In the 70's my dad raised hogs in confinement. He had what is called a farrowing house for the sows to give birth to their pigs. After about 5 or 6 weeks, he would take them away from the sows and move the pigs to another building called a nursery. The pigs would stay in this nursery until they weighted 40 pounds. They were then were sold as feeder pigs. The buyer fed the pigs out and later carried and sold them to a meat packing plants for slaughtering.
Hogs raised in confinement are hard to move. They are born in a small pen then, after 5 weeks, moved to a larger pen. When we would move the pigs from smaller to larger pens, they did not want to go. They wanted to stay in their small pens with less freedom. Most of the time, we had to make it rough on them to get them to move. I would occasionally feed some out on dirt. This meant they lived outside with plenty of food, water, a pond to wallow in, fresh air, and a larger lot to roam around. To get them to go to this freedom we had to almost beat them. We moved them with a stock trailer and almost always loaded them by hand. They didn't want to leave their small pen. Even though nasty and smelly, it was their comfort zone. They wanted to stay, and it took some force to get them to go to a better place. When we unloaded them on dirt, they just stood for a long time afraid to walk. Finally, they became accustomed to their new freedom, but the process getting them there was a hard one.
I hate to compare us to those pigs, but sometimes we are the same way. We will stay in our own place in life, our own little pen, complaining and unhappy. We're afraid to get out of it. We will not do anything about it, just like the pigs would choose their little pens over the big outside, fresh air, feedlot. Why? Fear, complacence, no dreams of a better place, and lack of knowledge will keep us in our little pen all of our life. What will get us out of this? Something the pigs didn't have, courage. We have lost our courage to change. Something has to happen for us to get it back.
Our forefathers came to America because they were not comfortable living in their homeland any longer. Times were hard. The desire to do better overcame their fear of leaving their homes. After arriving in America, our forefathers had to develop courage to remain here. Later, they had to have such a desire for freedom, to fight courageously for it. Was it by the providence of God that they came? Our country has freed more people, protected more people, and has spread Christianity more than any country in the world. We do not need to lose sight of this.
How does the world view us today? They view us by what they see. The politicians, movies, what we allow, media, etc. They do not see us as "Christian America". Why? Because we sit in our chairs and along with the world look at the news, movies, politicians, the ridiculous activities that we allow, and view our country the same way the world does. We sit in our chairs (I did too) complaining about what "they are not doing" and how bad it is.
God is now blessing us with trials. Why? Go to Gen. chapters 37-50. This is a beautiful story of God's providence with Joseph and the children of Israel. God protects His people and moves them to a fertile land where there is plenty of grain. Please read it and then ask yourself this question. What would the outcome of this story been if Joseph was never sold into slavery? How would Jacob and his family survived the famine? Remember, reading Gen. 50:19-21, Joseph told his brothers,..."you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive".
Review your past. Have you ever had a hardship that moved you in a different direction which you are now thankful? There are many examples I could use, but this one comes to mind. Walt Disney was told he was not creative, and I also read where he went bankrupt. But going through this he developed the courage and persistence he needed to make his dreams come true. Have you ever been to Disney World? Would we have it today if Walt Disney hadn't experienced hard times to shift him in a different direction?
Would we have religious freedom in this country today if our forefathers had not experienced hardship? Does God care about us? Do you seek God more,when you are unemployed, sick, broke, have family problems, etc. or when you have a nice job, money in the bank, perfect health, and no problems?
The time is now with no margin for error. When I looked into the eyes of my youngest grandchild today, I realized I needed to open that door of opportunity that God is giving us today. I can only open it by faith in Him and not faith in politicians or anyone else.
You say, "well I am old and retired, I can't do anything". As Christians living in this great country there are many things we can do. First, go to Psalms 51:10-13, humble yourself, and read vs 10 desiring more than anything ever in your life for God to create in you a clean heart. Second, go read verse 13 and have the desire to accomplish what this says, to teach others God's ways.
Next, as Christians let's make it a point for the world to see how Christians are to live. Let's be thankful for the trials we are now experiencing. If we do not act now, the eyes of my little grandson, in thirty years, will not be seeing the freedom to worship God in this country. Some other group will be controlling what is said or done. Freedom will be something he talks about his grandfather having when he was growing up. This does not need to happen!
God is trying to wake this great nation up. God and we can do it, not the world. The world is trying to move us away from God. In Psalms 119:67 "Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep your word"and vs. 68 "You are good, and do good; teach me your statutes". Then in vs. 71, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted, That I may learn your statutes".(NKJV)
God wants us to follow Him. He is giving us this trial to wake us up. Let's wake up, encourage one another, and pray to God like we never have before. Show courage not fear, faith not doubt. If I had not been going through some trying times, I probably never would have started this blog. I do not know if you are enjoying reading this or not,but it has been a great help to me. I hope you are reading the scriptures that I use. They give me hope.
I want to say something that I have mentioned before. People are hurting and we need God. With all the bad news we are having, what am I doing, and what are you doing? Everyone, search for your God given talents and have the courage to us them. We have "No Margin for Error".
I hope this encourages you to have courage and faith. Please let me know your comments at or call me 731-796-6414.
I hope you have a good day!
Rick Hepler