Saturday, April 4, 2015

Likes, Comments,Shared: How Many Would He Get?

Social media when I was born was a 6 party telephone line, which was like an antique facebook. Several people were on it at one time, but one party was doing all the talking to the person they called and the rest were trying to listen in secretly. Sometimes you could hear them breathing or a click when they got on or off. Those listening in could not call some of their friends telling them what you said, because you could also get on and listen to them.  The only way they could spread any juicy gossip was to go visit and tell it face to face. (facetime) There was a lot of visiting back then.

Unlike facebook today, you could not acknowledge what you heard on the phone with a like, couldn't comment, but you could only share what you heard by visiting. (facetime)  A very crude system of communication, but over the years the improvements have been unbelievable
Today, using facebook, we do not care how many read what we write.  As a matter of fact, the more people reading what we put on the better. Our readers can hit like, comment or share. We want everyone involved.  I guess that is why it is called social media.  We don't have to go to any one's house to visit, just do it on facebook.

When I read on facebook, some of the articles and statements do get my attention.  If it gets my attention and I am interested in what was written, I may hit like.  Sometimes videos or statements are made that I am very interested in and I will comment.  I will hit the share button if I want my friends and family to be sure to see it.  It can be one of those LOL videos, a news item or a heartwarming story.  Of course, if my girls will let me, I will always share pictures of my grandkids.
Could I ask you to do something for me? I need you to stretch you imagination, picturing yourself living over 2000 years ago. Now I want you to imagine something unbelievable. I want you to imagine you have an iphone , internet (wifi) and on it facebook.  Facebook is buzzing with information about a man terribly beaten, carrying a cross to Golgotha to be crucified.  The Jewish Sanhedrin accused Him of saying He was the Son of God and King of the Jews.  Your friend, a Jew, happens to be at the scene and he is taking pictures on his iphone and putting them on facebook.  Your friend continually posted pictures on facebook while Jesus was on the cross, until His death.

Your friend knew the man. He saw Him heal many people, caused the blind to see, and the lame to walk.  He also saw him cast out demons.  He was one of the 5000 that Jesus fed.  Your friend knew of the prophecies of the coming Messiah and he also had heard Jesus preach.  Your friend believed Jesus was the Son of God.

Your friend then posted on facebook the greatest act of love the universe has ever known or ever will know, the Son of God dying a cruel death for all mankind.  Your friend had courage to post this on facebook.  He could get in serious trouble with the Jewish leaders.  You, also a Jew, read what he had posted.  You realize then Jesus was the Messiah and he had just died in your place, so you would have an opportunity to have the forgiveness of sins.

Now, did this move you enough to hit like on facebook? Were you so moved and grateful you just had to comment or were you so happy you had to hit the share button, so your friends and family could see and appreciate what was just done for them?

How many likes, comments and shares do you think this would have received?  Would you have commented and shared? (Face to face?)
Next week continuing of I Have an Enemy (3)

Thanks for reading.
