In a few of my blog post, I have shared some of the tips from my new book. Today I want to share the last tip. I believe it is the goal or the summation of all the tips.
#123 Finally, when you lay your head down at night, do not go to sleep until you can confidently and truthfully say, "it is well with your soul". If you die in your sleep you can then claim the crown of life promised to you by your Heavenly Father. If you live to see the dawn, your day will be brighter for your fellowman.
Don't let me or anyone else tell you, it is well with your soul, because we may, in error, tell you it is. Go to God's word and let Him tell you. Read Romans 6 and 1John 1-2, to see if you are living in a way that God would say, "It is well with your soul"
What keeps you up at night? If you have a chronic illness, the pain may keep you awake most of the night. I know several people with this problem. When dad was farming, if he still had corn or beans in the field that needed harvesting, hearing hard rain coming down all night would keep me awake.
I had a job one time that I didn't like, and on Sunday night I could not sleep knowing I had a meeting early the next morning. Have you ever tossed and turned worrying about your financial situation? Many I know have worried because they did not have enough money, and others worried because they were afraid of losing their money due to an unsettled stock market.
If you look at the nightly news programs, seeing all the evil and hatred in this world, you wonder if our country is going to survive. Politicians and the President seem to be making everything worse instead of better. We also hear reports of ISIS terrorist kidnapping and raping little girls, burning Christians alive, and wanting to destroy the United States is in their every thought. All of this stuff used to keep me awake, too.
Only until about two years ago, I had the problem of worrying about the next day or some other problem I might have. When I realized that in 40 years, what ever problem I had, everyone would have forgotten the problem, or it didn't matter anyway. There are 2 scriptures that have helped me more than anything. Proverbs 3:5-Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding and Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
We all have been trained in our society to work things out for ourselves and to be independent. I could not see God working in my life, because I would not let Him. Trying to do things alone I made many mistakes and with it was useless worry.
It is very obvious the leaders of this great Nation have not read the above verses. If you try to live like Christ, you are called evil and a right wing radical. If you live as the world wants you to and accept any sin, you are called good. This is my number one concern for your children, grandchildren and mine. Yes, this concerns me. As I think on these things when I go to bed at night, it stirs me to action to do my part in fighting against evil, and I know it does you, also.
You and I want the best for our children and grandchildren. We want them to have the best jobs, the best education, beautiful homes, plenty of money to enjoy this life. These things are good and can be achieved, but not at the expense of having a soul that is not pleasing to God. What if they are very successful and attain everything the world has to offer, yet they lose their soul? (Please read Matthew 16: 24-26)
More than likely, we will influence them by what we value the most. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, what did the rich man value the most? What was the rich man's most chilling thought, that he had in the torments of Hades? Here it is. Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house, for I have 5 brother's, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.' Matthew 27-28 NKJV.
The most dreaded tragedy that I can imagine is to die as the rich man, be in the torments of Hades, and then looking up and seeing friends and family members coming to join me, because of the life I lived here on earth. Realizing that I was responsible for them living a life of disobeying God.
I do not want to even imagine this, and I hope you don't either. I want to tell my grandchildren how to live a life pleasing to God, and also, I want to show them! I am thankful that their parents and their other grandparents feel the same way. What about you?
If you can go to bed tonight being truthful and confident that it is well with your soul, more than likely your children and grandchildren will be able to do the same, by your example. If someone were to cheat your precious children or grandchildren out of money, you would be angry. How angry are you with Satan? He wants to cheat them out of an eternal life in Heaven.
What are your thoughts? I would like to get to know some of my readers in other countries. Please email me with your comments. Please send comments to or
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
What Would We Have Done? What is Our Choice?
Many times in my life I have heard the phrase,"Well I would have done it this way." I have even had people tell this to me. Until I have experienced what some have experienced, I probably don't have the right to supplement to their stress with my lack of experienced opinion. But when I have something that is challenging me or leading me down the wrong path, I welcome the help of those who have already experienced the same thing and are still standing. We all are relieved when someone has taken a new path for the good and made it. This gives us the courage and faith that it can be done.
All of us have giants we are facing. Collectively as a nation we have several giants.These giants may even bring this country to her knees. (I hope not!) Let's look at 2 men in God's word who where faced with a choice that we also have today. What choice did they choose and what choice would you have chosen?
David was a lowly shepherd boy. David could have not chosen to learn about God while He was in the wilderness with those few sheep, but he did choose to learn about God. The more he observed God's beautiful creation the closer he became to God. He prepared his heart to draw closer to God and had an increasingly desire to please God and glorify Him. His lowly position in life and inexperience in the ways of the world did not keep him from stepping out of his comfort zone from protecting his father's sheep to leading God's people. He was prepared to lead in any situation to bring glory to God and to honor Him.
The day came to make a choice, just like the day comes for us to make a choice. He saw God's army run from a giant and hide behind rocks. His oldest brother tried to discourage him, Saul told him he was inexperienced in war. Goliath said he was going to cut him up and feed him to the buzzards. If anyone could come up with an excuse not to face Goliath, it was David. He could have taken the easy way out and said, You are all right. I should come back when I am older and more experienced. What would have happened if David had made this choice. Who would have killed the giant? I am afraid the excuse, I am not prepared to serve God in this way at this time, is one I have been guilty of in my lifetime.
But, David was prepared with a faith that harbored no excuses. His intentions were to remove anything that would defy the armies of the living God and bring dishonor to his God, that he had learned to love so dearly.(You can read some of the Psalms that he wrote and can see he loved and trusted in God.) David took on this giant without any reservations or lack of faith. He killed Goliath with one small, smooth stone guided by the faith in a God whom he loved.
The results, of his choice, were: God was glorified and the armies of the living God were so encouraged by this that they chased their enemy away.
The next man is the Apostle Peter. In reading about Peter while Christ was still on earth, you would think that he was the most responsible Apostle. Peter identified Christ in Matthew 16:16 as the Christ, the Son of the living God. In Matthew 26:33, Peter said to Christ, Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble. Also, in verse 35 he said, Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You. In John 18:10 when they came to take Jesus, Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. In Luke 22:31-34, Christ tells Peter that Satan has asked for him, that he may sift him like wheat. Christ tells Peter when he returns, to strengthen the brethren. Peter tells Christ he is ready to go to prison and even to death with Him. Christ knows Peter and tells him that he would deny Him 3 times before the rooster crows.
Peter was strong on the outside, but I think on the inside he hadn't found the faith he needed to face what was coming. Peter was with Christ over 3 years and you would think his faith and trust in God would have been stronger than ever. Christ knew Peter would deny Him 3 times. He also knew Peter loved Him and would be back stronger than before, after he had been sifted by Satan.
Peter's moment came and he did exactly what Christ said he would do. He denied Christ 3 times, with the denial being a little more forceful each time. When the rooster crowed, Christ turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered what Christ said and he went out and wept bitterly. Peter did love Christ, but when he was warming by the fires of the world, he started to think about his own safety and doubt and fear set in. He didn't have the faith to confess Christ before men, and so he denied Him the 3 times.
I think back over the years, that I too denied Christ. Not like Peter, verbally, but denied Him by going against what He taught and commanded, just to be poplar with my peers. I used to never talk about God and Jesus to anyone, because I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable. I am thankful those days are over.
The next point is the most powerful one. When Peter realized what he had done, look what he did not do. He didn't make excuses nor give up. He didn't leave Christ all together and go back into the world living without God and Christ, thinking he could never be good enough to follow Christ again.
No. He went out and wept bitterly. Peter made a choice after this. He wanted to continue to follow Christ. His broken and contrite heart showed how much he loved Jesus. The other disciples had fled also. What would you have done? Would you have chosen not to follow Jesus anymore and returned to the world, forgetting the commands of God,or would you have decided like Peter, that you needed help from Christ to defeat Satan. Peter knew he could never be righteous before God without Jesus. He also was shown that he could not fight Satan alone. He did go back and strengthen the brethren. He also preached the first Gospel sermon.
What would the outcome have been if these men had chosen not to follow God and glorify Him? How many men would have been killed by Goliath? What would the Philistines then think of the God of the Hebrews? Would there have been anyone to preach the Gospel on Pentecost? Would there have been 3000 souls obey the Gospel on Pentecost? Would the church have been established on that day?
My choice on following God, the way He wants me to, has great consequences. If I choose to have a faith pleasing to Him, love Him, and obey Him, He will be glorified and my family may follow Him for generations. If my choice is not to follow and to obey Him, generations of my children will do the same. Instead of being saved on judgement day, we will be lost.
Are you going to influence your family by following God or by following the world? That is the most important choice, with the greatest consequence, you will ever make. I care about all of you and my earnest desire is that you will make the right choice. You know if you are living and serving God like He wants you to. Also you know right now, if you are living like the world. The future of your family's eternal destiny and the future of our country depends on the choice you make today. Another day may be too late.
Do you want to build a faith like David? See what I have to say in my book: The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart on Read it to your children and grandchildren along with your Bible reading.
My desire for my life is to please God and strengthen the brethren. This is important. You can do it. Do not let the Devil decieve you and your family any longer.
Please send me your comments to or
Have you looked at the news lately. Are we living the life God wants us to live in this country so He will hear our prayers? Do we have a faith strong enough to overcome the world and ISIS? Do some soul searching with your family tonight to see where you stand. I hope I have lived a life in the last few years for you to know where I stand. Does your family know where you stand? With the world or with God? I really want you to stand with God with the talent He has given you. Yes. He has given you a talent and He loves you very much.
Thank you so much. I hope my writing encourages you. I don't care what you have done or how deep in sin or lukewarm you may be, you are special because you were created in the image of God.
Thank you so much for reading.
Rick Hepler
All of us have giants we are facing. Collectively as a nation we have several giants.These giants may even bring this country to her knees. (I hope not!) Let's look at 2 men in God's word who where faced with a choice that we also have today. What choice did they choose and what choice would you have chosen?
David was a lowly shepherd boy. David could have not chosen to learn about God while He was in the wilderness with those few sheep, but he did choose to learn about God. The more he observed God's beautiful creation the closer he became to God. He prepared his heart to draw closer to God and had an increasingly desire to please God and glorify Him. His lowly position in life and inexperience in the ways of the world did not keep him from stepping out of his comfort zone from protecting his father's sheep to leading God's people. He was prepared to lead in any situation to bring glory to God and to honor Him.
The day came to make a choice, just like the day comes for us to make a choice. He saw God's army run from a giant and hide behind rocks. His oldest brother tried to discourage him, Saul told him he was inexperienced in war. Goliath said he was going to cut him up and feed him to the buzzards. If anyone could come up with an excuse not to face Goliath, it was David. He could have taken the easy way out and said, You are all right. I should come back when I am older and more experienced. What would have happened if David had made this choice. Who would have killed the giant? I am afraid the excuse, I am not prepared to serve God in this way at this time, is one I have been guilty of in my lifetime.
But, David was prepared with a faith that harbored no excuses. His intentions were to remove anything that would defy the armies of the living God and bring dishonor to his God, that he had learned to love so dearly.(You can read some of the Psalms that he wrote and can see he loved and trusted in God.) David took on this giant without any reservations or lack of faith. He killed Goliath with one small, smooth stone guided by the faith in a God whom he loved.
The results, of his choice, were: God was glorified and the armies of the living God were so encouraged by this that they chased their enemy away.
The next man is the Apostle Peter. In reading about Peter while Christ was still on earth, you would think that he was the most responsible Apostle. Peter identified Christ in Matthew 16:16 as the Christ, the Son of the living God. In Matthew 26:33, Peter said to Christ, Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble. Also, in verse 35 he said, Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You. In John 18:10 when they came to take Jesus, Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. In Luke 22:31-34, Christ tells Peter that Satan has asked for him, that he may sift him like wheat. Christ tells Peter when he returns, to strengthen the brethren. Peter tells Christ he is ready to go to prison and even to death with Him. Christ knows Peter and tells him that he would deny Him 3 times before the rooster crows.
Peter was strong on the outside, but I think on the inside he hadn't found the faith he needed to face what was coming. Peter was with Christ over 3 years and you would think his faith and trust in God would have been stronger than ever. Christ knew Peter would deny Him 3 times. He also knew Peter loved Him and would be back stronger than before, after he had been sifted by Satan.
Peter's moment came and he did exactly what Christ said he would do. He denied Christ 3 times, with the denial being a little more forceful each time. When the rooster crowed, Christ turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered what Christ said and he went out and wept bitterly. Peter did love Christ, but when he was warming by the fires of the world, he started to think about his own safety and doubt and fear set in. He didn't have the faith to confess Christ before men, and so he denied Him the 3 times.
I think back over the years, that I too denied Christ. Not like Peter, verbally, but denied Him by going against what He taught and commanded, just to be poplar with my peers. I used to never talk about God and Jesus to anyone, because I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable. I am thankful those days are over.
The next point is the most powerful one. When Peter realized what he had done, look what he did not do. He didn't make excuses nor give up. He didn't leave Christ all together and go back into the world living without God and Christ, thinking he could never be good enough to follow Christ again.
No. He went out and wept bitterly. Peter made a choice after this. He wanted to continue to follow Christ. His broken and contrite heart showed how much he loved Jesus. The other disciples had fled also. What would you have done? Would you have chosen not to follow Jesus anymore and returned to the world, forgetting the commands of God,or would you have decided like Peter, that you needed help from Christ to defeat Satan. Peter knew he could never be righteous before God without Jesus. He also was shown that he could not fight Satan alone. He did go back and strengthen the brethren. He also preached the first Gospel sermon.
What would the outcome have been if these men had chosen not to follow God and glorify Him? How many men would have been killed by Goliath? What would the Philistines then think of the God of the Hebrews? Would there have been anyone to preach the Gospel on Pentecost? Would there have been 3000 souls obey the Gospel on Pentecost? Would the church have been established on that day?
My choice on following God, the way He wants me to, has great consequences. If I choose to have a faith pleasing to Him, love Him, and obey Him, He will be glorified and my family may follow Him for generations. If my choice is not to follow and to obey Him, generations of my children will do the same. Instead of being saved on judgement day, we will be lost.
Are you going to influence your family by following God or by following the world? That is the most important choice, with the greatest consequence, you will ever make. I care about all of you and my earnest desire is that you will make the right choice. You know if you are living and serving God like He wants you to. Also you know right now, if you are living like the world. The future of your family's eternal destiny and the future of our country depends on the choice you make today. Another day may be too late.
Do you want to build a faith like David? See what I have to say in my book: The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart on Read it to your children and grandchildren along with your Bible reading.
My desire for my life is to please God and strengthen the brethren. This is important. You can do it. Do not let the Devil decieve you and your family any longer.
Please send me your comments to or
Have you looked at the news lately. Are we living the life God wants us to live in this country so He will hear our prayers? Do we have a faith strong enough to overcome the world and ISIS? Do some soul searching with your family tonight to see where you stand. I hope I have lived a life in the last few years for you to know where I stand. Does your family know where you stand? With the world or with God? I really want you to stand with God with the talent He has given you. Yes. He has given you a talent and He loves you very much.
Thank you so much. I hope my writing encourages you. I don't care what you have done or how deep in sin or lukewarm you may be, you are special because you were created in the image of God.
Thank you so much for reading.
Rick Hepler
Monday, February 16, 2015
#113 of 123 Tips for My Grandchildren and Yours
When love hurts, love more. I promise you, loving someone will sometimes break your heart. Love them anyway. True love can bring pain to you, but the goodness from the pain can have a great influence on others. Christ's love for the Father and for mankind brought Him the pain of the cross, but glory in the resurrection. Eternal good was made possible through His pain. Love will always remain when all other works fail. Love is a fruit from the Spirit. When observing love, even your physical body will respond. Seeing great acts of love can put a lump in the throat and tears in the eyes of the strongest warrior. Receive the love of others and the love of God with great gratitude. With great courage, wisdom, and patience fill your heart with love for God and others. The Greatest gift that we can use in this life, to help the ones we love and our fellow man, is Love.
(1 Corinthians 13) Take the chance on love, even though you may get hurt, it is worth it a hundredfold.
Xander, Anna Jewell, Connor and Grady always remember God is love, so study everything you can in the bible about love and you will have a life you've never dreamed of.
Love comes from God, because God is love. (1John 4:) We are created in the Image of God, so we have the capability to love as God loves. (Genesis 1:27) Love did not evolve by evolutionary processes. Many say, life evolved from nothing over billions of years, so love disproves evolution.
How does love cause pain? In the summer of 1974, I met my wife, Debbie, on a blind date. To my surprise this blind date was 180 degrees from my first blind date. She was beautiful and still is. The seed of love was planted in my heart. The more I was with her, the more the seed sprouted and grew, and is still growing. She is a great wife, mother and grandmother. Her greatest virtue then and now was that she loves God. The love she has for God has influenced me throughout the years. She was so healthy, active, beautiful and could do anything.
But, here comes the pain. Many I know have experienced this pain. It is heart breaking and sometimes hard to handle to see Deb suffer from Parkinson's disease. Out of such a strong love I have for Debbie, a passionate hate has begun to grow toward the Parkinson's disease she has. More importantly, I hate the deception and sin that Satan brought into our world. A world that was created as a paradise for man, by a loving God, and now is full of sin, pain and suffering. This is not God's fault. I love God more each day, as I realize what He has done for us and our pain and suffering.
The day Eve disobeyed God, by being deceived by the serpent's lie, is when sin entered into the world God had created as a paradise for mankind. God then put man out of the garden, because He didn't want him to live forever in a sin filled and fallen world. The disease Debbie is dealing with now is one of the results of our fallen world. Satan is the one responsible for the temptation, pain and suffering of this present world. (Read the book of Job) He wants us to blame God and to lose our trust and faith in Him.
My wonderful wife suffers, because mankind chose to disobey God. Your loved ones do too.
As a matter of fact, God doesn't like our suffering. He has prepared a place of eternal torment for the Devil and his angels. That is the only place in the universe where love is not present, because God is not there. Many have chosen to love the world instead of the Heavenly Father. The love of the Father is not in them. They are destined to perish in this place, unless they repent and love the Father more than the world. (1John 2:15-17) But God loves us so much, that He gave us His only begotten Son, that we should not perish. (John 3:16-18) He is longsuffering toward us, hoping we will repent and follow His Son. (2 Peter 3:9)
God has shown us how much He loves us by letting His Son die that cruel death on the cross, in our stead, to pay the price for our sins. How can we not love and want to obey Him? He has a place prepared for us, if we love and obey Him. But more importantly to me, He has prepared a place for those dearest to me on this earth. My wife Debbie, my children, my grandchildren, my family, and the friends I have made along the way have the opportunity to be with Him for all eternity. I do not want anyone that I love to be deceived by the Devil, as Eve was, and to lose this great and precious inheritance.
We are only living on earth from our date of birth until our date of death. The life in between those dates can be one of joy or heartache, pain, suffering, and many times very unfair. If we are treated unfairly, God says vengeance is His. He will repay those who have been unfair and hurtful to us. (Romans 12:19) He also loves us so much and hates to see our pain, that He has promised us a place to make up for all the pain. This place is for eternity. (John 14:1-3; 1 Cor. 2:9)
One day Deb will be cured from Parkinson's disease, either in this life or the next. We are looking forward to it. I am going to love my heavenly Father with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind, and do my best to let His love manifest through me towards those who need love. I am going to do all I possibly can do, to not love the world as John mentions in 1 John 2:15-17. The devil has incited many people in our country to live as the world and not do the will of God. I want to be Satan's enemy not his friend. I want the evidence of my love to remain as an example when I have gone to the next life
Remember the love you share from God is powerful and has heavenly rewards. You can't share love from the world, because it has none to share. Are you going to be God's son or daughter to share His love or are you going to be a friend of the world? Like with Eve, He still gives you a choice . I hope you make the right choice. Remember, He loves you and so do I.
Please send me your comments. At times as we are having in our country today, there seems to be more hate expressed than love. We need to love and encourage each other, even if we take the chance of getting hurt. Please contact me at or . You can purchase my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart on
Thanks for reading!
Happy Valentine's Day Debbie! Remember how much I love you? 2
(1 Corinthians 13) Take the chance on love, even though you may get hurt, it is worth it a hundredfold.
Xander, Anna Jewell, Connor and Grady always remember God is love, so study everything you can in the bible about love and you will have a life you've never dreamed of.
Love comes from God, because God is love. (1John 4:) We are created in the Image of God, so we have the capability to love as God loves. (Genesis 1:27) Love did not evolve by evolutionary processes. Many say, life evolved from nothing over billions of years, so love disproves evolution.
How does love cause pain? In the summer of 1974, I met my wife, Debbie, on a blind date. To my surprise this blind date was 180 degrees from my first blind date. She was beautiful and still is. The seed of love was planted in my heart. The more I was with her, the more the seed sprouted and grew, and is still growing. She is a great wife, mother and grandmother. Her greatest virtue then and now was that she loves God. The love she has for God has influenced me throughout the years. She was so healthy, active, beautiful and could do anything.
But, here comes the pain. Many I know have experienced this pain. It is heart breaking and sometimes hard to handle to see Deb suffer from Parkinson's disease. Out of such a strong love I have for Debbie, a passionate hate has begun to grow toward the Parkinson's disease she has. More importantly, I hate the deception and sin that Satan brought into our world. A world that was created as a paradise for man, by a loving God, and now is full of sin, pain and suffering. This is not God's fault. I love God more each day, as I realize what He has done for us and our pain and suffering.
The day Eve disobeyed God, by being deceived by the serpent's lie, is when sin entered into the world God had created as a paradise for mankind. God then put man out of the garden, because He didn't want him to live forever in a sin filled and fallen world. The disease Debbie is dealing with now is one of the results of our fallen world. Satan is the one responsible for the temptation, pain and suffering of this present world. (Read the book of Job) He wants us to blame God and to lose our trust and faith in Him.
My wonderful wife suffers, because mankind chose to disobey God. Your loved ones do too.
As a matter of fact, God doesn't like our suffering. He has prepared a place of eternal torment for the Devil and his angels. That is the only place in the universe where love is not present, because God is not there. Many have chosen to love the world instead of the Heavenly Father. The love of the Father is not in them. They are destined to perish in this place, unless they repent and love the Father more than the world. (1John 2:15-17) But God loves us so much, that He gave us His only begotten Son, that we should not perish. (John 3:16-18) He is longsuffering toward us, hoping we will repent and follow His Son. (2 Peter 3:9)
God has shown us how much He loves us by letting His Son die that cruel death on the cross, in our stead, to pay the price for our sins. How can we not love and want to obey Him? He has a place prepared for us, if we love and obey Him. But more importantly to me, He has prepared a place for those dearest to me on this earth. My wife Debbie, my children, my grandchildren, my family, and the friends I have made along the way have the opportunity to be with Him for all eternity. I do not want anyone that I love to be deceived by the Devil, as Eve was, and to lose this great and precious inheritance.
We are only living on earth from our date of birth until our date of death. The life in between those dates can be one of joy or heartache, pain, suffering, and many times very unfair. If we are treated unfairly, God says vengeance is His. He will repay those who have been unfair and hurtful to us. (Romans 12:19) He also loves us so much and hates to see our pain, that He has promised us a place to make up for all the pain. This place is for eternity. (John 14:1-3; 1 Cor. 2:9)
One day Deb will be cured from Parkinson's disease, either in this life or the next. We are looking forward to it. I am going to love my heavenly Father with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind, and do my best to let His love manifest through me towards those who need love. I am going to do all I possibly can do, to not love the world as John mentions in 1 John 2:15-17. The devil has incited many people in our country to live as the world and not do the will of God. I want to be Satan's enemy not his friend. I want the evidence of my love to remain as an example when I have gone to the next life
Remember the love you share from God is powerful and has heavenly rewards. You can't share love from the world, because it has none to share. Are you going to be God's son or daughter to share His love or are you going to be a friend of the world? Like with Eve, He still gives you a choice . I hope you make the right choice. Remember, He loves you and so do I.
Please send me your comments. At times as we are having in our country today, there seems to be more hate expressed than love. We need to love and encourage each other, even if we take the chance of getting hurt. Please contact me at or . You can purchase my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart on
Thanks for reading!
Happy Valentine's Day Debbie! Remember how much I love you? 2
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
#25 of 123 Tips to My Grandchildren and Yours
This is an excerpt from my new book, 123 Tips to My Grandchildren and Yours, to be published in March.
You love your grandchildren as much as I love mine. We want our children and grandchildren to go to heaven when they die of an old age on this earth. In today's world it seems more and more like there are large magnets drawing them from the path God has planned for them. Some of those magnets are: doing anything to get the world to notice them, uncontrolled pleasures, unedited entertainment, idolizing: athletes, singers, and actors to name a few.
We all are subjected to these, but why? Because we can see and feel them. We can see the happiness offered by the world, but fail to see it's short existence. We can feel being selfish when we do not want our peers to accomplish more than we do. With the internet we can experience 15 minutes of fame, even if it goes against everything we have been taught. Sexual pleasures can be seen and felt, even though the consequences are never comprehended. The world is teaching to be an intellectual you must believe in evolutionary thought, which leads mankind to thinking he can control his own destiny. These same scientists are heard in the classrooms each day teaching and proudly proclaiming this falsehood as fact and insinuating any other thought is ignorant and unbelievable. There are many other distractions the world (Satan) uses to distract mankind from God. Our grandchildren are subject to these distractions that they can see and feel every waking moment of their day.
How can we compete with the world? They can see and feel the pleasures of carnal living. You and I need to have a faith pleasing to God. (Hebrews 11) With this faith we cannot see the things we hope for, nor how the things we see were not made of things which are visible. Our children, grandchildren and the world must see in us a faith so powerful that the thoughts of the world cannot cause this faith to diminish or weaken at all. How is this done. By hearing, believing, living and feeling the word of God, with all our strength ,in our heart, soul and mind. Counterfeit beliefs will not be allowed. They will then be able to see and feel the fruit of a God loving and obeying people..
Tip # 25 Read Psalm 100 everyday upon arising and retiring. What good will this do? I do not know if David wrote this Psalm or someone else, but it doesn't matter. The author of this Psalm had the faith I just talked about. Let's look at this Psalm verse by verse and see what clues we can find to help our grandchildren. ( I just list the tips in the book. A devotional guide may follow)
Psalm 100
Verse 1) Make a joyful shout to the Lord, the word shout is used as noise in some translations. The word is taken from the Hebrew word ruwa' meaning to shout with religious impulse, shout with triumph, to shout in applause etc. In other words the noise or shout was made with a deep appreciation and excitement. If you are a Patriot's fan, the noise you made after their game winning interception from the Seahawks could describe this excited shout. Why did you shout? You shouted with emotion because the team you followed just won the Super Bowl, so you are the fan of a Super Bowl winner.
All you lands! is the end of this verse. What should that mean to us? That we, not only Israel, can make this joyful shout.
Verse 2) Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. In order to serve anyone you have to be willing to submit to them. That submission can either be from fear or love. If it is from fear, there will be emotional pain in the service and dreading each day of it. When the submission is out of love, the service will be to the servants fullest ability each day, and also an eagerness for the beginning of each new day. Serving with love will also present a heart full of joy and sound, and the Master will be approached with confidence instead of fear.
Verse 3) Know that the Lord, He is God, it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Look up at the stars; look at the beautiful sunsets; feel the warmth of the sun each day; smell the spring rains approaching; feel love in your heart for someone; and then can you honestly say we evolved and created ourselves? We know nothing about the magnitude and vastness of the universe. The psalmist knew without a doubt that God created us. Do not live your life as if mankind created himself , because you will live to survive, overlooking love and the needs of others. You will become prideful and selfish and not useful to anyone.
The psalmist also knew God wanted us to be His people. He wants to care for us and protect us like a shepherd cares for and protects his sheep. When we go away as sheep going astray, He desires our return.
Verse 4) Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. (Read the parable of the lost son. Luke 15:11-24) Sin made mankind dead spiritually before God. God has a loving plan to get us back, sacrificing His only Son in our stead. God is portrayed as the father in the parable of the lost son. His son rebelled, as we did and do, and let the world waste his life. The son came to himself and went back to the father, ashamed of sinning against him. But the father was waiting for his repentance and watching for his return. He showed his love by his actions of love and forgiveness and prepared a feast and royal raiment for his son.
The psalmist knew God wanted mankind back into a relationship with Him. By this we know when we are in Christ (Galatians 3:27), we will be thankful to Him and bless His name for this forgiveness and the eternal promises that come with it. We then can enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
Verse 5) For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations. We can live without fear, because the Lord is good. We can also be assured that His word, the truth, endures all generations. We have the same words of God that were delivered to men of the Old and New Testaments. (Matthew 24:35; 1John 4:18-19; James 1:16-17; 1Chronicles 16:34; Deut.7:9; Isa. 55:7; and Eph. 2: 1-10)
God is waiting for the people of our land to come back to Him. He didn't leave us. We left Him. He has never quit loving us, but our ways: abortion, unbelief, and sexual immorality have made many spiritually dead to Him along with the other sins. Don't forget, we all have sinned and we all need redemption. He loves us more than the world does, because He sent us His Only Begotten Son to die for us. Be honest, the ruler of this world, Satan,( John 12:31 and Ephesians 2:20) has only given us heartache and separation from a God who loves us. Who are you going to give a joyful shout to?
Please send your comments to or If you enjoy reading my post, please pass on to others. Also, you may purchase my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart by going to .
Thanks you so much.
Rick Hepler
You love your grandchildren as much as I love mine. We want our children and grandchildren to go to heaven when they die of an old age on this earth. In today's world it seems more and more like there are large magnets drawing them from the path God has planned for them. Some of those magnets are: doing anything to get the world to notice them, uncontrolled pleasures, unedited entertainment, idolizing: athletes, singers, and actors to name a few.
We all are subjected to these, but why? Because we can see and feel them. We can see the happiness offered by the world, but fail to see it's short existence. We can feel being selfish when we do not want our peers to accomplish more than we do. With the internet we can experience 15 minutes of fame, even if it goes against everything we have been taught. Sexual pleasures can be seen and felt, even though the consequences are never comprehended. The world is teaching to be an intellectual you must believe in evolutionary thought, which leads mankind to thinking he can control his own destiny. These same scientists are heard in the classrooms each day teaching and proudly proclaiming this falsehood as fact and insinuating any other thought is ignorant and unbelievable. There are many other distractions the world (Satan) uses to distract mankind from God. Our grandchildren are subject to these distractions that they can see and feel every waking moment of their day.
How can we compete with the world? They can see and feel the pleasures of carnal living. You and I need to have a faith pleasing to God. (Hebrews 11) With this faith we cannot see the things we hope for, nor how the things we see were not made of things which are visible. Our children, grandchildren and the world must see in us a faith so powerful that the thoughts of the world cannot cause this faith to diminish or weaken at all. How is this done. By hearing, believing, living and feeling the word of God, with all our strength ,in our heart, soul and mind. Counterfeit beliefs will not be allowed. They will then be able to see and feel the fruit of a God loving and obeying people..
Tip # 25 Read Psalm 100 everyday upon arising and retiring. What good will this do? I do not know if David wrote this Psalm or someone else, but it doesn't matter. The author of this Psalm had the faith I just talked about. Let's look at this Psalm verse by verse and see what clues we can find to help our grandchildren. ( I just list the tips in the book. A devotional guide may follow)
Psalm 100
Verse 1) Make a joyful shout to the Lord, the word shout is used as noise in some translations. The word is taken from the Hebrew word ruwa' meaning to shout with religious impulse, shout with triumph, to shout in applause etc. In other words the noise or shout was made with a deep appreciation and excitement. If you are a Patriot's fan, the noise you made after their game winning interception from the Seahawks could describe this excited shout. Why did you shout? You shouted with emotion because the team you followed just won the Super Bowl, so you are the fan of a Super Bowl winner.
All you lands! is the end of this verse. What should that mean to us? That we, not only Israel, can make this joyful shout.
Verse 2) Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. In order to serve anyone you have to be willing to submit to them. That submission can either be from fear or love. If it is from fear, there will be emotional pain in the service and dreading each day of it. When the submission is out of love, the service will be to the servants fullest ability each day, and also an eagerness for the beginning of each new day. Serving with love will also present a heart full of joy and sound, and the Master will be approached with confidence instead of fear.
Verse 3) Know that the Lord, He is God, it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Look up at the stars; look at the beautiful sunsets; feel the warmth of the sun each day; smell the spring rains approaching; feel love in your heart for someone; and then can you honestly say we evolved and created ourselves? We know nothing about the magnitude and vastness of the universe. The psalmist knew without a doubt that God created us. Do not live your life as if mankind created himself , because you will live to survive, overlooking love and the needs of others. You will become prideful and selfish and not useful to anyone.
The psalmist also knew God wanted us to be His people. He wants to care for us and protect us like a shepherd cares for and protects his sheep. When we go away as sheep going astray, He desires our return.
Verse 4) Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. (Read the parable of the lost son. Luke 15:11-24) Sin made mankind dead spiritually before God. God has a loving plan to get us back, sacrificing His only Son in our stead. God is portrayed as the father in the parable of the lost son. His son rebelled, as we did and do, and let the world waste his life. The son came to himself and went back to the father, ashamed of sinning against him. But the father was waiting for his repentance and watching for his return. He showed his love by his actions of love and forgiveness and prepared a feast and royal raiment for his son.
The psalmist knew God wanted mankind back into a relationship with Him. By this we know when we are in Christ (Galatians 3:27), we will be thankful to Him and bless His name for this forgiveness and the eternal promises that come with it. We then can enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
Verse 5) For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations. We can live without fear, because the Lord is good. We can also be assured that His word, the truth, endures all generations. We have the same words of God that were delivered to men of the Old and New Testaments. (Matthew 24:35; 1John 4:18-19; James 1:16-17; 1Chronicles 16:34; Deut.7:9; Isa. 55:7; and Eph. 2: 1-10)
God is waiting for the people of our land to come back to Him. He didn't leave us. We left Him. He has never quit loving us, but our ways: abortion, unbelief, and sexual immorality have made many spiritually dead to Him along with the other sins. Don't forget, we all have sinned and we all need redemption. He loves us more than the world does, because He sent us His Only Begotten Son to die for us. Be honest, the ruler of this world, Satan,( John 12:31 and Ephesians 2:20) has only given us heartache and separation from a God who loves us. Who are you going to give a joyful shout to?
Please send your comments to or If you enjoy reading my post, please pass on to others. Also, you may purchase my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart by going to .
Thanks you so much.
Rick Hepler
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