Thursday, February 26, 2015

#123 of 123 Tips for My Grandchildren and Yours

In a few of my blog post, I have shared some of the tips from my new book. Today I want to share the last tip.  I believe it is the goal or the summation of all the tips.

#123 Finally, when you lay your head down at night, do not go to sleep until you can confidently and truthfully say, "it is well with your soul".  If you die in your sleep you can then claim the crown of life promised to you by your Heavenly Father.  If you live to see the dawn, your day will be brighter for your fellowman.
Don't let me or anyone else tell you, it is well with your soul, because we may, in error, tell you it is.  Go to God's word and let Him tell you.  Read Romans 6 and 1John 1-2, to see if you are living in a way that God would say, "It is well with your soul"

What keeps you up at night? If you have a chronic illness, the pain may keep you awake most of the night. I know several people with this problem.  When dad was farming, if he still had corn or beans in the field that needed harvesting,  hearing hard rain coming down all night would keep me awake.

I had a job one time that I didn't like, and on Sunday night I could not sleep knowing I had a meeting early the next morning. Have you ever tossed and turned worrying about your financial situation?  Many I know have worried because they did not have enough money, and others worried because they were afraid of losing their money due to an unsettled stock market.

If you look at the nightly news programs, seeing all the evil and hatred in this world, you wonder if our country is going to survive.  Politicians and the President seem to be making everything worse instead of better.  We also hear reports of ISIS terrorist kidnapping and raping little girls, burning Christians alive, and wanting to destroy the United States is in their every thought. All of this stuff used to keep me awake, too.

Only until about two years ago, I had the problem of worrying about the next day or some other problem I might have.  When I realized that in 40 years, what ever problem I had, everyone would have forgotten the problem, or it didn't matter anyway.  There are 2 scriptures that have helped me more than anything.  Proverbs 3:5-Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding and Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

We all have been trained in our society to work things out for ourselves and to be independent.  I could not see God working in my life, because I would not let Him. Trying to do things alone I made many mistakes and with it was useless worry.

It is very obvious the leaders of this great Nation have not read the above verses.  If you try to live like Christ, you are called evil and a right wing radical. If you live as the world wants you to and accept any sin, you are called good.  This is my number one concern for your children, grandchildren and mine. Yes, this concerns me. As I think on these things when I go to bed at night, it stirs me to action to do my part in fighting against evil, and I know it does you, also.

You and I want the best for our children and grandchildren.  We want them to have the best jobs, the best education, beautiful homes, plenty of money to enjoy this life.  These things are good and can be achieved, but not at the expense of  having a soul that is not pleasing to God.  What if they are very successful and attain everything the world has to offer, yet they lose their soul? (Please read Matthew 16: 24-26)
More than likely, we will influence them by what we value the most.  In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, what did the rich man value the most? What was the rich man's most chilling thought, that he had in the torments of Hades? Here it is.  Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house, for I have 5 brother's, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.' Matthew 27-28 NKJV.

The most dreaded tragedy that I can imagine is to die as the rich man, be in the torments of Hades, and then looking up and seeing friends and family members coming to join me, because of the life I lived here on earth. Realizing that I was responsible for them living a life of disobeying God.

I do not want to even imagine this, and I hope you don't either.  I want to tell my grandchildren how to live a life pleasing to God, and also, I want to show them!  I am thankful that their parents and their other grandparents feel the same way.  What about you?

If you can go to bed tonight being truthful and confident that it is well with your soul, more than likely your children and grandchildren will be able to do the same, by your example.  If someone were to cheat your precious children or grandchildren out of money, you would be angry.  How angry are you with Satan? He wants to cheat them out of an eternal life in Heaven.

What are your thoughts?  I would like to get to know some of my readers in other countries. Please email me with your comments.  Please send comments to or

Thanks for reading.