Persistence, the main ingredient for life. We see it all around us. Our children and grandchildren continually apply it to get want they want from us. The other morning as I was getting ready to shave I noticed the reflection of the five light bulbs above our sink in the water. As I was troubled about starting a new day, I was reminded by the persistence of Thomas A. Edison in his invention of the light bulb. Something I had taken for granted every day never realizing the strong persistent attitude he had in which we and the world reap the benefits of this very day.
I have a garden and the plants in that garden must have water. The water helps them to stand up firm and develop and produce the fruit they were created to produce. Take the water away and no matter how much fertilizer and sunshine they received they will still wilt and die producing nothing more than a place in the compost pile. The same thing happens to us when we lack persistence. It is like taking water away from plants, we allow obstacles to gradually remove our persistence and our goals die quickly and so do our dreams.
Right now, you and I need to imagine a dream that we have or whatever we have always wanted to do then envision having an unwavering persistence that allows nothing to stop us. I can see my goal being accomplished. Do you also see it? What about your enthusiasm? Did it just kick up a notch? Mine did!
I believe in God and I believe in His word. I believe God's word is to help us in this life and also prepare us for eternal life with Him if we will allow it. We are shown in His word that we do have an enemy. An enemy that not only wants us to fail but along with the failure wants us to curse the very God that created us and die.
Is this enemy, Satan, powerful? You better believe he is. But most of his power comes in our minds, our thoughts, and we, with God's help, can keep him out. Always, Always, Alwaaays remember, "if God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31, NKJV)
We as Americans and Christians need to develop a persistence like our generation has never seen. That persistence needs to be fueled with desire, enthusiasm and purpose. God has given each of us a talent. Let's blend our talents and use persistence to make our country once again a nation with faithful persevering Christians.
Each week I will add enemies of persistence that we can discuss. I promise I will, "persistently", work on improving my writing skills. I need you to have a dream so we can together develop the persistence that we need together to see our dreams fulfilled.
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Next time, I will discuss discouragement. I believe this is one of the major enemies of persistence.
Until next time, "think about it"
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