Thursday, April 30, 2015

"Tell Me What I Need to Do and I Will Do It"

Every problem has a solution.  We may not know what it is, but someone does.  I went to the doctor yesterday to get the results from my blood test.  When she came in the first words she said, "This is not good you are a diabetic".  At that point, she received my full attention.  The main stuff that should have been low was high and the stuff that should be high was low.  The most critical readings were: glucose 297, triglycerides 410, vitamin D 16.9 and the good cholesterol 33.  I immediately said, "Tell me what I need to do and this time I will do it".

She had told me in previous years to exercise, cut back on carbohydrates, meats, and most importantly the portions I was consuming.  I ignored all advice and the danger to my health gradually increased to this point. If I do not do as she advised, I will have major problems from diabetes and heart disease. I previously ignored the truth she was telling me, but now I seek it and will obey it, because if not, I and the people who love me, will be going down a path of pain and suffering.  The true facts from my blood test got my attention.

In the same light, look at our nation today. Since I was born (1952) the morality of this great nation has declined gradually over the years, a little at a time.  The good (Faithful Christian Living and Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength) is at a critical  low, when it should be high and the bad (Just look at the nightly news on this one) is high when it should be low.

Is it possible for us to react the same way with this as I reacted to my blood test? The result of previous years of neglecting the truth from our Creator God has led us to this point in our nation's history.  Are we concerned the way our nation is headed?  Are we going to ignore it and let it get gradually worse than it is, causing more pain and suffering in the future for our children and grandchildren? Is this serious enough for us to say, "Tell me what I need to do and this time I will do it"?

The solution has been before us all the time and can be easily done by every American.  The riots and every social ill can be conquered by this one thing.  This solution in its truest form will last through all eternity.  As I have just had my physical exam, to do my part in helping to bring our country back, I need  to have a spiritual exam.  I need to be honest with myself and examine myself with God's word. (Psalm 26:2; 2 Corinthians 13:5; and Galatians 6:4)

I have to get myself in good shape physically before I can tell others how to get healthy.  I must also live as God wants me to, before I can tell others.  I must identify and correct my flaws before I can teach and encourage someone else.

Each day I am thankful for Christ dying in my place, giving me the opportunity to be righteous before God in Christ.  I can never, nor ever live long enough to do enough good deeds to be able to stand before God as righteous. I need Jesus to do that for me, and He has wonderfully so done.  Thank God!

What is it and can I start today? The solution is love.  It is the solution because our enemy, the Devil, wants us to stay away from it.  And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13). Why did I choose this as a solution?  I think it is the right solution because love suffers long and is kind. ( Love gives second chances, and many times I have needed second chances.) If I have love, when you have good fortune I will rejoice with you and not be angry because you received something good and I didn't. If I have love, I won't boast of having displayed it and will not be prideful because I have shown the love.

If I have love, I will not be rude and selfish.  If I have love, I will not get easily irritated, will not think evil, and will not be glad in unrighteousness, but I will rejoice in the truth with others.(1 Corinthians 13:4-6)

Notice the rejoice in truth part. What truth is Paul talking about? God's word. The prayer Jesus prayed to God for his disciples in John 17:17 tells us the truth he is talking about. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.  Jesus also said in John 8:32, And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (NKJV). What is the truth. The Psalmist says in Psalm 119:151, You are near ,O Lord and all Your commandments are truth(NKJV).  Jesus said in John 14:15, If you love Me keep My commandments (NKJV).

So love involves rejoicing in the truth, which is God's word including His commandments.  If I love Christ, I will keep His commandments.  Will our country be a better place if you and I keep His commandments?

Who am I to love?  First, I am to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind.  This is the first and great commandment, then I am to love my neighbor as myself ( Matthew 22:37-39).  Who else am I to love?  I am to love my enemy (Matthew 5:44). That one may be the toughest, but it is a command.  The last one I want to mention is found in Ephesians 5:25, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her...(NKJV).

This sounds like an excellent prescription for our country to get back where we need to be.  This will not cost the taxpayers a dime.  Everyone can participate.  Neighborhoods will be safer.  And the economy would probably get better. How? Continue to read the solutions below.
  1. If I love God, I will obey His commandments.  I will daily, like I was searching for a treasure, read His word and fervently pray to Him. Then my knowledge of Him will increase my trust in Him and also my love for His truth. I must desire to love as He would have me to. If I do not love others, I do not know God. Read these powerful scriptures on the consequences of not loving.  (1 John chapters 3 and 4) If Satan can divert a small portion of my time each day from my praying to God, reading His Word and meditating on what I have read, I will eventually not have God in my knowledge. I then may end up like those who were destroyed by the flood (Genesis 6:1-7) and those in (Romans 1:28-32).  I am trying to be spiritually healthy. I still have many flaws, but prayer and God's word helps me to keep walking in His light.  I am still subject to falling away and being spiritually sick gradually.  It is just like my physical blood test.  My glucose and triglycerides numbers did not rise over night.  I knew two years ago I needed to pay attention to my diet, and the amount I exercised.  I never did.  I let large  amounts of carbohydrates and fatty foods take the place of healthy eating.  Also, I let a sedentary lifestyle of watching TV, sitting in my office chair reading, and other non physical activities take the place of the exercise I should have been doing to remain healthy.  Look what that gradual neglect to my body has done to me.  If I continue to neglect it the way I have been, I will suffer heart disease, maybe die before I want, and end up having enormous medical bills.  I am going to do what she told me to do and do it every day.  If I let the world creep into my spiritual life like I have let an unhealthy lifestyle enter my physical life, I will be dead spiritually.  I do not want neither of the above, but I must remain vigilant each day on both.
                                                        (Continued next week)

The prescription for Godly living is in God's word.  What I am proposing will work and we can all participate.  I am going to examine myself on today's post, because I probably am not loving like I should.  I need God's word to tell me, but I hope it doesn't scare me like my blood test did.
Also, we need to encourage one another on this prescription God has given us.  I know I need encouragement everyday from God and my fellowman.

Thanks for reading.

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