I finished the book, but something made me keep coming back to some of his techniques. What if I asked myself the question, How good do I want to be in serving God, family and mankind? I then took some of his points and changed them to help me be the best disciple I could be. Listed below are the eleven I came up with.
- Satan, my adversary, should never determine my level of studying God's word, my prayer life, or my living right before God.
- Always find a way to meditate on God's word when feeling weak or facing adversity. Look to Jesus for the strength needed to go on.
- I am responsible for the life I create in Christ, not others.
- Knowing myself as a disciple of Jesus is important.
- Don't keep score. I just need to keep doing God's will. Fruit will be produced if I do not faint and grow weary of doing well.
- Be faithful everyday to eliminate thoughts of the flesh. (worldly desires, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life) Do not let them enter into my heart.
- Focus simply on living for God and being more like His Son each day.
- Eliminate "the stuff"(worldly thoughts) that clutters my mind and occupies my time each day.
- If I live as Christ each day, all I have to do when times get tough is just be me.
- To achieve the highest level Christian service I must have GRIT; God-Resilience-Integrity-Trust.
- The process of my commitment, sowing the seed, and living the example is more important than the immediate results.
If I focus on these points every day, my commitment to be more like Christ will be stronger.
You may email any comments to rhepler52@gmail.com . Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed reading please share with others.
Rick Hepler
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