Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What Would We Have Done? What is Our Choice?

Many times in my life I have heard the phrase,"Well I would have done it this way." I have even had people tell this to me. Until I have experienced what some have experienced, I probably don't have the right to supplement to their stress with my lack of experienced opinion. But when I have something that is challenging me or leading me down the wrong path, I welcome the help of those who have already experienced the same thing and are still standing.  We all are relieved when someone has taken a new path for the good and made it. This gives us the courage and faith that it can be done.

All of us have giants we are facing. Collectively as a nation we have several giants.These giants may even bring this country to her knees. (I hope not!) Let's look at 2 men in God's word who where faced with a choice that we also have today. What choice did they choose and what choice would you have chosen?

David was a lowly shepherd boy. David could have not chosen to learn about God while He was in the wilderness with those few sheep, but he did choose to learn about God. The more he observed  God's beautiful creation the closer he became to God. He prepared his heart to draw closer to God and had an increasingly desire to please God and glorify Him. His lowly position in life and inexperience in the ways of the world did not keep him from stepping out of his comfort zone from protecting his father's sheep to leading God's people.  He was prepared to lead in any situation to bring glory to God and to honor Him.

The day came to make a choice, just like the day comes for us to make a choice. He saw God's army run from a giant and hide behind rocks. His oldest brother tried to discourage him, Saul told him he was inexperienced in war. Goliath said he was going to cut him up and feed him to the buzzards. If anyone could come up with an excuse not to face Goliath, it was David. He could have taken the easy way out and said, You are all right I should come back when I am older and more experienced. What would have happened if David had made this choice. Who would have killed the giant? I am afraid the excuse, I am not prepared to serve God in this way at this time, is one I have been guilty of in my lifetime.

But, David was prepared with a faith that harbored no excuses. His intentions were to remove anything that would defy the armies of the living God and bring dishonor to his God, that he had learned to love so dearly.(You can read some of the Psalms that he wrote and can see he loved and trusted in God.) David took on this giant without any reservations or lack of faith. He killed Goliath with one small, smooth stone guided by the faith in a God whom he loved.

The results, of his choice, were: God was glorified and the armies of the living God were so encouraged by this that they chased their enemy away.

The next man is the Apostle Peter. In reading about Peter while Christ was still on earth, you would think that he was the most responsible Apostle. Peter identified Christ in Matthew 16:16 as the Christ, the Son of the living God. In Matthew 26:33, Peter said to Christ, Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble. Also, in verse 35 he said, Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You.  In John 18:10 when they came to take Jesus, Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear.  In Luke 22:31-34, Christ tells Peter that Satan has asked for him, that he may sift him like wheat. Christ tells Peter when he returns, to strengthen the brethren. Peter tells Christ he is ready to go to prison and even to death with Him. Christ knows Peter and tells him that he would deny Him 3 times before the rooster crows.

Peter was strong on the outside, but I think on the inside he hadn't found the faith he needed to face what was coming. Peter was with Christ over 3 years and you would think his faith and trust in God would have been stronger than ever. Christ knew Peter would deny Him 3 times. He also knew Peter loved Him and would be back stronger than before, after he had been sifted by Satan.

Peter's moment came and he did exactly what Christ said he would do. He denied Christ 3 times, with the denial being a little more forceful each time. When the rooster crowed, Christ turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered what Christ said and he went out and wept bitterly.  Peter did love Christ, but when he was warming by the fires of the world, he started to think about his own safety and doubt and fear set in.  He didn't have the faith to confess Christ before men, and so he denied Him the 3 times.

I think back over the years, that I too denied Christ. Not like Peter, verbally, but denied Him by going against what He taught and commanded, just to be poplar with my peers. I used to never talk about God and Jesus to anyone, because I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable. I am thankful those days are over.

The next point is the most powerful one. When Peter realized what he had done, look what he did not do. He didn't make excuses nor give up. He didn't leave Christ all together and go back into the world living without God and Christ, thinking he could never be good enough to follow Christ again. 

No. He went out and wept bitterly. Peter made a choice after this. He wanted to continue to follow Christ. His broken and contrite heart showed how much he loved Jesus. The other disciples had fled also. What would you have done? Would you have chosen not to follow Jesus anymore and returned to the world, forgetting the commands of God,or would you have decided like Peter, that you needed help from Christ to defeat Satan.  Peter knew he could never be righteous before God without Jesus. He also was shown that he could not fight Satan alone.  He did go back and strengthen the brethren. He also preached the first Gospel sermon.

What would the outcome have been if these men had chosen not to follow God and glorify Him? How many men would have been killed by Goliath? What would the Philistines then think of the God of the Hebrews? Would there have been anyone to preach the Gospel on Pentecost?  Would there have been 3000 souls obey the Gospel on Pentecost? Would the church have been established on that day?

My choice on following God, the way He wants me to, has great consequences. If I choose to have a faith pleasing to Him, love Him, and obey Him, He will be glorified and my family may follow Him for generations. If my choice is not to follow and to obey Him, generations of my children will do the same. Instead of being saved on judgement day, we will be lost.

Are you going to influence your family by following God or by following the world? That is the most important choice, with the greatest consequence, you will ever make. I care about all of you and my earnest desire is that you will make the right choice. You know if you are living and serving God like He wants you to. Also you know right now, if you are living like the world. The future of your family's eternal destiny and the future of our country depends on the choice you make today. Another day may be too late.

Do you want to build a faith like David? See what I have to say in my book: The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart on Read it to your children and grandchildren along with your Bible reading.

My desire for my life is to please God and strengthen the brethren.  This is important. You can do it. Do not let the Devil decieve you and your family any longer.

Please send me your comments to or

Have you looked at the news lately. Are we living the life God wants us to live in this country so He will hear our prayers? Do we have a faith strong enough to overcome the world and ISIS?  Do some soul searching with your family tonight to see where you stand.  I hope I have lived a life in the last few years for you to know where I stand. Does your family know where you stand?  With the world or with God? I really want you to stand with God with the talent He has given you. Yes. He has given you a talent and He loves you very much.

Thank you so much. I hope my writing encourages you.  I don't care what you have done or how deep in sin or lukewarm you may be, you are special because you were created in the image of God.

Thank you so much for reading.

Rick Hepler


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