Friday, September 16, 2011

With All Your Heart, part 1

 If you have been reading my blog, you probably remember me writing about the dog I had growing up named "Poochy".  He was a beagle hound and the best rabbit dog in the country.

If there is such a thing as a dog loving his master, with all his heart, Poochy did.  Looking back, he put me above anything he wanted to do.  He could be in a warm bed in the winter time and I could come out of the house with my shotgun and immediately he was on my heels ready to go rabbit hunting.  I have seen him stop eating to go with me.

For a little dog , he had the courage to go after anything I sicked him on.  We had a big Charolais bull and one day I was trying to drive him to the barn and I told Poochy to "sick-em" and he did, grabbing the bull's tail. That was funny, a little beagle hound making a big bull run.

Many times I would have to make Poochy stay home, especially when I was running my trap line. I didn't want him to get caught in a trap.  He did not like staying behind.  Most of the time, when I was walking back home, I would meet him.  He couldn't stand it. He had to be with me.

Evidently, if a dog can be thankful for you feeding him and providing him a warm place to sleep, he shows gratitude the best way he knows how, by serving his master with all his heart. 

Poochy died wanting to be with me.  He had gotten old and could not see or hear very well.  One day, I walked across the road to the barn, Poochy saw me and came running, not seeing or hearing the car coming.

That was a hard death to take.  I had lost a friend that always put me first. No matter if it was  the heat of summer, the cold of winter or the dark of night, Poochy always wanted to be with me.  I miss him.  If dogs can love something or somebody with all their hearts, Poochy loved me with all of his.

Do any of you reading this, believe that a boy and his faithful dog came into existence from nothing by an evolutionary process?  If you do, Poochy was alot smarter than you are.

I have tried to show what loving with all of your heart may look like.  I have used one of God's creatures, Poochy, as an example. Now let's look at the subject a little deeper.

I was reading, Joel 2:12-13, the other day and he talked about the Lord telling Judah, "Now, therefore," says the Lord, "turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.", then I turned to Matt. 22:37 and I read Christ giving an answer to a lawyer asking Him which is the greatest commandment.  In the answer was included, "love the Lord your God with all your heart." Christ said this was the first and great commandment.

I thought I was understanding, "with all your heart", until Debbie and I were studying Luke chapter 14 the other night.  Here is when I started questioning the place God has in my heart. "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.(Luke 14:26)

"All of my heart," is what Christ said. We will look at many passages that say the same thing.  All, does not leave room for anything else or anyone else.  How can that be?

I love my wife Debbie, my children and grandchildren, parents and all my relatives so much.  I also, love God and want to make a difference in this world by sharing God's love and His Gospel. How can this be to love them less and love God with all my heart? All of my heart means, all of my heart, not part of it.

Then, as I sat outside last night, around eleven o'clock, I realized what he was saying.  I understand now, and what a difference it has made.

In the next few days, I want to share with you the scriptures I read helping me to understand, "all of my heart." Understanding this has begun to make a world of difference in my life. I have read many self help books, but this, God's word, has given me great comfort and courage more than anything else ever has.

Until next time, what place does God have in your heart?

I am sending this out today without Debbie editing it.  I will try to correct any errors of grammar or punctuation. Also, I have been busy on other things and have not been posting as often as I would like. I will try in the coming days to write more consistently.

Many of you have commented and that is a great encouragement to me.  I am trying to increase the number of readers. If you enjoy reading, please pass on to family and friends.

Have a good weekend and send any comments to .

Rick Hepler

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Wild Hogs Story

I heard this story about 30 years ago. I do not know who originated it. If I knew, I sure would like to give him the credit. This is one of those stories that is trying to convey a message.  I am adding to it, for today's application. I think I know what the original author was trying to convey. I am just going to tell the story and then you send me your emails or post on facebook your thoughts.

A long time ago a farmer lived on a small farm next to a large forest. Through the forest, about a mile, there was a lake.  This farmer lived off the land. The land and the lake provided plenty of fish and wild game for him to eat.  He had fruit trees and a vegetable garden to supply him with fruits and vegetables. Also, there were many pecan trees in the forest to keep him supplied in pecans all winter. He also worked for some of the other farmers to provide him income to live.

One day the farmer was walking to the lake to go fishing. On his way he noticed the ground around a large oak tree rooted up. As he walked past a corn field, he noticed some of the corn knocked down and several tracks around the edge of the field.  They looked like hog tracts.  He knew no one had raised hogs in that community for several years. This must be wild hogs.  He followed the tracks but he could never see the hogs.  He found their watering hole were they had been wallowing in the mud, but no hogs.  He could remember when he used to eat barbecue pork at the old diner in town and how good it tasted.  The diner was long since gone.  So, he tries to think of a way to catch the hogs.

The next day he came back to the same spot with some apples and scatters them on the ground. When he returns the next day with corn, he does the same thing, Each time he drops the food closer to home. His idea was to get them depending on the food he brought them and eventually follow him to his barn lot where he could lure them in the pen and close the gate.  Then he could eat pork any time he wanted it. He could grow corn to feed them, so all he had to do was to lure them in by providing food every day. Also, each day, little by little, their fear of him would go away.

He did this routine for several days, and the only sign of the hogs was their tracks around where he had placed the food. One day he was late putting the food out, and he saw the hogs at a distance. They were waiting for the food, but still would not come close, until he had left.  He continued this for several days, but he left a trail of food so they would get closer to the pen each day. Finally, the pen was in sight.  He then piled some corn around the open gate.  He could see in a distance the hogs slowly and cautiously walking toward the gate. If he came out to get a look, they would run away.

 Finally, a day came when he was feeding them inside the pen.  He would go and try to shut the gate, but they would take off running.  So he just decided, everyday he would put the feed out at the other end of the pen and leave the gate open.  He was hoping eventually they would get use to him and not run off.  Everyday they would come in to eat, and he would step out and let them see him.  They ran at first, now they just stood there eating watching, and they would go back out the pen into the forest each day. He kept fresh water for them and fixed some straw bedding in the barn for them.

Then it happened.  He went out to feed them one morning to find they had never left from the night before.  As he fed them that morning, he walked among them,as they pushed up against him begging for the food. After feeding, they would lay down in the barn, and go to sleep, never once attempting to go out of the pen.  So the old farmer went and locked the gate.  By this time, all that feeding  had put some weight on them. They were looking pretty good.  The next day, he had one on the barbecue pit cooking away.

A few years past, the sows had pigs, the farmer ate some, and sold some. Only one of the original herd was remaining, along with 10 others that had been born and raised under the farmer's care.  One day the farmer died. He had no family, only friends. After his funeral, no one wanted the hogs. They decided to let them go back into the forest to take care of themselves.  One man went and unlocked the gate, swung it open, and fed them the small amount of feed remaining.  The man then went back to town.

The wind was blowing that day, and it blew the gate shut, but not locking it. The hogs could still get out, they would only have to push the gate open. After eating, the hogs went to sleep in the barn.  The next day, they were expecting to be fed, but no one came.  Finally, the old hog of the original herd remembered that he came from forest into the pen through that gate, and it had been locked all these years. He was so hungry. He remembered the roots, acorns and other food he used to hunt for everyday.  He also remembered his freedom he had lost by depending on the farmer.

By now, all of the hogs were squealing wanting something to eat and drink.  Finally the old hog ran to the gate, pushed on it, and got out.  The other hogs were left behind squealing.  They never had been taught  to find food nor had they ever experienced freedom.  Once the old hog was deep in the forest, it all came back to him.  He was free and independent again.

The hogs left behind ,starved to death.  They were afraid to go past the gate and stayed close to the trough were the farmer used to feed them, hoping each day someone would put the food in.

What is the point of this story?  Be careful in what you choose in exchange for your freedom.  Learn how to provide for yourself. When you do need help, try to get back providing for yourself, if at all possible. Getting something for nothing always comes with a price to someone.  Never forget the feel of freedom in your heart. Courage can always help break the barriers to the right solutions.  Do not fail to teach this to your children.

If you do nothing for your daily bread and teach your children the same, one day you may both starve.  Remember why the other hogs starved? They didn't know what was on the other side of the gate.  They had never been taught, and they were afraid to leave with the older hog.  They remained with the only food source they knew, never knowing many different food sources were beyond the gate.

We never need to be totally dependent on one source.  That source may be removed or die like the farmer. We need to be able to think outside the box when our freedom is challenged and have the courage to find solutions when it is jeopardized. Sometimes our health or other circumstances force us to depend on someone else, and there is nothing wrong with this. Remember the hogs were healthy, free, and had the knowledge to provide for themselves.   They chose to abandon that way of life and let someone else do it for them.  The danger was when pigs came along and thought this was the natural way to live and believed the farmer owed them the food, shelter and water each day.  HE DIED! Then they had a big mess!

God is the only one we can depend on, not ever leaving us.  We depend on Him because He says in Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave or forsake you."

I am looking forward to hearing your comments on this one. I know it is a little different than the others, but I think it raises a good point. Send comments to .  I am trying to increase the number of people reading this blog.  Could you please help me by passing on to friends and family?

Thank you so much and have a good day!

Rick Hepler

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Can You See Your Goal?

This is a time of year that reminds me of when I was in high school playing football.  I really enjoyed playing, and looking back, the game of football really has some hidden life pointers to help in achieving your life's goals. How can that be? Let's take a look.

  • The first step in playing football is getting every player focused on the goal. The goal is carrying the football across the goal line more times than your opponent.  Each player has to see in his own mind the crossing of the goal line and what it means to the team, the school, the fans, the town, the coaches  the parents and to him. He has to, in his own mind, visualise the sight of winning and sounds of victory, feeling the emotions of cheering fans in his heart. He must see the importance of 100% participation of the whole team.
  • Next, every play must be mentally etched in each players mind, so when it is called in the huddle, there are no questions of each player's responsibility.  To have this automatic response requires practice running through each play until perfected everyday.
  • Mental and physical toughness is required to play four quarters of football..  Running the drills, the sprints and the plays in practice when you feel like you can't put one foot in front of the other, builds stamina for that fourth quarter of play you will be facing.You need all of your strength and mental toughness to execute the plays with as much accuracy as you did in the first quarter of play.
  • Trust without question, the coach who leads, calls the plays, directs the practice, and takes full responsibility of each game day preparation.
  • Knowing the rules in the game of football is a must. Doesn't matter how well you run the ball, if you step out of bounds, the play is dead. If you drop the pass, it is incomplete. The player's opinion doesn't count. The referee calls the game according to the rule book that everyone, even the fans, understand. If a player steps out of bounds, everyone knows what the ruling is.There's no room for opinion. If opinion was allowed and the rules could be changed at each game, there would be nothing but chaos. It would be no fun to play or even watch the game.
  • Everyone needs a cheerleader. Self motivation is good, but when you have people cheering you on, you get that extra emotional push to get you through the fatigue of the fourth quarter. Many a time in the fourth quarter when I was so tired, I would look and see that special girl, I was wanting to impress, cheering me on. Naturally, I would use every bit of energy I had left to try to make an impression.  I don't care who you are, we all need someone to care enough about us to cheer us on in our life goals.  It just gives us that emotional strength we need.
  • Every play is not going to produce a first down much less a touchdown.  Learn to fall down and get back up. Football fans, which game would you leave early from, a game that is lopsided in the score or one that is won in the third overtime? Games that are lost, plays busted up, third downs not converted, field goals missed, fumbles and passes dropped all prepare you for the next game.  Players cannot quit because of losing.  Good teams learn from their losses.
  • Losing to a worthy opponent is not as bad as losing because you know that you and the team didn't give 100% effort. In that case, the opponent was really you.
  • We may not win every game, but by looking back at the end of the season, you can see how much better you are with the priceless experience gained. Developing discipline, persistence, and teamwork will be a valuable asset you can use the rest of your life.
  • Finally, if you do not believe you can win, you never will.  You must believe to get you through the pain of injuries and disappointments.  That belief will produce a faith in yourself, also with your coaches and teammates.
The Christian's life has many spiritual goals, but the most important one is being with God in Heaven when we die. How do you and I visualise this goal? In order for this to be our goal, we must, like the football players, both see and feel this goal.  Do we want this goal so much that we will daily spend time in prayer and study of His word? (I Tim. 4:13, IITim. 2:15 and IThess.5:17)

To defeat the devil, we need to know God's word to identify Satan's devices and to put on the the whole armor of God.  This response against the devil should be without thinking, as the executing of the called plays to the football players. Remember, the football players studied the plays and practiced them so much that each play called was known and carried out. (2Cor. 2:11, Eph. 6:10-18)

We need to trust in God.  His way is the only way ,and we need to trust in His promises and guidance given by His word.  We need to trust in the blood of Christ to wash away our sins when we have obeyed the Gospel. (Prov. 3:5-6; Matt. 12:21; 2Cor. 1:9-10; 2Cor.3:4-6; 1Tim. 4:10; and Heb.2:13)

As the rules of a football game are known and obeyed by players, coaches and fans, so are the commandments of God obeyed by His children. If a player commits a foul in a game the referee will penalize the team. The player can argue that he didn't know that specific rule. Will the referee say, "OK since you didn't know, we will play it over, and I will waive the penalty"? We know the kind of chaos this would cause. Do you think God will look at disobedience any different than the referee?(Rom. 10:3; John 14:15; 15:10; Matt 19:17;Mk. 7:7;and 1John 2:4.

I don't know about you, but I need encouragement in my goal to reach heaven.  I need the support and edification of every Christian.  Sometimes I need their forgiveness and just cheering on, the same way as the football players.  How different would a game of football be without fans and cheerleaders?  If no one cared about the game enough to come and watch, would there be any use in playing?(Heb.12:1; Rom.14:19; 1Thess. 5:11; and Heb.10:25)

We do not need to love God in a weak fashion. We need to love Him with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. Loving God this way will insure our doing our best for Him each day. We enjoy watching football players giving their best for the team. We must expect no less from each other in living the Christian life. (Luke 10:25-27)

There will be times in our Christian walk that we will fail or fall short, the same as a football team losing a game, but if we confess our sins, continue to walk in the light, and be faithful until death, we will receive a crown of life.  (1John1:5-9 and Rev. 2:10.

Finally, we must believe in God and His promises and that we can obtain a crown of righteousness by God's grace.  (Heb. 4:14-16 and Acts 15:11) Also, as the players on the team were united as one, played as one, understood the plays as one, and followed the rules as one, we too as Christians should be one.  This was Christ's prayer.  What a difference we could make if those who believe and want to follow Christ were one in mind, belief, and actions, to further the goal of spreading the Gospel and showing God's light in the darkness of this world.  Christ prayed for this kind of unity.(John 17: 11,22)

Working together for the goal of heaven can make us a better nation. I ask this question.  If in the community in which you live, each person's number one goal was to reach heaven, would your community be different than it is now?  Would you be different?

Please send me your comments to .  We all need God and each other to make a difference. I know my readers do not like what is going on in our country today, both economically and morally, but together with God's help we can make a difference.  If you know someone who is hurting, lonely, depressed, and struggling in this life please give them a call today and encourage them. Be like the cheerleaders. Also, pray for our country. Remember the effective, fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.(Jas. 5:16)

Thank you!
Rick Hepler

Thursday, September 1, 2011

We Called it "Bullfrog"

 I like this time of year when the nights get cooler and the humidity drops.  It reminds me of corn "shellin" and playing high school football.  Those were fun times.  I would like to tell you about one of those times.

I was a junior at Fulton County High School in Hickman, Kentucky. The time was the fall of 1968. I was center for the Fulton County Pilots football team. We didn't win alot of games, but we had fun anyway. We were getting ready to play Lake County, Tennessee the next week.  Lake County was known for their excellent football team.  Those guys were big, tough and could definitely play football. We had to come up with a very good game plan to be victorious over them. Well, Coach Moore introduced us to a trick play in practice that week. The play was called "bullfrog". Here are the details. When Coach Moore sent in the play, we were to notify the referee of what we were about to do so he could make sure we were following the rules.

Remember I was the center, the one who hikes the ball to the quarterback. Next when the play was called, my job was to hike the ball to the quarterback and fall down to the ground on my knees and hunker down over the football.  The quarterback would then place the ball under me, carefully placing in where it didn't touch me anywhere. Technically, this was considered a fumble if I didn't touch it. Then, the rest of the players, except the right guard, were to run to the right like we were running a sweep right.  The quarterback was the key player in this play. He had to perfectly deceive the defense into thinking he had the ball and immediately, everyone else had to run to the right of the field as hard as they could go. When the players were to the right of the field, the right guard was to pick the ball up from under me and take off running as fast as he could the other way to the goal line.  The key again was deception. We had to get every player on the defense following all of our players to the right.

Well, the time came, coach relayed the play call to us" bullfrog".  We had practiced all week. Had we perfected it? I hoped so. If I touched the ball after the quarterback dropped it under me, it would all be over.  The ref. was warned and watching me.  I know why they called it bullfrog, because I looked like a big bullfrog crouched down over that ball.  My heart was pounding, "hut one!, hut two!" and I hiked the ball. This play worked perfectly. The quarterback was a master of deceit. The rest of our players took off running like they were running from a bear. Herd instinct set in on the defense, and they took off, too. After they were away from the ball, our right guard, Don Lattus, picked it up and ran for about 60 yards before they stopped him. I can't remember if he he scored or not, but the play worked perfectly. We had pulled it off. The defense had been caught off guard. No player on their team was watching the ball. They had just assumed where it was.

Now this play is only good for once every ten years, and this is why.  The last game of the season was with Sharon High School in Sharon, Tennessee. The game was going good and Coach Moore again called the play "bullfrog".  We were all confident knowing that the play had worked so well the last time.  Well this time when I hiked the ball and fell to my knees, I believe all of their eleven players jumped on top off me.  I thought I was going to smother before the refs got them off.  You see, they had been prepared to be vigilant in watching for any trick plays, and they executed well. They had studied our plays and especially this one. With that kind of preparation ,we could not possibly deceive them.

Satan pulls trick plays on us everyday.  Paul says Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. (2Cor. 11:14)  We need to be vigilant and not take our eyes off the ball. (1Peter 5:8)  We were able to deceive Lake County because they took their eyes off the ball . Sharon's football team was vigilant and watching. They did not allow themselves to be deceived.  Check out God's word and make sure no one deceives you. Be careful of what you assume in your faith.

Just remember we do not want to be deceived and follow the devil. We know where he is going for deceiving us. We do not want to ignorantly follow him and deceive others. ( Read Revelations 20:10)

Let's not let the devil or anyone else pull a "bullfrog" play on us. Be vigilant!!!

I would love to hear from you.  We passed the 2000 read mark yesterday.  Please send your comments to me on facebook or at .

Thank you so much!

Rick Hepler