Substitute: a person or thing that takes the place of another. (Webster's dictionary)
When I was in the eighth grade at Hickman Elementary School, I was on the basketball team. We had a good team and a winning season. We did not lose a game. But, the only time I got to play was when we were way ahead. You see, I was a substitute and was not as good as or tall as the first string players. The coach never put me in a close game, nor did the fans cheer for me as they did the main players. My cousin, Tommy Hepler, was one of our star players. I thought he was our best player. In a critical tournament game, Tommy scored 15 points. The only time I ever received any recognition was a mistake. When our weekly hometown paper came out, it had on the front page, Rickey Hepler scored 15 points in tournament. Everyone was laughing. If I remember correctly, I never got off the bench.
In this life we are bombarded with substitutes. When our favorite players get hurt, a substitute goes in for them. We also have sugar substitutes, substitute teachers, and on and on. You could probably make a long list of substitutes and usually we had rather have the original player, sugar, or even teacher than the "subs".
One substitute needs not only our attention, but we have to have Him. He is the only substitute, that I know of, that is better than the one He is substituting for. We had to have this substitute because God is a just God, and he has a spiritual law in place. Sin will be punished.
If we die in our sins, we will go to the place prepared for the devil and his angels.(Matt. 25:41) Have we sinned? All have sinned. (Rom. 3:23) God didn't even spare the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell. (2Pet. 2:4) We cannot achieve the righteousness which God requires alone.
We have as our substitute, Jesus Christ. He is our High Priest and was tempted as we are, yet without sin.(Heb.4:14-15) Christ died for the ungodly. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He was that perfect, sinless, spotless sacrifice God demanded. A sacrifice we could not give.
Today, the blood that Jesus shed on the cross continually cleanses us, if we walk in His light.( 1John 1:5-7)
I want you to slowly read Hebrews 2:2-3. How can we not obey Christ and neglect such a great salvation?
God's wrath against sin is so horrible that even the the devils tremble at His name. (James 2:19) He created man in His image. Satan and his angels rebelled against God. God has prepared a place for them in everlasting torment and also man, if he dies in his sins. They have no SUBSTITUTE, but man does, Jesus Christ. God loves us so much that he sent His Son to live among us, to overcome the temptations we have, and to die on a cruel cross as our perfect, sinless sacrifice. I want to ask you. How badly does God want to keep us out of hell? Think about it. Would you give your son or daughter as a substitute to die for anyone?
The economy is terrible, and people are afraid of losing everything. The good news is (The Gospel) we have One who died in our stead (Substitute), and He has gone to prepare a better place for us for all eternity. All we have to do is believe in Him and obey His commandments. I do not know of anything in my lifetime I have been offered any better than this. Have you?
Many are in debt today and having a hard time meeting their payments. If someone came and paid all of your debts, how would you feel? God has offered us eternity with Him in Heaven. Remember His Son Jesus, our substitute, paid our debt with His Life. Will you go to church this Sunday and worship Him?
I hope this gives you some encouragement. Where you and I spend eternity is left up to us. I hope Christ did not die in vain for us.
Comments welcomed at
Rick Hepler