Thursday, April 30, 2015

"Tell Me What I Need to Do and I Will Do It"

Every problem has a solution.  We may not know what it is, but someone does.  I went to the doctor yesterday to get the results from my blood test.  When she came in the first words she said, "This is not good you are a diabetic".  At that point, she received my full attention.  The main stuff that should have been low was high and the stuff that should be high was low.  The most critical readings were: glucose 297, triglycerides 410, vitamin D 16.9 and the good cholesterol 33.  I immediately said, "Tell me what I need to do and this time I will do it".

She had told me in previous years to exercise, cut back on carbohydrates, meats, and most importantly the portions I was consuming.  I ignored all advice and the danger to my health gradually increased to this point. If I do not do as she advised, I will have major problems from diabetes and heart disease. I previously ignored the truth she was telling me, but now I seek it and will obey it, because if not, I and the people who love me, will be going down a path of pain and suffering.  The true facts from my blood test got my attention.

In the same light, look at our nation today. Since I was born (1952) the morality of this great nation has declined gradually over the years, a little at a time.  The good (Faithful Christian Living and Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength) is at a critical  low, when it should be high and the bad (Just look at the nightly news on this one) is high when it should be low.

Is it possible for us to react the same way with this as I reacted to my blood test? The result of previous years of neglecting the truth from our Creator God has led us to this point in our nation's history.  Are we concerned the way our nation is headed?  Are we going to ignore it and let it get gradually worse than it is, causing more pain and suffering in the future for our children and grandchildren? Is this serious enough for us to say, "Tell me what I need to do and this time I will do it"?

The solution has been before us all the time and can be easily done by every American.  The riots and every social ill can be conquered by this one thing.  This solution in its truest form will last through all eternity.  As I have just had my physical exam, to do my part in helping to bring our country back, I need  to have a spiritual exam.  I need to be honest with myself and examine myself with God's word. (Psalm 26:2; 2 Corinthians 13:5; and Galatians 6:4)

I have to get myself in good shape physically before I can tell others how to get healthy.  I must also live as God wants me to, before I can tell others.  I must identify and correct my flaws before I can teach and encourage someone else.

Each day I am thankful for Christ dying in my place, giving me the opportunity to be righteous before God in Christ.  I can never, nor ever live long enough to do enough good deeds to be able to stand before God as righteous. I need Jesus to do that for me, and He has wonderfully so done.  Thank God!

What is it and can I start today? The solution is love.  It is the solution because our enemy, the Devil, wants us to stay away from it.  And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13). Why did I choose this as a solution?  I think it is the right solution because love suffers long and is kind. ( Love gives second chances, and many times I have needed second chances.) If I have love, when you have good fortune I will rejoice with you and not be angry because you received something good and I didn't. If I have love, I won't boast of having displayed it and will not be prideful because I have shown the love.

If I have love, I will not be rude and selfish.  If I have love, I will not get easily irritated, will not think evil, and will not be glad in unrighteousness, but I will rejoice in the truth with others.(1 Corinthians 13:4-6)

Notice the rejoice in truth part. What truth is Paul talking about? God's word. The prayer Jesus prayed to God for his disciples in John 17:17 tells us the truth he is talking about. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.  Jesus also said in John 8:32, And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (NKJV). What is the truth. The Psalmist says in Psalm 119:151, You are near ,O Lord and all Your commandments are truth(NKJV).  Jesus said in John 14:15, If you love Me keep My commandments (NKJV).

So love involves rejoicing in the truth, which is God's word including His commandments.  If I love Christ, I will keep His commandments.  Will our country be a better place if you and I keep His commandments?

Who am I to love?  First, I am to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind.  This is the first and great commandment, then I am to love my neighbor as myself ( Matthew 22:37-39).  Who else am I to love?  I am to love my enemy (Matthew 5:44). That one may be the toughest, but it is a command.  The last one I want to mention is found in Ephesians 5:25, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her...(NKJV).

This sounds like an excellent prescription for our country to get back where we need to be.  This will not cost the taxpayers a dime.  Everyone can participate.  Neighborhoods will be safer.  And the economy would probably get better. How? Continue to read the solutions below.
  1. If I love God, I will obey His commandments.  I will daily, like I was searching for a treasure, read His word and fervently pray to Him. Then my knowledge of Him will increase my trust in Him and also my love for His truth. I must desire to love as He would have me to. If I do not love others, I do not know God. Read these powerful scriptures on the consequences of not loving.  (1 John chapters 3 and 4) If Satan can divert a small portion of my time each day from my praying to God, reading His Word and meditating on what I have read, I will eventually not have God in my knowledge. I then may end up like those who were destroyed by the flood (Genesis 6:1-7) and those in (Romans 1:28-32).  I am trying to be spiritually healthy. I still have many flaws, but prayer and God's word helps me to keep walking in His light.  I am still subject to falling away and being spiritually sick gradually.  It is just like my physical blood test.  My glucose and triglycerides numbers did not rise over night.  I knew two years ago I needed to pay attention to my diet, and the amount I exercised.  I never did.  I let large  amounts of carbohydrates and fatty foods take the place of healthy eating.  Also, I let a sedentary lifestyle of watching TV, sitting in my office chair reading, and other non physical activities take the place of the exercise I should have been doing to remain healthy.  Look what that gradual neglect to my body has done to me.  If I continue to neglect it the way I have been, I will suffer heart disease, maybe die before I want, and end up having enormous medical bills.  I am going to do what she told me to do and do it every day.  If I let the world creep into my spiritual life like I have let an unhealthy lifestyle enter my physical life, I will be dead spiritually.  I do not want neither of the above, but I must remain vigilant each day on both.
                                                        (Continued next week)

The prescription for Godly living is in God's word.  What I am proposing will work and we can all participate.  I am going to examine myself on today's post, because I probably am not loving like I should.  I need God's word to tell me, but I hope it doesn't scare me like my blood test did.
Also, we need to encourage one another on this prescription God has given us.  I know I need encouragement everyday from God and my fellowman.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Our Enemy was Almost Successful

The sunrise was beautiful this morning. After being cloudy yesterday, I really needed some sunshine today. The sun always shines, but sometimes the clouds get in our way of seeing it. The sun just does what it was created to do. It gives us light, warmth, magnificent sunrises and sunsets, and of course a good source of vitamin D. By these things, the sun then glorifies God by doing what it was created to do.

Along with the sunrise was the singing of birds this morning.  I believe they were as happy as I was to see the sun. I noticed a Robin had built a perfectly round nest on top of my electric meter. The birds were just doing what God created them to do and seemed happy in doing it. Thus, they too glorified God by doing what He created them to do.

The spring flowers and some trees are blooming beautifully.  They too are glorifying God with the beauty He created them to display.

Then my most important question arises after the previous statements. How am I glorifying God? How am I going to glorify my Creator today? (Matthew 5:14-16) Am I going to do what God created me to do today?  Unlike His other creatures, that do what He designed them to do, He has given me a choice to do what I choose. I may choose to do his will or something other than His will.
I have a frightening thought.  What if I was one of the descendants of Seth and married one of the beautiful daughters of men. Would I have retained the knowledge of God to continue loving, worshipping, and obeying Him, or would I have followed the world causing the wrath of God to destroy it?  Would I have been like Noah? Would I have found grace in the eyes of God?  What about you?

God knew the people would not turn back to Him.  Only Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
How do I know that? In Genesis 6:7 ...God said He was sorry He made them.  Is there hope for man today?  The Lord loves us so much and does not want us to be lost. Read 2 Peter 3:9. He doesn't want any of us to perish, but that we would all come to repentance. How do we keep from being like the descendants of Seth? Read the rest of 2 Peter chapter 3.  Don't allow the world or the things of the world to lead you and your family away from God.

What happened to mankind from Genesis 4:26 to Genesis 6:6-7? Satan used the same method to get mankind to choose evil instead of God that he used on Adam, Eve, and their son Cain.  He uses the same today. The only difference today, with internet, social media and TV, it can happen more rapidly. What are his tools? Read 1 John 2:15-17 again.  Man fell for it back then and the consequence was the arousing of the wrath of God into destroying His creation, except Noah and his family.  Satan thought he had won.

Only one man found grace in the eyes of God.  Only one man caused God not to destroy all of His creation completely.  What power mankind has when he obeys and loves a loving God. Have you ever thought about the agony Noah and his family endured while building the ark?  I imagine it is just like today.  God's people are laughed at and called right wing extremist when they stand for God's truth.

This one thing is certain.  When the first rain drop hit earth, it was too late for anyone other than Noah, his family, and the animals they put in the ark. Like the first rain drop of the flood, the first note of the trumpet sounding when the Lord comes again will be too late for those who fell for the deception of the devil, his devices, and the love of the world.

How did this happen? From verse 26 of Genesis chapter 4 to Genesis 6:5-7, the son's of God began to lose their faith when they married the daughter's of men. They had the knowledge of good and evil and were gradually influenced by the daughter's and son's of men to choose evil over good. Satan used his tools to deceive them into thinking continually evil thoughts in their hearts.  This led to their manifesting the evil acts that God detested. Sounds like where we are heading today.  Have you read the news lately? Have you seen what's happening in Baltimore tonight?

The world gradually influenced them to distance God in their lives. Where is God in your life? Are you concerned with where God will be in your children's and grandchildren's lives when they are your age?  Please read Jeremiah 4:22, Hosea 4:1 and Romans 1:28 and see the dangers of not having God in our knowledge.

God loves us much more than the world loves us.  He wants all of us to retain Him in our knowledge. When we do this, we will live before Him as He wants us to live, choosing to do good, and we will not be able to be deceived into choosing evil by the Devil. It is our decision in whom we choose to follow.  The consequences are felt by all.  Do we want to make a difference? Are we tired of the immorality in our land today?  Then we need to have God in our knowledge, submit to Him, and live the way He wants us to live.

Do you want to build your children and grandchildren's faith in God?  Then sit down with them at night and read your Bible to them of how God's men built their faith in times of old.  You can read to them how young David grew his faith, into a faith able to remove giants.  You can also go to to purchase my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart. I write about how David built his faith and love for God.

Please send your comments to  Please share my blog with others.  I have people in 10 different countries reading this blog each week.  Thank you for sharing.

We need to recognize our enemy. the Devil. How he wants to deceive us out of the inheritance God wants us to have.  If we desire to retain God in our knowledge, we will make the choices God wants us to make.  It is always our choice.

Thank you for reading.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I Have an Enemy (3)

Today is another post on, I Have an Enemy.  I am using these post to expose my enemy, and yours, for what he is, his main goal, his methods, and the consequences of choosing to follow him.  Sometimes we may follow him and not realize it. (1 Corinthians 11:13-15)  If you have fallen for his devices, and we all have, remember this one thing.  We have a Redeemer, Jesus the Christ and Satan doesn't.  That ought to tell you what God thinks of Satan and his angels.

Let's go back to Genesis 4:7 for a moment.  God gives Cain a choice. If Cain chooses to do well, he will be accepted. If Cain chooses not to do well, then sin lies at the door, waiting to come in at the first opportunity. God tells Cain that the sin at the door desires him, but Cain should rule over it. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul tells us the same thing, Test all things; hold fast to what is good.  Abstain from every form of evil. (2 Thessalonians 5:21-22, NKJV)  Also, please read Titus 2:12.

What did Satan use on Cain?  One of the 3?  Do not love the world or the things in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world. ( 1 John 2:15-17)

I believe by the way Cain responded to God, or lack of response, Satan is using the pride of life on him. The definition of pride in Strong's Greek Lexicon is: an insolent and empty assurance, which trust in its own power and resources and shamefully despises and violates divine laws and human rights. Yes, I think this describes it. Cain had a bad attitude of worshiping God. He was jealous of his brother because he was accepted and not him. He murdered his brother, which definitely violated Abel's rights.  Cain had his own self-interest in mind.  He wanted to live his life by his own understanding.

How could he avoided this and how can we? Two passages come to mind, but we have to be humble and really want to do them. These have helped me in every walk of life.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5, NKJV) and You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37,NKJV.  You do this, selfish pride will never be an issue.  Had Cain followed the above, we may have never had the flood.  Again, his choices  led to terrible consequences

A few more points. When you read of the family of Cain in Genesis 4:16-24, we read where Cain built a city.  His descendants were the originators of those who lived in tents, had livestock, of music and also those who worked in bronze and iron.  They began to be self sufficient.  I do not find anywhere were they ever spoke of God.  He was the one who gave them the talents to do what they did, but they forgot Him, or maybe never knew Him.

Cain reminds me of the parable of the lost son in Luke 15:17-32.  Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod. He did what he wanted and his family followed his actions to their own destruction by the flood.  Christ told the parable of the lost son.  He also went away to a far land.  His father blessed him with riches.  Away from his father he squandered the riches lived for the lust of the flesh and ended up living and eating with swine instead of his father. But this story ended good.  The lost son repented and returned to his father, who loved him very much.  Jesus made this possible for us by His dying on the cross
Next, Satan is ready to take on the descendants of Seth. In Genesis 4:25-26. Eve bore another son and called him Seth. She said, God had appointed her another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain killed. Seth had a son named Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of the Lord.  It sounds like Seth's family is following God.  God has a plan of redemption through the families of Seth, but Satan has a plan of death through the families of Cain.

Satan, in his plan wants to turn the sons of God away from God.  How is he going to do it? He still uses the same temptation today.  It has been successful all through the ages.  What is it?  The temptation of the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh. (Read Genesis 6:1-7)  The sons of God, descendants of Seth, saw the daughters of men, Cain's descendants, that they were beautiful.  They took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.  Satan set it up, the lust of the eyes followed by the lust of the flesh.

Did the sons of God influence the daughters of men to follow God? What happened?  In verse 5 we see how deceptive and powerful Satan can be if we let him control our thoughts. Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. All of the sons of God except Noah and his family would be destroyed in the flood. None of them chose to come back to God.  They had been blinded by the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. They wanted no part of God.  Does this sound familiar today?

How many faithful Christians do you know who have been taken down by Satan in this manner? I know of some, but a few came back into the open arms of God like the lost son.  We have all sinned, but remember God does not want us to be lost.  Can't we see His love by Jesus' death on the cross?

How could the sons of God prevented this?  It is not like Satan made them do it.  He just planted an idea and they allowed it to manifest into sinful actions. These actions come out of the heart.(Matthew 15:19 and Proverbs 23:7)  How do we handle it? 2 Corinthians 10:5, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.  Cain could not capture  and control his thoughts.

If you are tempted like this, just reasonably look at the end result. Your family may be broken up, your children may be like Cain's and also the sons of God.  They may choose to forget God and live like the world.  All of your descendants could be like they were in Romans 1:28.  And as even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things that are not fitting.

At the time of the flood, more people followed evil than were saved by the ark.  Why would anyone want to give up a powerful loving God, and an eternity with Him, for the evil works of the Devil and eternal damnation?

You and I cannot be friends with world and friends with God.  Satan will get us to fall every time. (Read James 4:4) If I love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind, do you think I may have an influence on my family and the people around me to be good? Also, I will go to God's word to help me defeat the devil.  A good place to go and read is Ephesians 6:10-20.  I almost forgot. Please read Galatians 5:16, I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. NKJV  And always, pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17)

Let me give you an important reminder.  If you and I are in Christ,(Galatians 3:27) we have a great spiritual blessing.  If we are weak and fall into Satan's snare, guess what.  Go to 1 John 1:5-10 to see what to do and how powerful the blood of Jesus, our savior is.  How can I sin against a God who loves me so much? How about you?

Our country is in a mess.  We cannot clean it up will politicians and laws. We must live like Christ, love every soul as God does, and in the most loving way we can, carry the Gospel to them.  My brothers and sisters in humanity are not my enemy.  The devil who tempts and destroys their lives is.

Continue to join with me and share with your loved one's as we identify our enemy, his methods and his hatred for us and all that is good.  With God all things are possible. To be continued next week.

Please share this to others on facebook or by emails.  You can send comments to . Also my book The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart, will help you and your children build a faith like David, and my latest book, 123 Tips for My Grandchildren and Yours, gives tips on how to live in this fallen world.  You can go to to download your copy.

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Likes, Comments,Shared: How Many Would He Get?

Social media when I was born was a 6 party telephone line, which was like an antique facebook. Several people were on it at one time, but one party was doing all the talking to the person they called and the rest were trying to listen in secretly. Sometimes you could hear them breathing or a click when they got on or off. Those listening in could not call some of their friends telling them what you said, because you could also get on and listen to them.  The only way they could spread any juicy gossip was to go visit and tell it face to face. (facetime) There was a lot of visiting back then.

Unlike facebook today, you could not acknowledge what you heard on the phone with a like, couldn't comment, but you could only share what you heard by visiting. (facetime)  A very crude system of communication, but over the years the improvements have been unbelievable
Today, using facebook, we do not care how many read what we write.  As a matter of fact, the more people reading what we put on the better. Our readers can hit like, comment or share. We want everyone involved.  I guess that is why it is called social media.  We don't have to go to any one's house to visit, just do it on facebook.

When I read on facebook, some of the articles and statements do get my attention.  If it gets my attention and I am interested in what was written, I may hit like.  Sometimes videos or statements are made that I am very interested in and I will comment.  I will hit the share button if I want my friends and family to be sure to see it.  It can be one of those LOL videos, a news item or a heartwarming story.  Of course, if my girls will let me, I will always share pictures of my grandkids.
Could I ask you to do something for me? I need you to stretch you imagination, picturing yourself living over 2000 years ago. Now I want you to imagine something unbelievable. I want you to imagine you have an iphone , internet (wifi) and on it facebook.  Facebook is buzzing with information about a man terribly beaten, carrying a cross to Golgotha to be crucified.  The Jewish Sanhedrin accused Him of saying He was the Son of God and King of the Jews.  Your friend, a Jew, happens to be at the scene and he is taking pictures on his iphone and putting them on facebook.  Your friend continually posted pictures on facebook while Jesus was on the cross, until His death.

Your friend knew the man. He saw Him heal many people, caused the blind to see, and the lame to walk.  He also saw him cast out demons.  He was one of the 5000 that Jesus fed.  Your friend knew of the prophecies of the coming Messiah and he also had heard Jesus preach.  Your friend believed Jesus was the Son of God.

Your friend then posted on facebook the greatest act of love the universe has ever known or ever will know, the Son of God dying a cruel death for all mankind.  Your friend had courage to post this on facebook.  He could get in serious trouble with the Jewish leaders.  You, also a Jew, read what he had posted.  You realize then Jesus was the Messiah and he had just died in your place, so you would have an opportunity to have the forgiveness of sins.

Now, did this move you enough to hit like on facebook? Were you so moved and grateful you just had to comment or were you so happy you had to hit the share button, so your friends and family could see and appreciate what was just done for them?

How many likes, comments and shares do you think this would have received?  Would you have commented and shared? (Face to face?)
Next week continuing of I Have an Enemy (3)

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Have an Enemy (2)

God loves us so much He gives us a choice.  We can follow Him and obey His will, or we can choose a life apart from Him.  Satan knows this by the choice God had given Adam and Eve.  Satan and the fallen angels main objective is to get mankind, who was created in the image of God, to disobey God and to follow the ways of the world without God.  Satan also knows God is a just God, and His law demands punishment for the sinner.  After death, this punishment is to be in eternity with the devil and his angels forever. (Matthew 25:33, 41)

Satan and the angels that followed him were once in Heaven. Satan was like the other angels.  They were created beings to serve God.  Satan didn't want  to serve. He wanted to exalt himself  above God. He wanted to be as God.  God then cast him and the angels that followed him out of heaven.(Isaiah 14:12-14)

I believe this is why Satan wants all of us to be lost. He got Adam and Eve removed from the garden by deceiving them to disobey God and now, to get back at God, he wants us to be lost in Hell for eternity.
God gives the first glimpse of the plan of redemption in Genesis 3:15, I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heal.

My enemy didn't stop with Adam and Eve.  From the time Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, until the present, we see Satan's deceptions and temptations of mankind, and he knows they work. Let's look at the first recorded murder, and why it happened.

After Adam and Eve had sinned, then the Lord God said, Behold the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...(Genesis 3:22, NKJV)  Man now has a choice between good and evil. He knows what is evil and what is good.

In chapter 4 of Genesis we read about Cain and Able being born.  As time past, Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord and Abel brought the firstborn of his flock and of their fat .  The Lord respected Abel's offering. (Read why in Heb.11:4)  Notice in verse 5, the Lord did not respect Cain and his offering. He did not respect Cain because of what was in his heart toward his brother, and his offering was not done in faith. Cain had jealousy in his heart toward his brother, leading to hatred and that hatred manifested itself in the  murdering of his brother.

God not respecting Cain's offering made Cain angry, and his countenance fell.  The Lord asked Cain why he was so angry and why his countenance had fallen.  Then the Lord gave him an opportunity to be accepted. The Lord said in verse 7, If you do well will you not be accepted?  And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door.  And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.

Cain talked with his brother Abel and it came to pass that Cain rose up and killed him. God gave Cain an opportunity to do well and  Cain refused God's word. Rather, he let sin rule over him. He let himself be influenced by the sin of pride, envy, and jealously that Satan had placed at the door.  He chose self interest above God and his brother Abel.  God told him to rule over the sin, and we see what happen.  He chose to let it rule over him.
Cain did not want to do well. Being accepted by God was not in his interest.  Could the same apply today?  How many are choosing to do well before God?  How many today do not care if they are accepted of God? Instead they want God to accept the way they choose to live, by letting the sin at the door come in and ruin their lives.

What were the consequences of Cain's actions? His brother was dead.  The seed of woman would not come from Abel's line. Cain was cursed by God, but the most devastating consequence was the family of Cain. Apparently it appears that Cain's family did not follow God because later generations were destroyed in the flood.  We read in Genesis 4:23 that Lamech, the descendent of Cain, took for himself 2 wives (Polygamy started?) and also  in verse 23 says he killed a man. (Followed after Cain?)

We can disobey God today and not rule over the sins at our doors causing generations of our own families to be lost. We see Satan doing all he can do to destroy man, who God, (' Elohiym) plural form,  had created in Their image.  Look what Satan did to the family of Adam and Eve so far. He deceived them in to disobeying God, resulting in God removing them from the Garden.  He used jealousy to incite Cain to hate and kill his brother.  They lost a good son, and their remaining son was the first man to be cursed by God. (Genesis 4:11) They also lost Cain. He left the presence of God and went to the land of Nod.(Genesis 4:16) 

Cain chose evil over good and his descendants were influenced by him to also choose evil. I know of generations of people today not following God because one of their ancestors chose not to follow God and obey His commandments. 

The work of Satan?  Yes. He wants to disguise evil as good and to make you feel better in choosing evil. Each choice we make has consequences.  Remember Cain's.

Always remember, Satan is real, and he wants to destroy your relationship with God. We will also see his attempts to destroy the Redeemer of mankind in later post.  Satan doesn't love you and does not want you to be happy. Don't forget Satan's main goal is for you to die lost.

" Satan wants us to eat slop with the hogs, but God wants us to eat of the fatted calf with Him". Should this be an easy choice? (Read Luke 15:13-24)

 Is God waiting for you to come home?  Many have been deceived in our country today by 3 of Satan's greatest deceptions.  The consequences have been devastating.  We can't attack these with laws.  We must change the hearts of the people.  Look at the nightly news.  Is evil or good being chosen?  Are these 3 causing God to not respect us and our offering as He did Cain?  I think you know the answer. Remember, God is still in control and we will be judged one day.  I do not want to be deceived, and I know you don't either.  Let's together be more vigilant in how Satan operates.

We must have a strong faith to overcome Satan.  The shepherd boy David developed a faith and trust in God to defeat Goliath. We can do the same by studying God's word.  Go to to preview and purchase my book The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart for a deeper discussion of these 3 deceptions and see how David developed his faith in God.  Also, my recent book, 123 Tips for My Grandchildren and Yours, gives tips to our children and grandchildren on living in a fallen world.

Please send comments to

Remember what God said to Cain. If you do well, will you not be accepted?  Let us all strive to do well.

Thanks so much for reading.

Rick Hepler