Today with the market down, people really concerned about the direction our country is going, global problems with radical Muslims, and many other problems too numerous to mention both worldwide and local, turned out to be a good day. You ask, how?
Well, I went to my in laws for lunch, and after lunch I sat on their front porch. I just wanting to rest from it all. I then began noticing the beautiful red miniature roses. I took a deep breath, looked at the roses and noticed their petals and leaves looked as though they were reaching for the sun. The noonday sun was brigthtly shining and the roses were busy making food from the sun. It's amazing how that works, photosynthesis that is. Then I looked up at the trees with their green leaves standing out against the bright blue sky, swaying back and forth from the gentle breeze. A breeze invisible only to feel and only to see where it had blown.
Off in a distance, I could hear a dove cooing, a robin and a blue jay. Each having it's own distinctive sound. I saw also, a squirrel scurry up a tree. I later went home and walked out to the garden to see if we had any ripe tomatoes. We did, and we had peas ready to pick.
Why do I mention all of this? For just a few minutes, I quit thinking of the problems of the day and was just still. Taking just a few moments to observe the flowers, birds, the garden, the leaves blowing in the wind and the bright blue sky. I regret to say it, but I do not take time to do this often enough. We all take for granted the beauty of creation all around us. Observing the creation can have a calming and strenthening effect on us if we would only let it.
If you are an athiest or evolutionist, this has no meaning to you, but I can see God through His handywork. Just think about it. Can man make a live plant that produces flowers, fruit or even leaves? What about a bird or squirrel? Did the sun just evolve to be the exact distance from earth, not to burn it up or freeze it? Can flowers on their own create photosynthesis to feed themselves from sunlight? A reasonable person can immediately recognize an intelligent designer not self creation.
God tells us in Psalms 46:10, 'Be still and know that I am God; I will be exhalted among the nations, I will be exhalted in the earth!' Get up early before sunrise, get a cup of coffee, and go outside to watch the day awake. Be still and you will see God's intelligence, order, vastness and power. You will realise, YES! HE IS REAL! You can see His wonderful creation, then go to His word and hear Him say, "Be still and know I am God". You can know He is God, if you get all of the worldly distractions out of your mind. When I realized this, there seemed to be a confident peace come over me. Yes there is a God, and He loves you and me very much. The words He has left us in the Bible are true.
When I come home at night, if the lights are on, Debbie's purse is on the table, the tv is on, and I smell food cooking, I know Debbie is home. The same thing when I see the beautiful creation every day, I know God is home.
Let us trust in our heavenly Father. He loves us and will take care of us. He is real. Go to Him in prayer, get close to Him in His word, and let Him dwell in you. The obvious is, God can take care of us. Let's trust, obey and love Him, and believe he will take care of us.
DON'T WORRY. Rejoice that we have a Heavenly Father and a saviour, Jesus Christ.
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Thank you,
Rick Hepler
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