Monday, July 18, 2011

The Two Requests

Requests, either receiving them or making them, are a part of everyday life.  Count how may times a day your grandchildren make requests to you.  When ours are with us, it seems like we get a request to do something every 10 minutes, and usually we request them to do something before we fulfill their request.

Some requests we make are very important and some only small. No matter, how large or small, we would like for them to be fulfilled.  Sometimes our livelihood depends on it.

I know of two requests that I have read about,which I hope you, nor I never have to make.  Those two requests are recorded in Luke chapter 16:23-31. The first one is for Father Abraham to send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool the tongue of the Rich man that is in torment.  Remember, the poor man, Lazarus died and is carried away by angels to Paradise in Hades and the rich man died and is in torments in Hades.  The torment is so great that the rich man just wants some relief for just a moment.

Some do not believe when a man dies, outside the life God wants him to live, he will go to a place of torment.  In my Bible, Christ strictly warns that it can happen and this is the case of the rich man.  You notice in reading that his request is turned down. Father Abraham even tells him a great gulf separates them, and they cannot come to him nor can he go to them.  He is in the place of torment forever.

I try to imagine how he feels.  The torment would be bad, but the thought of being there with no hope of ever leaving is worse. I tremble to think of it.  Knowing how terrible it was, I would definitely not want any of my loved ones joining me. These thoughts also came to the rich man.  He remembered  that he had five brothers living the same lifestyle as he had lived on earth.  He knew they were bound for this same place which caused his second request.

Then he said, "I beg you therefore, father,that you would send him to my father's house, 'for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment."  ...(NKJV) 

Being in torment was bad enough, but he knew his loved ones would follow.  Don't you think he has had many days wishing he had lived the way God wanted and that would have influenced his five brothers to live for the Lord.  Imagine you are in torment and you see your adult child or grandchild join you someday.  Then knowing for all eternity that YOU were the reason they are there with you. The way you lived your live on earth, they picked up on, and lived the same way.

Now, how do you feel?  What do you want to do?  The rich man wanted Lazarus to be sent back from the dead and warn his brothers.  Abraham said that if they would not hear Moses and the prophets they would not hear one who was raised from the dead.  If you were dead, who would your children or grandchildren listen to?  Who on this earth now would you want to send to teach them?

Jesus said to his disciples and to us  in Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (NKJV) You notice this command was given to His disciples then and now. No one will be coming back from the dead. It is our responsibility, as Christ's disciples, to carry out this great commission. Does Christ's great commission to His disciples have greater meaning to you now?

Who really is the best to teach your children and loved ones the Gospel?  Don't you think you might be that person? You make sure you are following Christ and His teachings, and they will see it in your life. Examine what you place first in your life because they probably will do the same. Oh, they may already be doing it. Look at their lives. Are they living Christ like or like today's world?  Remember, the rich man's brothers where living as he did. This was what concerned him.

Our places in eternity are decided on  how we follow God today.  Now, which place are you headed to after this life and who are you carrying with you?

Please, think about this and have a good day.  Please pass on to others and also send me a comment.   All comments will remain private.

Rick Hepler