One of the many blessings I have had in life was growing up on the farm. Another blessing was having a dog named "Poochy" He was a beagle hound. Beagle hounds are known for chasing rabbits, but Poochy would chase any kind of animal. All I had to do was to say, Sic 'em Poochy , and it would stir his little heart up to ferocious chasing activities.
At my command he attacked our 2000 pound Charolais bull, dug into a skunk's den and brought him out (we all got in trouble for that one), chased rabbits, ground hogs, raccoons, and maybe a few people. He was a very loyal dog and was activated with the simple command of "sic 'em".
This started me to thinking about what stirs me up to do the things I was created by God to do. Poochy was doing exactly what he was created to do and then some. What about me? What words stir me up to take action? Poochy knew how to chase because I pointed out to him what to chase. What do I get stirred up about and chase? What God given talent do I have that needs to be stirred up to serve God to my fullest? What about you? What gets you stirred up for your creator, God? What talent has God created you with?
What stirred the shepherd boy, David, up when he went to visit his brothers fighting the Philistines? His love for God and his faith were developed while he was shepherding his father's sheep in the wilderness. He learned to trust and believe in God when he admired God's creation every day and night. He depended on and trusted in God's deliverance. When he saw and heard Goliath defying the armies of the living God, David said, "Is there not a cause?" The cause was a Philistine giant had defied the army's of the living God, and David wanted them to know there was a God in Israel. David was stirred from that point on to serve and bring glory and honor to God.
The Apostle Paul reminded Timothy to stir up the gift of God that was in him by the laying on of his hands. ( 2 Timothy 1:6) Paul knew what Timothy was capable of doing, and he encouraged him.
Peter, in 2 Peter 1:13 said, Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you,... ( Please read 2 Peter 1:1-15 to see what he was stirring them up to remember) Also, in 2 Peter 3:1-9, Peter says, he writes to them again in this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder). Please read also the rest of the chapter to find out what he wants us to remember. The Hebrew writer in Hebrews 10:24 said, And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,... Paul's spirit was stirred within him when he saw the city of Athens given over to idols. (Acts 17:16)
Back to what stirs me up. There are many things in this life that stir me up. If you read my books or my blog you already know a few of them. If I wasn't stirred up I never would have written a word in the first place. The number one thing that stirs me up is when Satan tries his best to get me not to obey the greatest command. He will use deception, trials, other people, fear, a weakened faith, doubt, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and finally the pride of life to get me not to obey this command. He hates us, as well as God, and does everything to get us away from God. Why? He knows we are so precious to God, and he can hurt God by us dying lost and not taking advantage of the salvation that Jesus provides us in His death. If he can get me not to obey this greatest command, then he can lure me away from God and accomplish his goal.
The greatest command as Jesus calls it is, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:36, NKJV) Again we are warned there can be nothing else to share the number one commandment with. 1 John 2: 15-17 says we cannot share this love with the world, and John describes what this is in verse 16. These are the tools of deception the Devil has been using since the beginning of time.
This is what stirs me up, as saying sic'em stirred my dog Poochy up. I do not want to be deceived in not obeying God, who loves me so much, by a created being that is preying on my destruction. (1 Peter 5:8) I especially do not want any of my family, friends, or brothers and sisters of humanity to fall for the same deception. When I learn to obey this commandment, my life will be transformed in such a way I have never seen. When all of God's people are stirred to obey God in this way, our children and grandchildren will have a better tomorrow as God's people. When we do not obey God in this way, what will the tomorrow of our children and grandchildren look like? All I can say is to Satan and his deception is, sic 'em and use Ephesians 6:10-20 to sic 'em with. Amen???
When I told Poochy to sic'em, he just did it. I think he wasn't afraid because he knew I had his back. How did he know this? Most of the time I had my shotgun with me. Was he smart enough to know this? He was a small dog and never backed down. You decide.
Can you and I live the way God wants u to live and use His methods to attack the sins of the world without fear? Yes. Does God have our back? Read Romans 8:31-39. I think He does.
This is a quote I received in an e-mail this week. There was not an author named.
Thieves only steal what is valuable. The enemy is only attacking you because you're valuable to God. Thieves don't break into an empty house. You are important.
Do you want to build a strong faith like David? He was faced with many trials early in life, yet he killed the giant, Goliath, with everyone thinking it could not be done. We have some immoral giants in our world today. They are defying the children of the living God as Goliath did. They are named Abortion, Evolution, and Sexual Immorality. Look at the damage they have done in our country since 1970. Can God's people defeat these giants? Read my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart, to read how David developed a giant slaying faith. You can go to to preview and purchase the book.
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Thanks for reading. "Sic 'em Poochy"