Thursday, August 13, 2015


We all have experienced different seasons in our lives.   One of my seasons started, June 12 ,1976.  I graduated from University of Tennessee at Martin with a B.S. in Agriculture, the next day I married Debbie, next we went on our honeymoon to Williamsburg, Virginia and then I started to work the next week with the Dyersburg Production Credit Assn. as a loan officer.  I had to learn how to make loans to farmers.

From that date until today, I have been working with people and their money for 39 years with different banks and a financial service company.  I have dealt with many who wanted to lay up treasures on earth.  When those treasures were threatened with economic downturns and market drops,  I had to also manage their fears.  I gained experience in dealing with almost every financial situation.  I also grew close to my clients and made a lot of new friends over the years.  I have no regrets on experience learned, and the friends I have made over the years.

Next week, if all the paperwork goes through, I will be signing off my computer with home office and will have sold my practice to Randy Thetford, the other Ameriprise office here in town.  My new season will begin on August 17, 2015.  I will be leaving a season of helping people lay up treasure on earth and beginning a season of helping people build up treasures in heaven.  I read in Ecclesiastes 3:1, To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. (NKJV) Read also verses 2-8.  I have chosen:

  • A time to build up.
  • A time to embrace.
  • A time to speak.
  • A time to love.
Entering my new season of life has not come easily.  Fear and doubt have been my foes for many years. I have heard their small voices each day for several years.  I am thankful the last few months of trusting in God, and His helping me to develop the courage to follow my dream, has been the victor.

My dream is to be a full time, successful, Christian author.  Each day I write, my passion for it grows stronger as well as my compassion for my fellowman.  In writing, I have had to take my mask off and risk baring my heart and soul to you readers.  To you who have read my work, I hope my voice of compassion and love for you has come through in my words.  I want to work on my craft daily in order to do my best for my readers.

There is one quote I have read that has helped me take the step to dream big again.  I have heard it from two different sources so I really do not know who to give to give the credit.  I want to thank whoever the author is, because it has really helped me.  Below is the quote and I hope it helps you also.

 As God's chosen blessed sons and daughters, we are expected to attempt  something large enough that failure is guaranteed, unless God steps in.
 This is how the world see's the power of God in our lives.  Just like He
 showed His power through David, Moses, Joseph and Paul.

I am attempting something large, and God will have to step in.  I believe He will use you my readers,  my family, and my friends to help me.  I have read in the past, if your dream does not scare you, then it is not large enough.  Well for me, this is a little scary.  Revealing my dream publicly will make me accountable to you.

My next book, The Father of Deception, will help the readers identify the deceptions used in keeping you from your real purpose on this earth. What we are experiencing today in our culture is a result of the success of these deceptions.  In my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart, my purpose was to help people develop a faith in God so strong and pleasing to Him that they will be able to conquer any giant in their lives that keeps them from being all that God created them to be.  Also,  I show the steps the young shepherd boy David did in developing his giant slaying faith.  My book, 123 Tips for My Grandchildren and Yours, was written for all of our grandchildren to remind them how to build a strong faith in God living in a fallen world.

My blog is being read by people from 13 different countries.  This is a way I can connect with my readers on a weekly basis.  Some use my post in their devotionals. I try to write about current issues facing Christians of today. I also want to use these post each week to encourage Christians in their daily walk with God.

God has helped me symbolically to slay the lion and the bear, as He helped David slay a real lion and bear. This developed in David a trust in God that enabled him to slay the giant, Goliath. David slayed Goliath, not with the armor and battle experience of King Saul, but with a simple sling, a small smooth stone, and the experience of having a relationship with a loving God.  David said one thing that has always motivated me. He said in 1 Samuel 17:29 when his brother, Eliab, criticized him for asking about slaying Goliath. David answered him with this statement, that we also can make. And David said, 'What have I done now? Is there not a cause?' (NKJV)  Christians, let's make this same statement together.  God has given each of us a talent, and this fallen world has given us many causes to use them.  I am going to pick up my sling and a smooth small stone to go after my Goliath.  Are you ready to do the same?  Yes, you do have it in you to do the same.

Here is how you can help me. If you have read any of my books, please post a review on Amazon.  Amazon will refer my books to others when my readers write reviews. Also, if you or someone you know hasn't purchased one of my books,  please consider doing so.  The price is cheaper than a large hamburger and hopefully you may glean something that will help build your faith.

You can also help me by sharing my blog post with others.  This is how I build a platform of readers.

I enjoy writing a blog post each week.  Several of you send comments that are very encouraging.  You do not know how much I appreciate the "likes" "shares" and comments on Facebook. Do you remember when I wrote about my little dog "Poochy"?  I could give Poochy a little encouragement, and he would go after our big Charolais bull.  I am like Poochy. Your encouragement helps me tackle the giants in my life.

As I stated in the title.  I do need your help.  I also need your prayers for Debbie and me.  Pray for a cure for Parkinson's disease and pray for me as I enter the next season of my life trying to help people.

Please send any comments to or comment on Facebook.  Also you can go to to purchase my books or write a review.

Thank you so much for helping me.




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