Monday, August 8, 2011

Rats on Fire!

It was a very hot and dry summer Sunday afternoon. We usually had a ball game of some sort in the neighborhood, but it was just too hot.  I walked over to my dog pen, across the road, to water my hunting dogs. Just as I got to the pen, several rats ran from under the dog house. A huge maple tree next to the pen, with roots spread out on top of the ground, provided shade for my dogs. I noticed these rats ran into holes in the ground around those roots.  After taking a closer look, I saw several holes near the tree trunk.  The rats had a den under this tree.

Being a little bored anyway, I got the bright idea of getting rid of the rats once and for all.  I went and got my brother, Randy, and my dad.  I got a gasoline can and mixed gasoline and diesel fuel together. We started funneling this mixture down the rat holes all around the tree. It took us several minutes. We stepped back admiring our work.  The rats were going to be toast in just a few minutes.

I need to describe the area. About 15 yards from the tree was an old farmhouse, converted into a corn crib, feed room, and storage for tools.  Also, I think some straw was stored in one of the rooms. On the other side of the farmhouse was a shed where I kept my 4-H calves.

Well the moment we had been anticipating had arrived . We had given enough time for the gas fumes and diesel fuel to penetrate all throughout the rat den.  I stood back, struck a match and tossed it on the little gasoline trail I had made away from the tree. It was a good plan. You would had thought we had planned it for weeks.

When the little trail of fire hit those holes, it was like a cannon going off.  I thought no rat could live through that explosion.  But they did! You remember, I mixed diesel fuel with the gasoline. The rats started coming out of those holes looking for a place to run for relief.  The place happened to be the old farm house. Those rats were quick moving balls of fire. If we didn't get to them before they got to the old house, they were going to their fiery grave, with the last laugh, by burning it down.

We were all yelling, screaming, hollering, stomping, chasing, and giving 110 percent of everything we had to keep the burning rats out of the old house.  You see, the house burned down would have been a great loss, but the bigger loss would have been our reputation.  The farmers would still be laughing. We would had to  moved to another state.  We could not have gotten jobs, because people would think we were so stupid! Anybody pouring diesel fuel on rats, setting them on fire, and expecting them to stand still, had to be stupid.  I sure am glad my dad was in on this one.

Well, with a good father's and sons' effort, we stopped every rat.  I can say with pride, we only let a few get close to the house. We had cat reflexes in the end and won the victory over the "burning rats".

Now before you animal lovers get all upset, I have long since repented of my cruelty to rats. I even hate to catch a mouse in a trap. If I can catch them alive, I will take them outdoors and let them go.

Well, we have had our laugh,( I have had a belly laugh. You just had to be there.) and now on a more serious note, let's go to God's word.

Turn in your Bibles to James chapter 1:14-16. James says, "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires, and enticed.  Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death." (NKJV)  Satan tempts us with the lust of the flesh.  Usually, it is a weakness
we have in the flesh.  It always begins with a thought.(the rats in their den under that tree) Next, those thoughts get stronger and the desire grows. (the gasoline and diesel fuel on the rats) Then the thoughts of fulfilling the desire reach a breaking point, and all reasonable thinking is set aside.(the flaming match is now tossed toward the rats' den) Full blown, uncontrollable desire has been conceived. (the rats come out of the hole, on fire, going toward the old house) Sin is now full blown and unless stopped will be turned into a habitual sin. If not stopped, it will cause spiritual damage and worse, spiritual death.(If the burning rats are allowed to get into the old house, there will be considerable damage from the fire they cause or even burn the house down completely.)

It is sad to say, this happens daily in our world. I and even you could get caught up in the wrong thinking, which eventually, going unrestrained, can led to our spiritual death or causing pain and suffering to ourselves or others. None of us is immune.( Rom. 3:23)

Any of the stages of temptation can be stopped before they reach spiritual death.  The thought has to be overcome before it gets so hot with passion, it ignites. If ignited, it needs to be quickly put out before the real damage is done.

How do we do this?  Study God's word each day and pray for wisdom and strength.  When we have God's word in our hearts as we have those thoughts, we will not let them dwell in our thinking.  If we do fall into sin, we have our Christian brothers and sisters who can come  and give us spiritual guidance. If our conscience has been trained with God's truths, Godly sorrow will turn us around.  If sin is conceived and we are in spiritual death, we can turn around by going back to God.  David did this. (Read Psa.51)

As Christians, if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.(1John 1:9) If you are not a Christian, your living in sin is like us letting those burning rats into the old house setting it on fire and burning it to the ground. But, you and I have a savior that can bury that old man of sin and raise us new men in Christ. (Read Rom 6:1-10)

Satan is very crafty, subtle, and persistent to get us to sin against God. We need to be ever vigilant. He is after us all, but Jesus our savior has overcome satan. He will save us and protect us if we let Him.

Please send comments to me at  We all need to help each other stomp out the "burning rats" before they get to the old house.

Thank you so much for reading!

Rick Hepler

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