Thursday, February 9, 2012

Have We Lost Our Imagination?

im-ag-i-na-tion: 1. a) the act or power of forming mental images of what is not actually present.
b) the act or power of creating mental images of what has never been actually experienced, or creating new images or ideas by combing previous experiences.  2. anything imagined; creation of mind ( Webster's New World Dictionary  Of The American Language)

The other day I was talking to someone about the state of our economy and the mess that we have in our government.  I realized, that I had fallen into the trap of 24/7 news media.  I even thought, there is no way we can get ourselves out of this mess.  I had let the negative news media and government rob me of something I used to have, imagination.

I remember when I was a freshman in high school attending my first athletic banquet.  Football was the only sport that I participated in, if you want to call wearing a uniform and sitting on the bench participating.  This one player received trophy after trophy.  I began to see myself getting a trophy next year.  I also imagined what it would feel like receiving a trophy in front of all my peers and their parents.  That image and feeling stuck. Even though at the time I was one of the smallest players on the team, I kept my imagination going until the next season, which in turn produced belief, that produced action, subconsciously.

The next year I received most improved; then my senior year, the hustle award.  All of this was due to my imagination of getting a trophy playing football. I imagined: the outcome, the emotions, sound of the coach's words making the presentation, and the applause of my friends. I imagined this so much, that I subconsciously believed it was happening.  This produced the action and persistence needed to reach the end result.

We, as citizens, need to imagine we can make this country better instead of seeing what we have now, moral and financial bankruptcy.  I need to imagine the good that I can do, and ideas to improve myself and my attitude.  Impossible, should not be envisioned.

We as citizens can come up with products in our country that the whole world needs.  We can think of ways to bring our jobs back home.  What we cannot imagine, is depending on our government getting us out of this.  We need to teach our children how to have healthy imaginations that will propel them on to creating better lives and develop courage that will carry them through life.

There was a time in this world when man used his imagination, but is was for evil. In Genesis 6:5 "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (KJV Bible)  Do you remember what God did? 

Would that verse describe the imaginations in man's heart today in our country?  Have you looked at television lately? Gone to the movies? Watched the news? What do you see? Sex, hate, murder,profanity, using God's name in vain, lying, greed and doing everything else that God disapproves of.  What are the imaginations of our culture? Where is it leading us?  Will God bless or discipline us?

Would Judges 17:6 apply today? "In those days there was no king in Israel,but every man did that which was right in his own eyes" (KJV Bible) What about Isaiah 5:20? "Woe unto them who call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. "(KJV Bible)  Have you said anything about homosexuality lately?  What about mentioning Jesus at school?  Do you think many Americans have the same imaginations in their hearts as the men in Genesis 6:5?

When we imagine ourselves doing God's will on earth, we will begin to see our country change.  I mentor fourth and fifth grade boys at the local elementary school.  I tell them they can read books and use their imaginations to go or do anything in the world.  God has given mankind the capability to imagine.  None of His other created beings on this earth have this capability. 

We are so blessed. Let's begin to use our imagination to create solutions to the problems we have today and read Philippians 4:8-9 each day to get ourselves in better spirits.

Until next time, I hope you have a good day!


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