His day was like all the others. The hours were filled with hoping and wondering. Hoping for a few pieces of food to fall from this man's table and wondering when it would be.
I do not know if he had any family. Those that placed him in front of the rich man's house each day, could have been his friends. I am just assuming they were beggars also, if not they could have fed him with crumbs from their tables.
He was lame, since he was placed in front of this man's house. So, he was dependent on someone for his food, transportation, and everything else, to keep him alive. He was so weak, he couldn't keep the dogs from gathering to lick his sores. Although this could have soothed his pain, I do not know. This was written for us to realize the magnitude of his suffering.
His pain each and every day was from hunger, thirst, diseased infested flesh, loneliness, weather conditions, and dwindling hope. I think this fully describes his rock bottom. I do not know if his rock bottom was a result of his wrong choices or just being born with an affliction.
The man I am writing about is a certain beggar mentioned by Christ in Luke 16:19-31. His name was Lazarus.
The past few month's I have met some people very close to being at this extreme rock bottom. They want to turn their lives around, but they do not have the means, discipline, family, and friends to help them do so. 100 percent are facing rock bottom, as a result of very bad choices they have made in their lives. It will be hard for them to find much success on this earth, unless they have a burning desire to do so.
Why did Christ tell those listening to Him about this beggar Lazarus and why was it written down and protected all of these years for us to read?
This is the extreme of rock bottom in this fallen world. Lazarus's hope of being any better in this world was depleted, but I believe he knew God and was living with a faith that someday would become sight.
Why do I believe this? Lazarus died and the angels came and carried him to Abraham's bosom. What was this? Lazarus was now with Abraham in the paradise side of Hades, waiting for the final judgement. Why did Jesus choose to mention Abraham? The Jews believed Abraham died a righteous man, who trusted God.
The most beautiful part of this story is Lazarus had nothing to give anyone. His life was miserable, but he still believed and trusted in God or Christ would not have said, he was in Abraham's bosom. He still awaits there today. On judgement day, he will go to heaven. There he will find the treasures he laid up by believing and trusting in God on earth.
He was the perfect example of being at rock bottom, while here on earth, but his soul was still healthy and prosperous.
This is the eternal hope we have. Even if we hit rock bottom as Lazarus, we still can have a soul that is successful, in Christ.
What if you were the richest person on this earth, but your soul was lost and at rock bottom. Your riches would only benefit you a maximum of 100 years and at death, your soul would be in torment, away from God, for all eternity. What are you willing to make this trade for? The whole world? (Matthew 16:26)
I noticed that Lazarus never complained or asked God why he suffered so, while on earth. He never asked Abraham to send someone back to tell his family about the paradise he was in and for them to love and obey God so they could join him someday.
God wants all of us to be in heaven with Him someday. We will be there, if we love Him and abide in His will. He doesn't want any to perish. (John 3:15-21)
God is not slack in His promises to us. He is longsuffering toward us and not willing that any should perish, but all come to repentance. (II Peter 3:9)
Jesus wants us to go everywhere to teach this good news, that God wants to save us and that Jesus died in our place. We must teach them to believe it and then be buried with Him in baptism, putting on Christ, and burying the old man of sin. Then their sins will be forgiven and they will be saved. (Mark 16:15-16)
This is the reason we should go out and teach those who are suffering. Many get back in to drugs, because they believe they have no hope. We need to tell them Lazarus was in a bad shape, having no hope of success in this life, but he trusted and believed in God and is now and forever will receive the crown of life.
This is why I write. I see so many hurting people being deceived by the evil in this world. We all need to be faithful unto death and we will receive the crown of life. (Revelations 2:10) Christians, we are the only ones designated and commissioned to tell them the good news.
We will see a difference in our communities, when we do as Christ commanded.
If you have any comments or are approaching rock bottom, send me an email to rhepler52@gmail.com
You can purchase my book: The Heart Behind the Stone:Develop a Giant Slaying Heart, by going to: http://amzn.to/1Mi2AXW
Thank you for reading and please share with someone who is hurting.
Rick Hepler
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