I talked to a young mother of two young daughters this week. She was in Memphis trying to get medical treatment for hepatitis C. She does not have a job, is presently getting a divorce, and has no money or health insurance. She was a drug user, but says she is now drug free. My understanding is she has found a hospital willing to administer the medication she needs, even though she has no insurance or money. She only wants to live to see her daughters again. They are the only pleasure she presently has. I thought I had problems. I can't imagine how she faces each day. I don't know her well, but I have prayed for her and her daughters the past two nights. I know her grandmother is praying, but I wonder if anyone else has ever mentioned her name to God in prayer. I pray I will have an opportunity to talk to her about the gospel of Christ.
I got up early this morning because I could not sleep. I walked to my office door and saw the sun coming up over the trees. Peeking through the clouds, it was absolutely beautiful. It was at this time, my uncertain approaching day turned into a day of thanksgiving. Notice, I walked to the door. There are people on this earth who would give anything to be able to barely walk. I saw the sunrise. There are many people who would love to see the sunrise with just one eye let alone two. I recognized the sunrise as being beautiful. Some do not have the ability to recognize beauty due to a brain defect. As I am writing, it is raining. I just heard thunder softly rumbling in the distance. Some are born deaf. I have shelter to keep me dry from the rain. There are those homeless. I am not hungry due to the amount of dinner I ate last night. Some are hungry in this world and would love to have our leftovers. I am never lonely because I have a close, loving family. Many feel unloved and very lonely. I have no health problems at the present. Many are sick and in severe pain.
I have said all of this to lead up to what I heard yesterday. I am sure this will upset you as much as it did me.
There was a poll taken in July asking 928 Americans to give God an approval rating of the way He is handling the world. (Go to http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/ and scroll down to July 21, 2011 National Congressional Poll to read it.) The question was: If God exist, do you approve or disapprove of its performance? Notice the words if and it. They used it to not be gender specific. They didn't want to offend anyone. They could care less about offending God. 52% said they approved, 9% disapproved and 40% not sure. (Dumb,Dumber and Dumbest) The commentator I heard this from thought it was ridiculous. Although, he added, "people question God because if He is a loving God why does He let bad things happen to good people." I am furious at this point.
Let me go to God's word to help me explain what I am about to say. In Matthew chapter 8:28-33, Jesus cast demons out of two men. The very important part of this is, the demons cried out saying, "What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come to torment us before the time?" Notice in Matthew chapter 16:15-17, Jesus asked Peter, "who do you say that I am? Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". Christ went on to say that" flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but My Father Who is in heaven". The demons knew and know Jesus. They recognize Him as the Son of God. They also know that on judgement day they are going to be in torment. They go about getting mankind to deny Christ, and yet they know who He is and confess He is the Son of God. Read also James 2:19 were James says, "You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble. They know better than mankind who God is, and the place He has prepared for them.(Matt. 25:30,41; Rev.20:10) How can we believe the lies of the devil? He knows the truth and the upcoming eternal punishment to him and his angels along with all those who disobey God.
Now, let's answer the age old questions. Why does a loving God let bad things happen to good people and where was God when they were going through their darkest trial? Before I answer, I want you to remember what you have read in Job chapters 38-41 where God questions Job. Remember what God tells Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 55:8. "For my thoughts are are not your thoughts, nor My ways your ways." says the Lord.
Also, you read in 1 Cor. 2:9 "But as it is written: "eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."(NKJV)After the fall of man, it has been God's desire for those who love Him to be with Him again. Those who do not love Him will see His wrath and be cast in outer darkness along with the devil and his angels on judgement day.
Now let's go back to the question. He is a loving God. We were doomed to a devil's hell because of man's sin. God has a plan for us to escape all of our trials, tribulations, tears, heartaches, and what ever else happens to us. He sacrificed Jesus, His only Son, so we could have hope of living with Him in heaven forever and escape the devil's hell of torment forever. This is the answer to the question, "if he is a loving God, why...?" I think this shows with an exclamation point that God loves us. The answer to "were was God when...?" God was right there at Calvary turning His back on His only begotten Son, as He had the sin's of all mankind on Him, dying in our stead. God saw His created mankind, spit upon, mock, beat and crucify His Son. Yes, God still loves us. He never has left us. We have ungratefully left Him through our ignorance.
Do you remember the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:20-25? Do you think for one minute that Lazarus would want to be raised from the dead to go back to life on this earth as the rich man or is he so thankful he was a beggar. I understand now, why Habakkuk says, in Habakkuk 3:17-18, Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock be cut off from the fold, and there is no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
Our salvation is better than anything this world has to offer. If everything was wonderful here in this life, we might not get excited about heaven. I hope we realize what our salvation means to us and want to hang on to it. We need to be so grateful to God , that we want to tell everyone.
Back to the poll. Only someone ignorant of God and His word would even think of such a thing. God does not need our approval on anything. God has shown His longsuffering for them by not striking them down. God used to wink at ignorance, but now commands all men to repent. (Acts 18:30)
Christians, we need the courage to let our light shine brighter and the desire to be the salt of the earth to change mankind on the inside. It is left up to us. (Matt. 28:19-20)
The moment I value my salvation to the price paid for it, my attitude will be greatly adjusted. My devotion and love to God will be given to the fullest of my abilities.
Please, think about what God has said and how much He loves us. Don't ever let the devil deceive you in believing that God does not care about you. The devil already knows how much God loves you. He just does not want you to know.
I am trying to increase the readers of my blog. Please tell your relatives and friends to check it out. www.rick-hepler.blogspot.com Send comments to rhepler52@gmail.com
I hope you have a good weekend.
Rick Hepler