Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Mama Was A Point Man

My brother, Randy and I shared a room when we were growing up. Rusty my youngest brother had his own room. I am nine years older than Rusty, so we didn't get in to much trouble growing up as Randy and I did. 

During this era of my life, my dad worked the night shift at American Metal in Union City. My mother had the watch over three boys at night, but this wasn't a problem for her. Mama was like a Point Man in the army. If there were any noises or anything else going on, she would check it out quickly to make sure we were not in any harm. She could hear better than any dog on Stateline Road. She could probably out run anyone in the community, and I don't mean running from. I have seen her chase my dad and us boys, but I don't ever remember mama running from anything.  Have you ever heard of someone being so tough they could fight a circle saw? I don't know exactly what it means, but if it was after Randy, Rusty and me, mama would fight it.

If you have ever lived on a farm and watched a mother hen protect her chicks, cow protect her calf, or sow protect her pigs, you understand maternal protection. Well, Mama could be meaner than all three put together if it meant protecting her three sons. Let me put it like this, when we went to bed at night were were not afraid.

Living on the farm, we would often have some uninvited guest try to make their winter home in our house. One cool fall night we had all gone to bed, and everything was quiet. Suddenly, we would hear it.  We had sliding, hollow, wooden doors for closet doors. You could take a finger nail and just barely scratch it to make a loud noise. Well a mouse got in the closet and started chewing on that closet door. From the sound he was making, you would have thought the house was falling in. Randy started, little girl, screaming, " mama! mouse, mama! mouse."  Mama was already at the door with three rolled up towels, a broom and a fly swatter. You see, you would put one towel under the bedroom door, run the mouse out of the closet and put the other two towels under the closet doors. He had no where to escape. He had to face Mama with Randy and me jumping up and down on the bed, like cheerleaders, cheering mama on.  Finally, Mama would end his fright with the broom. Everything turned quiet again with one more "mouse killin" experience to tell about.

Mama (Mother) would have given her life for any of her sons. I do not doubt that for a second. She was always strong and still is. She and Dad did a good job raising and protecting us.

As Christians, we need to be strong and of good courage. (Deut. 31:6) I was reading Rev.21:8 the other day and after reading over it a couple of times I realized I had been overlooking the first part of the verse. "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Did you notice the cowardly is first on the list. Why? The early Christians had to have courage to not deny Christ when threatened with death and death to their families.  They had to trust Jesus with His promise of a crown of life, if they were faithful unto death. (Read Rev.2:10) Jesus was preparing them to have courage. As Christians we must remember what Jesus told the rich young ruler in Mark 10:21. "take up your cross and follow me."
What ever trial, heartache, sickness or disappointment is our cross, we must have the courage to take it up and follow Christ. Christ gave up everything on this earth and carried His cross to His death for us. This took courage and love to the highest limit.  If we wear His name, we should do no less.

The definition of a "Point Man" in the military is: one who goes ahead  of the group and scouts out any danger. (I read a book by Steve Farrar several years ago titled, " Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family.") Do you know of any "point men" today in your group of friends, church, or family? One who sees ahead the coming danger of deceptions and lies from the devil, and who is armed with the whole spiritual armor of God, and by no means afraid to use it. Do you know Christians whom are not cowardly but have courage to stand up for the truth of God. Regardless of what anyone says about them?  Keeping other Christians from falling is their main concern. They take a moral stand even if it means losing their business, job, or friends. How many people do you know like that?

In 1Samuel 22:1-2, David was running from King Saul and escaped to the cave of Adullam. Joining David was about 400 men who were in distress, broke and discontented, but in 1 Chronicles12:8, these men are described as mighty men of valor. Men trained for battle, who could handle shield and spear, whose faces were like faces of lions, and were as swift as gazelles on the mountains. David was their captain.  These men were fearless.  Look what God had made out of those men.  They served their King, David, valiantly.

In the new testament we see men like Stephen, Peter, Paul, Silas and others put on God's armour and fight the spiritual battles for their King of kings, Jesus. These men had the courage to carry out Christ's mission of spreading the Gospel all over the world.  These men were "point men" warning people of the dangers of sin that lie ahead. Look at the men chosen by Jesus, and what God made out of them.  Christ told them in Matthew 16:24-25, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
Again we see men of courage, not cowardly, giving all they had in carrying out the mission of saving the lost. How concerned were they? They always placed God first in their lives and many died standing for the truth.

So, where does that leave us today? Many say we are a Christian nation. (Pew Poll of 2008 said 78% of Americans were Christian.) Is that in name only?  Why would I say a cruel thing like that?  Well, I have seen people, who call themselves Christians, vote for politicians that support abortion, and same sex marriages for a start.  Some men wanting to get married to each other call themselves Christians. Many Christians go to worship God only at their convenience.  We as Christians are to be holy. (1 Peter 1:13-16)  A lot of the Christians I know, look like the world, act like the world, think like the world, drink like the world, dress like the world, and do not know the Word of God like the world.

We all have been lost in sin. We have become Christians by burying the old man of sin in baptism and being raised a new man seeking to do God's will.  Remember who God has used in the past, Paul helped crucify Christians,  and Peter denied Christ, not once but three times.  If we humble ourselves before God and repent of our sins, I don't care where we have come from, God will save and make us into mighty men and women of valor to do His good works.

I will remember every day Rev. 21:8, "but the cowardly..." and make sure I am strong and have good courage carrying out the will of my heavenly Father every day no matter the cost.  A crown of life is worth the cost.

Can we have spiritual "point men" and men of valor as Christians?  Yes. What about you? Are you cowardly in your Christian walk, or do you have good courage? Don't talk about the morals of our country if you are not willing to make the sacrifice to change it the way God wants us to be.

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Christians, we can make a difference. The mission begins with us.

Rick Hepler

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