I respect my mom and dad more and more each day. Growing up in the 50's and 60's we did not have the play stations the kids have today. Living on the farm we always had something to entertain us, and it was almost always something outdoors. Sometimes we would be having so much fun, we would miss the time we were suppose to be home. It wasn't a good thing for us when mom or dad had to walk the fields looking for us. We would usually know we messed up when we heard, Where are you? You better answer me. Were they mad? Walking all over the farm looking for us, what do you think? Yes they were mad!!! But it was a mad that had a ton of love behind it. I realize that now.
You see, the things we did, swimming in Reelfoot creek and the neighbor's ponds, hunting, swimming with our horses, riding five on my motorcycle at the same time, camping out and walking all over the neighborhood at night, climbing tall trees to shake out treed raccoons at midnight, crossing the Mississippi River in a small lake boat, stirring up a nest of water moccasins, and a few other things, were reasons for their concerns.
I realize now anytime I left the house, whether I was 5 years old or 63 years old, they were always concerned until I got back home. Now as a parent and grandparent in a different time period, I share those same thoughts.
Where are you? is a question from parents, friends, brothers, sisters and anyone else who loves you. Most importantly, it is a question from the God who created you. Did you know this was the first question God had for man after He created him? (Genesis 3:9) This was a question from a loving God to find Adam and Eve, who had just disobeyed God. Behind this question was love and concern also. They were lost, but God had a plan for them and us to be found.
This was not like the first question asked in the garden. The first question was from Satan. It was not a question of concern or love, but a question of deception to cause Eve to doubt and disobey God. Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'? (Genesis 3:1) The first question was to get mankind lost, and the second question was to find him, to lead him back.
Satan is going to do everything he can to get us lost from God and to remain lost. God is still asking the question, Where are you? How do I know. Let's look at a few verses.
When a nation is lost: If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14, NKJV) You say, well that was the Old Testament and it was a long time ago. Well let's look in the New testament and read if God is the same.
When a son is lost, Jesus portrays a parable about a father that had a lost son. Before we go any further, I want you to get your Bible and read Luke 15:11-32. The father in this story told by Jesus represents God. This father's son wanted to get his inheritance from his father and get far away from him. He wanted to live and fulfill all of his fleshly desires. The world (Satan) had tempted him with a promise of pleasures and a better life than he had living with his father. You notice, he had money from the father to do this.(God makes his sun to shine on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust, Matthew 5:42)
After you have read the scriptures, let's talk about this. My mom and dad were usually watching for me to come home. How do I know this? They opened the door for me. The father in this story was continually watching for his son, because his son left him not intending to ever come home. How do I know this? Read verse 20. The son was still a great way off and his father ran to meet him. I think Jesus wants us to realize God is always looking for us to return when we are lost.
The world showed this son a good time until it got all he had. When he spent all the father had given him, he ended up feeding and eating with the hogs. That could set a person's self esteem back and if it didn't, smelling like a hog would. The son then believes the lie (from Satan) that he is unworthy to ever be called his father's son again. He says in verse 21, I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
Next, Jesus wants us to know how the Father reacts when a son that was lost comes home. There is rejoicing. (Luke 15:20-24) (Luke 15:7,10) Did the father, who represents God, in this parable treat him like a servant or son? I think the kiss on the neck, the best robe, ring on his hand, sandals on his feet and killing the fatted calf give us a good clue. He treated him like a son. It is very evident here the son did not know how much his father loved him or he probably would never have left home.
This is just a parable, but God wants us to know He loves us and wants us back if we have left Him for the world. We are precious to Him. That's the way He created us to be. Don't believe me? If God would text us today, I believe this is what he would say. Please read below.
I created you in Our image. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. When Satan deceives you into thinking his fallen world is better than the Kingdom of God, I have given you the truth that will free you from him. I have always loved you, and I do not want you to eat with the swine, nor wear their mud and awful odor. I have provided something better for you to put on, and He will make you as white as snow.
I detest what my enemy and yours has done to you and is trying to do to you. You needed a perfect sacrifice to come back to Me. I could not find one among you so I sent you Him. He was tempted as you are, and He faced some of the same trials as you. The day He was beaten and murdered by those who called themselves religious, I had to watch my only Son get beaten and mocked by the very creatures He created.
But, He showed you how to love Me and obey Me, even in the greatest trial. The only time I had to turn my back on Him was when He took on your sins. I had heard Him cry out at that time, 'My God, My God, were are you?' I know your pain when you have lost a child to physical death. Through His obedience He gained a victory over death for you. Do not fear death of the physical body, but fear the spiritual death that will come to you if my Son does not know you.
I do not think like you. I will forgive you and give you newness of life away from that false life you have been deceived into living. If you choose to believe in my Son, you can put Him on like the father put his finest robe on his son in the parable My Son told you about. We will then bury your past life in this world and rejoice with the Angels as the father rejoiced with a feast of the fatted calf with his friends when his son who was lost came home.
I know you are going through some difficult times right now. If you, who are called by My name, will stop living as the world and Satan wants you to, will humble yourselves, and pray and seek My face, I will heal your land.
'Where are you?' Don't you know how much I love you? Don't you know I want you back? Don't you know I have sent the best to redeem you? Surely you don't want to follow the ways of the evil one, do you? Do not the words that God the Holy Spirit has left with you teach you that I love you, and my commandments are for your good? I am patiently waiting on your return.
All of the above came from a text from God. That text is found in His word, the Holy Bible. Message me or hit share or like on Facebook, and I will post the scriptures that back it up in a separate blog.
Mother or dad would yell out to us, "Where are you?", then they would always say, "You better answer me.".
If you like todays post please send comments to rhepler52@gmail.com or if you want to use my books for family devotions you can go to www.amazon.com and type in Rick Hepler to purchase them.
Thanks for reading. I know this was a long one, but the problems we have in this country are long ones too.
Thanks for reading.