, his son and daughter in-law.  Her dad and his dad had to sign papers for them to get married. The wedding was not in a church building but in the preacher's house. There was not a photographer or a  reception.

They left in a rented car on their honeymoon to Dyersburg, Tennessee.  The reason they had to drive a rented car was the young man was going to take his mother's new Buick, but he wrecked it the night before, running into a telephone pole about 30 yards from the house.  He had fallen asleep,and he still falls asleep easily to this day.

When they left for Dyersburg, the weather was warm and comfortable. This changed rather quickly in the night.  They awoke to freezing temperatures and could not open the motel room door because of the heavy snow.  When they did get out and loaded in the car for home, the car didn't have antifreeze in the radiator and the block had frozen and busted.  After getting the car fixed they had to drive home on treacherous and slick roads.

Arriving to their first home was not like the homes most couples have today.  This was an old farmhouse on his dad's farm.  There was no running water, no heaters, no indoor bathrooms and no telephone.  There was a fireplace in the living room.

It was freezing cold outside.  The young man started a fire in the fireplace.  They were looking forward to their first night at home. This was not to be.  The fireplace was stopped up and soot quickly entered the room, and the rest of the house, settling on the few things they had.  They had to leave and go to his parents to spend the night.  The next day they came back home, cleaned the soot off everthing and cleaned the fireplace out , they thought, and built another fire and the same thing happened.  They had to build a new fireplace in the kitchen, which took a few days, and reclean the soot off all the clothes, walls and furniture. Until they got everything done, they would be alternating staying with parents.  During all of this, some of the young man's friends put his wife's bicycle on the roof and put a big block of salt, that the cattle lick, in their bed.

Well, they finally got the house liveable.  They didn't have a car.  The young man bought a 3/4 ton flatbed truck. The truck was old and had a stick shift. The young man finally got a job, they got a telephone, they never did get indoor plumbing and also they didn't have a washer and dryer.

What are the odds, if this happened today, of this marriage lasting?  The devil was really wanting this marriage to fail.  He continually placed hardship in their way and they trudged on anyway.  They were married on November 22, 1950 and on June 26, 1952 they had their first son and had 2 more sons after that.

The harder life became for this young couple, the closer they became to each other and to God. They experienced financial problems, health problems, losing jobs and selling the farm.  As they have gotten older, their health is still a concern. This young woman's jet black hair has been replaced by almost white hair.  The young man's strong physique has been replaced with drooping muscles and a very sloooww gait.

Do they still love one another?  I will let you decide. I carried this used to be young woman to the hospital last week. This now old man would not leave her side at the hospital. He told the doctors and nurses, I have been married to this woman for 64 years and I love her.  I am not leaving her side and you had better be good to her.

Well, they didn't find anything wrong with her. They let her go home.  We thought it was some medication she was taking. When she stopped taking it, she quickly started getting better. I stopped by the next morning to carry him to work.  This morning he wasn't ready,and I had to go in and wait. I am glad I did.

I witnessed something great.  You see, I know about their ups and downs.  I also know that many people know them, love them and respect them.  Mother cooks for people when needed and he greets people at Walmart on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  All of the hardship they have gone through was defeated by what I saw.  Before he left for work, he and she kissed one another on the lips as though it was their first kiss.  Devil, you didn't breakup this marriage with any of your tricks.

If you haven't guessed it by now, this is my mother and father, Bill and Patsy Hepler.  This kiss was a Victory Kiss, because their love for God and each other has carried them over many obstacles the last 64 years.  Dad told me this morning when they go to bed at night, he kisses mother and says, I will see you in the morning one way or another, here or in heaven. 

Money can't buy what that Victory Kiss means to me.  We boys have had a loving mother and father together all of our lives.  What a difference our country would be in, if other sons and daughter could see their parents kising the Victory Kiss.

Don't you give up! You can make the ending good! Start today!  The Victory Kiss is awaiting.

Happy 64th Anniversary Mom and Dad.  Thank you for being faithful all 64 of them.

Please send me your comments at  or

I deal with sexual immorality and how we can overcome it in my book, The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart.  You can go to to purchase it.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a good weekend.

Rick Hepler

P.S. You can send mother and dad a little note on their 64th anniversary Saturday, November the 22nd at 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Fruit that can Change Lives

Today the baby boomer generation is looking for something we can take or eat that will make us healthy. Debbie's grandmother turned 100 this year. She doesn't take medicine, not a diabetic and has not had any health problems all of her life.  Her Doctor ask her what she did and she said, "I eat a lot of fruit." He told her to keep eating it.  I like fruit, but to eat it every day is hard for me to do.

I, like many of you, like the quick fix to get healthy.  Two weeks to get healthy that is the time frame I like.  We all know this is not possible. Eating healthy and exercising is for the long term and sometimes the benefits are not realized until we see someone our age sick, and we are still healthy.

There is one fruit that can be given once or for a lifetime and can have tremendous effect upon you and also on the ones you give it to.  This fruit is very economical for us, but someone paid a sacrificial price for us to obtain it.  Follow along and I will introduce you to this age-old fruit that is guaranteed to produce good results.

The best I can remember she sat behind me in Miss Townsend's 4th grade class. She was extremely shy and never said anything, and you could tell by the way she was dressed she was poor by some standards.
Some of the kids laughed at her, and she would never say a word.  I hope not, but I also probably laughed at her or went along with those who did.  Why do children do this? Why are the small, the weak, the different, and the shy picked on and laughed at?  I don't know. Why did I go along sometimes at the expense of the one being bullied? I guess because of fear. I had rather my peers pick on someone else other than me. Therefore, I cowardly went along so I could be accepted by them.

I was studying God's love for us the other day and how He wants to fill us with His love to pass on to others  He will not pour out love into a container that is full or has something else in it.  We are the same way.  Would your pour your coffee into a cup that had a dirty liquid and stain in the bottom of it? No, and God is not going to pour His love into a vessel that has bitterness, pride, selfishness, hatred, and is unforgiving either.

The more I studied the more I looked back at the times I came up short of loving the way I should.  I do not know why, but I thought about the girl that sat behind me in the 4th grade.  I kinda teared up like you would watching a Christmas movie on the Hallmark channel.  I knew better than to make fun of people. Mother and dad would have punished me if they had known about it.  Why did I do it?

This poor little girl had great courage.  Much more than those who taunted her.  We all wore our masks trying to be portrayed as someone other than our true self.  We cherished being accepted by our peers over the expense of the helpless.  How cruel.  This girl did not wear a mask. She was her true self trying to make it in a hostile emotional environment.  How would you like to have come to school every day knowing you would be made fun of because maybe you were a little different or not dressed like everyone else.  That took a lot of courage.  The courage that many of us did not have at that time.

Now getting back to the fruit that, obviously I didn't possess then, but hopefully I do now.  The fruit I am talking about is the fruit of God's Spirit.  This fruit contains the spiritual nutrients that can change families, communities and the world.  The first nutrient is everlasting and can make changes if used daily. That first nutrient of the fruit of the Spirit is love. (Galatians 5:22)

What if I had shown this lonely shy little girl love?  Would it have made a difference in her life then and now?  It is easy to hurt people emotionally and walk away from it, but the one who has been emotionally hurt can harbor this pain for a lifetime. What if  I touched her on the shoulder and genuinely asked her if I could be her friend? What if I brought her a candy bar for milk break?  What if I had went and sat with her at lunch when I saw her eating alone? If I had done all of this, the pain of her coming to school each day may have been, hopefully, overcome.  Maybe others would have wanted to be her friend.  If I had done all of these things, I guarantee she would still remember me and what I did for her 53 years ago. Instead, she has the memories of a terrible time in the 4th grade. 

I can't go back and fix it, but I can start today and make sure I do not let it happen again.  A wise mother once told her son, Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. (Proverbs31:9 NKJV)  The Apostle Paul said, Love never fails. (1Corinthians 13:8)

Are you using the fruit of the Spirit in your life to help someone today? If you do not have this fruit of the Spirit, you can go to Acts 2:38 to see what they did to obtain it. Do you agree with me that this fruit much needed in our society today?

Please use my blog post to read to your children for your family devotionals.  Also, if you would like for me to send an email to a friend or a family member inviting them to read my blog just send me their email address.

If you have read my book, please leave a review on  You can go to to purchase, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart.

Please send your comments to me at or 

Have a nice day and weekend.

Rick Hepler

Monday, November 3, 2014

Are They Being Taught by You?

I watched each of my two daughters being born.  I can't express in words the change that came over me on those 2 birth dates.  I really don't have to tell most of you dads because you share the same emotional change as I did.  As parents we love our children and want the best for them. Dads, what did  you want for your children?

When I thought it couldn't get any better, the grandchildren came along. WOW! What fun and that fun is without all the responsibility we had with our own children. Maybe that's why they are called grandchildren. I hope I live long enough to see my great grandchildren.

We may not have as much of the responsibly with our grandchildren and great grandchildren, but in the times we are living in today, I have much concern about their freedom and  their spiritual well being.  I am sure every Christian parent and grandparent share the same concerns as I.

From the day of birth the baby starts to learn. The baby has been in the comfort and safety of the mother's womb for 9 months and now is in the comfort and care of her arms.  At least that is the way God planned it.  Some for personal reasons or  ideology do not love their baby, and they terminate their baby while in the womb. I address this in my book: The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart.  It is available on

Mostly from the parents, siblings, and other family members, a newborn baby learns quickly the first weeks of his/her life. As the child gets older the window of learning, that was once controlled by family, now is open wide coming from many different good and bad sources.

Who has God given the responsibility to teach children? Deuteronomy chapter 6 is a good beginning point to find who God commanded to teach them and what they should be taught.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.  And these words I command you today shall be in your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates. (Deut. 6:4-9, NKJV )

In Ephesians chapter 6:4 the Apostle Paul instructs the fathers. And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. (NKJV)

Fathers, according to the above scriptures, we are to take the lead in teaching our children about God and His commandments. Many fathers along with mothers do this.  Some children learn from their parents'  teachings and grow up to be faithful Christians serving God, but not allWhy is this? I don't know, but it may be the choice God gives all of us to follow or not follow Him.  When our children are old enough to get out in the world, unawares, other teachers appear.  Remember what I said earlier that the window of teaching is wide open when our children get older.  What does the world teach them?  The big 3 are: abortion is the choice of the woman, evolution (evilution) is fact and God did not create us the way He said He did in Genesis 1, and sexual immorality is only an alternate lifestyle that everyone should accept.

Deb and I have been fortunate. Our daughters are still faithful to God, and along with their husbands they teach their children to be the same.  But, I know of those I have been going to church with for years that taught their children also, and they have left the church and God all together.  Again, why is this?

Have you thought about why Cain murdered his brother Able in Genesis chapter 4 or why the 2 sons of Levi, the priest in 1Sammuel 2:13 were so evil?  What about the parable of the Lost Son that Christ told in Luke 15:11-32?  The younger son wanted his inheritance.  The father gave him his portion, and he left for a far away land wasting his inheritance with prodigal living.  The other son stayed at home and served his father and never transgressed his father's commandment.

Even though we are faithful in teaching our children about God and His commandments, this does not guarantee they will be faithful to God, but we can believe this. When they have been worn down in sin as the prodigal son,  they will know enough about God and His forgiving love to come back to Him.

What happens when a father teaches his children God's word? Most of the time it indicates a family unit that is intact. There are exceptions to this.  I have known of single parents that have done a great job teaching their children about God and His word.  In Second Timothy the Apostle Paul mentions Timothy's faith.

     2Timothy 1:5  ...when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which first dwelt in      your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.

Fathers, mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers are your children and grandchildren being taught God's love and commandments by you? If not, who is teaching them?

What happens when children are not taught God's word by parents or anyone else?  The fruit that emerges from this is: A Generation that does not Know God.  Look at our country today and it is self-explanatory.

What if they are not being taught God's word by you?  What if you are living in rebellion to God and His word?  If you die in that state, a sinner that has not repented of your sins and been cleansed by the Blood of Christ, you will be the same as the rich man that Jesus tells us about in Luke16:19-31. He begged father Abraham to send Lazarus back to tell his five brothers about the place he was in so they would not be joining him in torment. Abraham told him they have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.  30) The rich man pleaded; No father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead , they will repent.  
31) But he said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead'.

Besides being in torment, the rich man's anguish was that he did not influence his brothers to follow the Lord.  He was afraid that they would live as he did while on earth and die in that state to receive the same torment as he. Oh how he was hoping they would listen to Moses and the prophets.  You and I will be the same way if we do as the rich man.  We will be hoping every moment that someone will teach God's truth to our children and loved ones, so they will not end up in torment, separated from God for eternity.

In our case someone did come back from the dead teaching about God's plan of salvation for all of humanity.  His name is Jesus Christ.  He commanded his disciples and us to go into all the world teaching the gospel. (Matt.28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-16)

We can eliminate one of the above paragraphs if we are teaching our children, grandchildren and all other loved ones the Gospel of Christ with such a passion and urgency for them to see us loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

If we take the lead in this we will also see the hearts changing in America and the love for God restored by our fellow Americans. The alternative is eternal regret. If you are not teaching them you can start today. Remember the quote from Maria Robinson—Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

You can read my book to your children, The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart, to help teach them to develop a love for God as the young shepherd boy David had. Please go to to review and order.

I welcome your comments.  We are all in this together, helping each other and our loved ones  get to heaven. Please comment by going to or

Thank you so much!
Rick Hepler

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It Must be Terrible!

terrible: to frighten 1. causing terror; fearful; dreadful. 2. extreme; intense; severe. 3. very bad, unpleasant, or disagreeable. (Webster's New World Dictionary 1968 edition, by the World Publishing Co. Nashville, TN)

All of my life my parents have paid the price for me not to experience anything terrible.  They sacrificed time, money and sleepless nights praying for me not to be harmed in any way.  They made sure from my early childhood that I knew when I was near danger, that could have a terrible outcome.  The most terrible consequence would have more sacrifice and teaching from them, so I would avoid it.

Today, we have gone through the horror of 911 and the collapse of the twin towers leaving many dead and many emotionally scarred for the rest of their lives.  Our country has paid billions of dollars for this to not happen again.  Many of our young men and women in the service have paid the fullest price by dying, trying to stop this evil. We see on TV the wounded warriors still trying to overcome or live with their wounds from  battle.  All of this sacrifice and suffering is so we may escape facing such terrible tragedy again in our country.  

Look at the messages we see on TV about texting while driving, drinking and driving, etc. . You can see the cost of preventing goes up when the most terrible outcome is foreseeable.  People see and hear the warnings, but they do it any way, because they think it will never happen to them.  Mankind has always had a choice. We can heed the warning or ignore it and do whatever we please.  Each produces a consequence.

In the beginning Adam and Eve were given the choice of obeying or not obeying God. Eve was deceived by Satan and disobeyed God, and the fall of man was the consequence.  Sin entered into man's world. This is in Genesis chapter 3. Pay close attention to verse 15. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heal.  This is the first time we are introduced to Christ. And all through the Old Testament God prepared the way for Christ to come into this world, take on the flesh of man, be tempted by Satan, and to be the savior of mankind.

What is God offering salvation from?  It must be terrible, and God does not want anyone to go there. 
God is showing mankind how much He loves him by allowing His Son to take on a gruesome death of the cross.  Christ could have asked God to send angels to destroy man. Instead, He chose to obey His Father in heaven and live in obedience to Him because God's wrath is going to one day be upon those who do not accept His Son, Satan and his angels.

 (Then He will also say to them on the left hand, 'Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels' Matthew 25:41, NKJV).

 (Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell, Matthew10:28, NKJV).

( Of  how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing and insulted the Spirit of grace?  For we know Him who said, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.  And again the Lord shall judge His people.' It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, Hebrews 10:29-31, NKJV).

Does God want this to happen? ( For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved, John 3:16-17).

Lastly, the  scripture I want to use to show God does not want us to die lost is: (The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all may come to repentance, 2Peter 3:9, NKJV).

Dying in sin is a terrible thing!  Being lost and separated  from a God that loves us so much is a tragedy on our part.  God still gives us a choice.  The terrible death of an innocent, sinless man on the cross, Jesus the Son of God, should show all of us the price that was paid to warn us and save us from a most terrible eternal life of punishment with the devil and his angels.

What are we as Christians to do?  We are to teach everyone how to escape this most terrible place, believe God's warnings, obey his commands, and live the way He wants us to live. We must live it and then do it.

Jesus said,  Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:15-16, NKJV.  Jesus died for us, and he wants us to tell everyone, because He does not want anyone to die lost.

We pay a high price to keep our children from terrible things.  The most terrible thing in the universe is to die lost.  The highest price has already been paid. Mankind only needs to accept it, do what God commands, and live it.  Jesus' shed blood cost us nothing.  I must ask a serious question.  Are we making sure our children and grandchildren are being taught this?  Not teaching them could lead them right into a most terrible eternity.

We can always start today.  Here is a great quote: 

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending-- Maria Robinson

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please send your comments or or you can make a comment on  facebook.

If you have not purchased my book, you can go to to review and purchase it.
The title is: The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart.  If you have read it,  please post a review on Amazon.  It helps me by getting more marketing from Amazon.

Please send me email addresses of your friends and family so I can email them when I publish a new post on my blog.  Also, I need your help in building a platform to market my book.  Any ideas will be appreciated.

Thank you so much!



Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Edit and Examine

Writing my first book was not very hard. Some days the words would flow easily out of my mind then other days I would have to step back and take a break. I hadn't written anything since I was in college. When my book was finished, I read over it for any grammatical errors, misspelled words and missed punctuations.  I thought I had done a good job according to my own knowledge.  Then I let Debbie and Melinda read and edit the book.  They made a few changes and I looked over it 2 more times. I was almost ready to hit the publish button on Kindle Publishing when Debbie said, Why not let someone with experience in editing look at it.  I believed the spelling, grammar, and punctuation were fine. I agreed for her to get someone who had done this for a living and knew all of the rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling review the book for us.

The person Debbie asked to edit my manuscript returned it in about a week.  I was so happy, because I wanted to publish on Kindle that evening.  I confidently tore open the large manila envelope, just believing that there were probably not many errors to correct.  Suddenly, my hopes and dreams of being an author vanished as quickly as a hundred dollar bill at Disney World. The manuscript of my first book came back to me looking as though it was bleeding to death.  I do not believe a single page was without red ink. I sat back in my chair. You do not know how ignorant I felt and also relieved that I hadn't pushed the publish button on Kindle Publishing a week ago without the proper editing.

I got on the internet and found out that many authors go through the same process I had just experienced.  I realized I didn't know all I needed about editing.  I could learn how, or I could get someone that already knows the rules. I choose to do both. I want to learn so I can write better, and I will always let a professional editor do the final edit.  How did I correct my manuscript?  I retyped it making the changes as the editor suggested.

If I do not seek to learn the rules of writing well and do not have an editor that already knows them, my writing will never get better.  The words that I want to express from my heart will never be expressed in the proper way they should be.  I must have the desire to get better and be patient with the process.  I will need to examine my progress by the fewer red marks from the editor.  Will I be perfect? No!  But I will know I am trying to continually do my best.

I am a Christian. What if I live my life anyway I desire to?  I say I believe in Jesus and God but live as what I describe a good life.  My life is just like an unedited manuscriptI have several red marks on each page.
Just like I thought my manuscript was acceptable, I could also think my life is acceptable by the way I feel and compare myself to others.  The only way I could edit my Christian life would be to let God's word do it for me.

I must not think what I do in secret, or what I think about is never known to anyone.  David says it well in Psalm 139 that God knows all about man. Read the whole chapter and then you can say as David in verses 23-24; Search me O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties;  and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting(NKJV).

There are books written that contain the proper rules for writing. There is also a book inspired by God and written by men, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to provide instruction on how to live as Christians in this life. That Book is the Bible. If I call myself a Christian, God's inspired word is the only standard by which I can examine my life. The way I worship God and the way I should live to please Him are all found in this book.

If we have the mindset of David when he said, Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my mind and my heart, Psalm 26:2(NKJV), we will be willing to go to God's word to examine the way we are living. The hardest exam we will ever take, if we are honest, is the one we give ourselves.

The Apostle Paul tells the Corinthians: Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.  Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified(2 Corinthians 13:5 (NKJV). 

I have examined myself over the years with God's word and have had my life's manuscript come back with several red marks. The problem is, I can't retype my life.  The only thing I can do is repent of those things,(kinda like retyping) and go forward never desiring to do them again.  How do I get the red check marks off my past? I can't and I will never be able to remove them because I will never be good enough. But there is the One who can, His name is Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God. God loved us so much that He sent the perfect sacrifice to die in our place. We had plenty of red check marks, about like my first manuscript, but God loves us.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8, NKJV)Jesus shed His blood for you and me to wash away our sins. When we examine our lives by God's word, the scriptures tell us exactly what to do to have Christ's blood wash away those sins.

It is hard to live in this fallen world. No matter how hard we try, you and I will sin against God.  The most beautiful passage in the Bible that comforts me when this happens is taken from I John 1:5-10.

                       This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you that 
                       God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
                       If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and
                       do not practice the truth.

                      But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,
                      and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

                      If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

                  * If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse
                     us from all unrighteousness. NKJV

My desire is to live a life that pleases God, and I assume you do, too. If I am to come out of the closet as a Christian and to wear the name Christian, I must want more than anything to live as He has commanded..To do this I must want to examine my life on a regular basis to make sure I am not living as the world would have me to live.

Many times it is not easy to be a Christian, but with God's promises and His love for us, you and I can make a difference in:our lives and the lives of others in this world..  Let's do it.!!!

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog.  People from all over the world are now reading my post each week. If you have anyone that would like to be on my mailing list please send me their name and email address, and I will notify them of new blog post.  Also, thank you for getting my first book-The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart.

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Thank you!
Rick Hepler             

Monday, September 15, 2014

They Wear the Name and Play the Game

In the late summer of 1966, an older friend of mine talked me into going out for football.  I first said no, but he insisted so I went to the first night of practice to see what it was like. Back then I weighed, soaking wet, 135 pounds. I was a freshman at Fulton County High School. I made the team. I would be wearing number 40 on my FCHS  Pilots jersey.  There were 3 other freshmen my size and the coach would not let us do much.  I believe he thought we would get hurt. We were so small the only thing we added to the team was filling up space on the bench.

On Fridays, game day, all of the football players would wear their jersey to school.  I felt so proud being a Fulton County Pilot. We would have a pep rally, and the star players would speak saying what we were going to do to the opponent that night. One of those Fridays, I was feeling important in class with my jersey on and so happy to be a Pilot when a classmate brought me down to size very quickly.  My little football player strut was over for that year.  She said to me, with a convincing and very confident voice,  You don't even play.  All you do is sit on the bench.  Quickly what little strength I had in me left like the air coming out of a pin pricked balloon.  I still remember it to this day and believe it or not as I write this, it is game day.

I still remember her name, but I will keep it to myself.  She was right, and I knew it. I didn't add any more to the team than she did being a fan.The only thing the other 3 small players and I would do in practice was warmup exercises before practice and running sprints at the end of practice.  What we did in between our exercises drills was look for change that people dropped around the concession stand.  You know 25 cents back then would buy more than it does now.

Saying all of this leads me to this. If she had not said those negative statements, in the tone she said it in, I would probably have quit or sat on the bench the other 3 years.  I now was determined to play football and get off the bench. One more thing that helped me and was also an humbling experience was our athletic banquet in the Spring.  The coach was talking about all the players that actually played. Some got trophies for their dedication and playing ability. I don't even remember my name being called. I made my mind up right then that I was going to play in actual games.I was going to get me a trophy.  The next year, I got a trophy for being the most improved player.My senior year I got best lineman. I also played the whole entire game. I played right guard on offense, center for extra points and punts, and middle linebacker on defense.

I go back to this many times.  When I want to do something that is hard or I feel inadequate on attempting something, I remember this story from the past.  Back then my classmate did not believe I would ever get off the bench.  She was right, unless I started believing in myself.  Yes, it is hard when you are the only one who believes in you. Many of you know what I am talking about.  Many of you have gotten off the bench of life and have made extra ordinary accomplishments in helping people. And some, like me, have had that one triggering event that caused you to decide to give everything you have or quit. There is no in between. You either do it or don't.

I made friends for life playing football. Playing as a team taught me so much about life.  Sometimes we try our projects alone when we really need it to be a team project.  Every player on the team that wore the Fulton County Pilots whether it was on the jersey or letter jacket ended up Playing in the Game.  All of them were a great bunch of guys.

It is the time of the year for baseball playoffs, college football, and NFL football. All sports enthusiast have teams they root for.  Many even wear the jerseys of their favorite players. Some of these enthusiast wear jerseys, jackets, or caps of their favorite team. They wear the name but will never get in the game.  Only the real players will get in the game, and it is expected of them from the owners, coaches, and especially the fans.  The players of the game have spent many hours practicing their craft. They study films of their opponents. They are in top physical shape. They practice over and over the plays until they come natural to them.  They are heavily criticized if do not play to their full potential.  Their desire is to play in the game no matter the weather or the pain.

Today because of my age, I can only be a fan or a spectator of football, but Christian is one name we all can wear, and we are never to be a spectator. Christians are to play in the game from the day we put on Christ's name until we die.(Revelation 2:10) There is always a play you can run, always a team member to lift up, and the reward for playing is not money nor trophies.  The reward is eternal life for you and anyone else you have influenced by playing until the game is over.  This game has rules to abide by just like football. One main difference in this game is everyone that plays is a winner, and they can make others winners also.

Acts 11:26 says, And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch, NKJV.  How did they put on Christ?  In Galatians 3:26-27 the Apostle Paul tells the churches of Galatia: For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ, NKJV.  So they put on Christ and they were called by the new name that God was going to call His people as prophesied in Isaiah 62:2, You shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord will name, NKJV.

So if we say we are Christians, we wear the name of Christ. By wearing His name we have the responsibility to uphold that name with all the ability God has given us. God has given all of us different abilities in which we can be His servants.  We know this by the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30.  The one talent man sat on the bench, unlike the ones with two and five talents. The two and five talent men doubled their talents. God called the one talent man a lazy and wicked servant and ordered him to be cast into the outer darkness.

When I was wearing my football jersey that Friday in class, I was really acting like one of the players but was quickly reminded that I had not played in one game.  This fact really hurt, but it was a good lesson. If I had not  made my mind up to do what it took to be a good player and desired to get it the game, I would have been cut from the team. Instead, because of my determination, I learned how to play 3 positions and added to the team.

If I only wear the name Christian and do not serve my  God and fellow man  as a Christian, this is what will happen: Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in your name?'  And I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!

I can't wear the name of Christian and live anyway I please. I must live and act in accordance to God's will.  Players of any sport realize they must play by the rules.

I can go to church and sit on a pew and go home thinking that is all I have to do to be a servant of God. I did that at one time, but I realized that I was just sitting on the bench not engaging in the work of a servant of God. If I didn't change, I would have no influence as a Christian and there would be eternal consequences. Also, my children and grandchildren could imitate my Christian life and have the same eternal consequences.  This woke me up.  I want to get in the game!

Just a few short years ago 78 percent of the people in our country called themselves Christian.  Look at the immorality that we have today.  Immorality is more popular than morality.  Do you think Christians are sitting on the bench and letting Satan's team win?  God doesn't like abortion, yet we have had more than 56,000,000 abortion in this country since Row vs Wade.  Since the late 60's  God has been almost taken out of every aspect of public life. Children are being taught the theory of evolution as fact and Bibles are not being allowed into the classroom.  Seventy percent of black children are being born out of wedlock with many of the families today of all races fragmented due to adultery and fornication.  Calling the act of homosexuality another form of diversity is being forced upon all people.Same sex marriages not far behind it. What do you think? Who's game are we playing? Who's rules are we playing by, God's or Satan's?

If football players today played football like all of the people who say they are Christians in this country, they would be fired immediately.  Being a successful athlete requires a love for the game, learning the plays, practicing daily, and knowing the rules setup to play the game.They cannot go out on game day and play anyway they want.

If Christ looked at my Christian life would it make Him want to puke?(Revelations 3:14-21)  I. Rick Hepler, have to examine myself to see if ,on the playing field of life, I am living as the light of the world  pleasing God by showing His love and mercy.  Have I been as the salt of the earth by getting close to people and teaching them the love of God, His plan for our salvation, and also His wrath if we die lost?  I am getting in the game.  I don't want to wear the name of Christian and look like the world.  I want to be Christ like.

Are you a Christian? How do you talk? Is your language salted with profanity? Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Do you do the things of the world and dress like the world?  Do you love God with all your heart soul and mind?(Matthew 22:37)  If so, is He really first in your life?  I am writing this on a Sunday.  Did you worship God today?  Do you put sports and other forms of recreation and entertainment before God?

My answers to these questions hurt.  God loved me so much He gave His Son to die for me so I can have the opportunity of an eternal life with Him.. My decision was: I want in the game.  Things are not going to get better if Christians remain on the bench. There are a few that are playing the game for God and battling evil everyday, but they need all Christians working to get off the bench to defeat our opposing enemy, Satan.

What if someone said to you.  You don't act like a Christian, I have never seen you on the playing field.  Would it upset you?

I wish Christ's prayer in John 17:20-26 would be answered.

I have a favor to ask.  I am trying to build  the number of people I have reading my blog to 10,000 per month and 7000 per month in book sales. I am making many contacts each day, but I need the help of everyone.  Please pass this on to others.  I have readers in different countries and also some have purchased my book.  If you like reading my blog  please send your comments to or

You can go to to purchase my book,  The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart.

My promise to you is: to get better with my writing skills, and to write stories and books that will encourage you, your children, and grandchildren to desire to grow a faith in God that will help all face the giants of this life and be in heaven with God for an eternity in your next life.  As always I appreciate you reading my post and buying my book.

Thank you so much!




Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I Am Coming Out!

I first wrote this article with anger in my words, but  I reconsidered my feelings.We all sin sometime and even have thoughts we shouldn't have as God's people. As heterosexuals, we have battles every day in controlling our thoughts and actions in response to our fleshly desire of  sex. Satan has used this lust of the flesh in bringing many of God's men down. Look at  King David.  Men you know exactly what I am talking about. A Christian still has those fleshly desires but has no right from God to fulfill his sexual appetite outside of marriage. This falls under the sin of fornication.  Men, especially young men, you know how hard this is in our present culture. The apostle Paul comments on this in 1 Corinthians 7:1-9. If you can't control this then marry. I have not found a scripture in the Bible where God is pleased with sex outside of marriage. This marriage is between a man and a woman.

In the 50's and 60's homosexuals kept their practices under the cloak of darkness.  Back then people disobeyed God as they do today, but homosexuality was only committed by a few.  Harsh criticism was pronounced upon those who were found to be participating in this sin. So they practiced it "In the Closet". I assume that over the years the pain of keeping silent about homosexuality caused them to do something about it.

I do not know how a homosexual feels.  I do not know how being bullied or made fun of feels.  I can't imagine the emotional pain some may have experienced telling their families and friends that they were "coming out of the closet". As a Christian I want them to know God loves them just like He loves me.  Satan hates both you and me and does not want us to obey God.  Satan is going to get us as far away from God as he can. Why?  So on judgment day we will both be lost in Hell, the place prepared for Satan and his angels. Everyone on this planet was created in the Image of God.  Satan has deceived us into covering up this image with the sins we choose to commit.  He knows our weakness in the flesh and uses it to tempt us. Then we choose to partake in whatever it is.

Growing up I never heard a sermon on homosexuality. We only read about Sodom and Gomorrah and that was about it. How could such a small group over the last few years gain the power to change the attitude of our country's view towards homosexuality?  What steps did they take to get to the level of acceptance that they have today  among heterosexuals? They have replaced their fear in the past with brass confidence.  They have gotten homosexuality, which is evil in God's sight, to be called good.

What course of action did it take for them to have this measure of success?  You have to give homosexuals credit, they have put the fear in everyone from publicly saying anything bad about gays or lesbians.  They now have protection and  some states have legalized same sex marriages. Politicians, Hollywood, and the media give praise when prominent sports figures, movie stars, or even politicians "come out of the closet".  If anyone makes a critical remark about homosexuals, the media is all over it.  The public then demands an apology, some are terminated from their jobs, and businesses are boycotted and even faced with lawsuits.  God condemns homosexuality the same as He condemns fornication and adultery. (Leviticus 17:22 and Romans 1:26-32)

How did those who are practicing homosexuality do this? It started with a few having the courage to "come out", then this gave others courage. Homosexuals managed to get in places of leadership. They portrayed themselves as being discriminated against. They seized every opportunity to desensitize and remove the stigma of homosexuality among the general public. They did this by the "coming out" of popular public figures and TV shows promoting gays as just an alternate lifestyle.  You can think of other ways. Their strong desire to be accepted and still be able to participate in homosexual practices gave them the courage to rebel against God and even silence some of God's people. Christian, were you silenced by them? Are you going to let homosexuals teach your grandchildren in school that this is an acceptable way of life. When you die and have  gone to your eternal home, who will teach them homosexuality is wrong?

Well, I do not know about you but I am tired of it. As of this date, I am "coming out of the closet".   Mom and Dad don't pass out yet. Let me finish. I mean I am coming out of the closet as a Christian. NO I AM NOT GAY!  I am not embarrassed  to be a Christian. If you are my enemy I will love you as Jesus loves you.  He loved you enough to die for you.  I have been letting God's light shine, you might say, only in a closet. My "salt of the earth" is still in the box in the cabinet. I want to go to heaven and I want every one I know to go there.  I want to be like Christ. I want to love like He loves.

I do not want my grandchildren to wonder why granddaddy and other Christians his age let this happen? What will your grandchildren say about you? Most importantly what will Christ say? (Matt. 7:21-23; Matt. 10:32;John 12:42)

Evil is Evil and always will be. God cannot lie.  He said homosexuality is a sin and it always will be. Christians cannot not be sympathetic or moderate on this. For a Christian to be lukewarm on this issue is just like the church of the Laodiceans. Christ said because they were lukewarm He would spew them out of His mouth.

As Christians we should be Christlike in everything we do.We are to abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:22) If the world wants to promote evil and call it good, we can all group together and buy food and what we need from those who stand against evil.  The big question is how many of us are ready to come out of the closet and be Christians who spread the Gospel to a lost and dying world.  We need to be in leadership roles. How are we glorifying our Father in Heaven now?  I am coming out and showing Christ to my brothers and sisters in humanity.  There may be those who struggle with homosexuality. We can show them and all sinners the love of God through each of us. We must desire to have compassion and unconditional love for them and all people. Remember all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God and without Christ  we can never be righteous before God. My "coming out" as a Christian is probably not going to make headlines, ESPN or Fox News, but 25,000,000 coming out will.  The sponsors of some of the TV shows that laugh at Christians may have to rethink who they are sponsoring.

Final question.  If as Christians we keep doing as we are now, will anything get better morally in our country?
What if 25,000,000 Christians decided "to come out of the closet" and show God's unconditional love for all mankind.  Also, these Christians would be hot instead of lukewarm, having a zeal in their heart for obeying God, loving Him, abstaining from any  appearance of evil, and live according to the example Christ has given us.  They are not going to listen to me, but they will all of you.  How about you? If you come out, you will be in a glass house. The world will be watching how we live and will be ready at a moments notice to call us hypocrites if we fail to live as faithful Christians. Read in John 15:18-19 and John 17:14-19 what Christ says about us and the world.  Please think about it. Our grandchildren are depending on us.

I need some comments on this one and if you agree send it out everywhere. The cold water challenge was a great deed showing love, support and hopefully a cure for those with a dreaded disease.  "The coming out of the closet as a Christian" addresses the spiritual disease we all have, Sin, and Christ is the Cure!

You can comment at or .

Please go to  to buy my new book, The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart. If you do not have a Kindle you can download on your personal computer.

Thanks, it's good to be back.
Rick Hepler