I first wrote this article with anger in my words, but I
reconsidered my feelings.We all sin sometime and even have thoughts we
shouldn't have as God's people. As heterosexuals, we have battles every
day in controlling our thoughts and actions in response to our fleshly
desire of sex. Satan has used this lust of the flesh in bringing many
of God's men down. Look at King David. Men you know exactly what I am
talking about. A Christian still has those fleshly desires but has no
right from God to fulfill his sexual appetite outside of marriage. This
falls under the sin of fornication. Men, especially young men, you know
how hard this is in our present culture. The apostle Paul comments on
this in 1 Corinthians 7:1-9. If you can't control this then marry. I
have not found a scripture in the Bible where God is pleased with sex
outside of marriage. This marriage is between a man and a woman.
In the 50's and 60's homosexuals kept their practices under the cloak of darkness. Back then people disobeyed God as they do today, but homosexuality was only committed by a few. Harsh criticism was pronounced upon those who were found to be participating in this sin. So they practiced it "In the Closet". I assume that over the years the pain of keeping silent about homosexuality caused them to do something about it.
do not know how a homosexual feels. I do not know how being bullied or
made fun of feels. I can't imagine the emotional pain some may have
experienced telling their families and friends that they were "coming out of the closet".
As a Christian I want them to know God loves them just like He loves
me. Satan hates both you and me and does not want us to obey God.
Satan is going to get us as far away from God as he can. Why? So on
judgment day we will both be lost in Hell, the place prepared for Satan
and his angels. Everyone on this planet was created in the Image of God.
Satan has deceived us into covering up this image with the sins we
choose to commit. He knows our weakness in the flesh and uses it to
tempt us. Then we choose to partake in whatever it is.
Growing up I never heard a sermon on homosexuality. We only read about Sodom and Gomorrah and that was about it. How could such a small group over the last few years gain the power to change the attitude of our country's view towards homosexuality? What steps did they take to get to the level of acceptance that they have today among heterosexuals? They have replaced their fear in the past with brass confidence. They have gotten homosexuality, which is evil in God's sight, to be called good.
What course of action did it take for them to have this measure of success? You have to give homosexuals credit, they have put the fear in everyone from publicly saying anything bad about gays or lesbians. They now have protection and some states have legalized same sex marriages. Politicians, Hollywood, and the media give praise when prominent sports figures, movie stars, or even politicians "come out of the closet". If anyone makes a critical remark about homosexuals, the media is all over it. The public then demands an apology, some are terminated from their jobs, and businesses are boycotted and even faced with lawsuits. God condemns homosexuality the same as He condemns fornication and adultery. (Leviticus 17:22 and Romans 1:26-32)
How did those who are practicing homosexuality do this? It started with a few having the courage to "come out", then this gave others courage. Homosexuals managed to get in places of leadership. They portrayed themselves as being discriminated against. They seized every opportunity to desensitize and remove the stigma of homosexuality among the general public. They did this by the "coming out" of popular public figures and TV shows promoting gays as just an alternate lifestyle. You can think of other ways. Their strong desire to be accepted and still be able to participate in homosexual practices gave them the courage to rebel against God and even silence some of God's people. Christian, were you silenced by them? Are you going to let homosexuals teach your grandchildren in school that this is an acceptable way of life. When you die and have gone to your eternal home, who will teach them homosexuality is wrong?
Well, I do not know about you but I am tired of it. As of this date, I am "coming out of the closet". Mom and Dad don't pass out yet. Let me finish. I mean I am coming out of the closet as a Christian. NO I AM NOT GAY! I am not embarrassed to be a Christian. If you are my enemy I will love you as Jesus loves you. He loved you enough to die for you. I have been letting God's light shine, you might say, only in a closet. My "salt of the earth" is still in the box in the cabinet. I want to go to heaven and I want every one I know to go there. I want to be like Christ. I want to love like He loves.
I do not want my grandchildren to wonder why granddaddy and other Christians his age let this happen? What will your grandchildren say about you? Most importantly what will Christ say? (Matt. 7:21-23; Matt. 10:32;John 12:42)
Evil is Evil and always will be. God cannot lie. He said homosexuality is a sin and it always will be. Christians cannot not be sympathetic or moderate on this. For a Christian to be lukewarm on this issue is just like the church of the Laodiceans. Christ said because they were lukewarm He would spew them out of His mouth.
As Christians we should be Christlike in everything we do.We are to abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:22) If the world wants to promote evil and call it good, we can all group together and buy food and what we need from those who stand against evil. The big question is how many of us are ready to come out of the closet and be Christians who spread the Gospel to a lost and dying world. We need to be in leadership roles. How are we glorifying our Father in Heaven now? I am coming out and showing Christ to my brothers and sisters in humanity. There may be those who struggle with homosexuality. We can show them and all sinners the love of God through each of us. We must desire to have compassion and unconditional love for them and all people. Remember all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God and without Christ we can never be righteous before God. My "coming out" as a Christian is probably not going to make headlines, ESPN or Fox News, but 25,000,000 coming out will. The sponsors of some of the TV shows that laugh at Christians may have to rethink who they are sponsoring.
Final question. If as Christians we keep doing as we are now, will anything get better morally in our country?
What if 25,000,000 Christians decided "to come out of the closet" and show God's unconditional love for all mankind. Also, these Christians would be hot instead of lukewarm, having a zeal in their heart for obeying God, loving Him, abstaining from any appearance of evil, and live according to the example Christ has given us. They are not going to listen to me, but they will all of you. How about you? If you come out, you will be in a glass house. The world will be watching how we live and will be ready at a moments notice to call us hypocrites if we fail to live as faithful Christians. Read in John 15:18-19 and John 17:14-19 what Christ says about us and the world. Please think about it. Our grandchildren are depending on us.
I need some comments on this one and if you agree send it out everywhere. The cold water challenge was a great deed showing love, support and hopefully a cure for those with a dreaded disease. "The coming out of the closet as a Christian" addresses the spiritual disease we all have, Sin, and Christ is the Cure!
You can comment at rhepler52@yahoo.com or rhepler52@gmail.com .
Please go to www.amazon.com to buy my new book, The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart. If you do not have a Kindle you can download on your personal computer.
Thanks, it's good to be back.
Rick Hepler