The sunrise was beautiful this morning. After being cloudy yesterday, I really needed some sunshine today. The sun always shines, but sometimes the clouds get in our way of seeing it. The sun just does what it was created to do. It gives us light, warmth, magnificent sunrises and sunsets, and of course a good source of vitamin D. By these things, the sun then glorifies God by doing what it was created to do.
Along with the sunrise was the singing of birds this morning. I believe they were as happy as I was to see the sun. I noticed a Robin had built a perfectly round nest on top of my electric meter. The birds were just doing what God created them to do and seemed happy in doing it. Thus, they too glorified God by doing what He created them to do.
The spring flowers and some trees are blooming beautifully. They too are glorifying God with the beauty He created them to display.
Then my most important question arises after the previous statements. How am I glorifying God? How am I going to glorify my Creator today? (Matthew 5:14-16) Am I going to do what God created me to do today? Unlike His other creatures, that do what He designed them to do, He has given me a choice to do what I choose. I may choose to do his will or something other than His will.
I have a frightening thought. What if I was one of the descendants of Seth and married one of the beautiful daughters of men. Would I have retained the knowledge of God to continue loving, worshipping, and obeying Him, or would I have followed the world causing the wrath of God to destroy it? Would I have been like Noah? Would I have found grace in the eyes of God? What about you?
God knew the people would not turn back to Him. Only Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
How do I know that? In Genesis 6:7 ...God said He was sorry He made them. Is there hope for man today? The Lord loves us so much and does not want us to be lost. Read 2 Peter 3:9. He doesn't want any of us to perish, but that we would all come to repentance. How do we keep from being like the descendants of Seth? Read the rest of 2 Peter chapter 3. Don't allow the world or the things of the world to lead you and your family away from God.
What happened to mankind from Genesis 4:26 to Genesis 6:6-7? Satan used the same method to get mankind to choose evil instead of God that he used on Adam, Eve, and their son Cain. He uses the same today. The only difference today, with internet, social media and TV, it can happen more rapidly. What are his tools? Read 1 John 2:15-17 again. Man fell for it back then and the consequence was the arousing of the wrath of God into destroying His creation, except Noah and his family. Satan thought he had won.
Only one man found grace in the eyes of God. Only one man caused God not to destroy all of His creation completely. What power mankind has when he obeys and loves a loving God. Have you ever thought about the agony Noah and his family endured while building the ark? I imagine it is just like today. God's people are laughed at and called right wing extremist when they stand for God's truth.
This one thing is certain. When the first rain drop hit earth, it was too late for anyone other than Noah, his family, and the animals they put in the ark. Like the first rain drop of the flood, the first note of the trumpet sounding when the Lord comes again will be too late for those who fell for the deception of the devil, his devices, and the love of the world.
How did this happen? From verse 26 of Genesis chapter 4 to Genesis 6:5-7, the son's of God began to lose their faith when they married the daughter's of men. They had the knowledge of good and evil and were gradually influenced by the daughter's and son's of men to choose evil over good. Satan used his tools to deceive them into thinking continually evil thoughts in their hearts. This led to their manifesting the evil acts that God detested. Sounds like where we are heading today. Have you read the news lately? Have you seen what's happening in Baltimore tonight?
The world gradually influenced them to distance God in their lives. Where is God in your life? Are you concerned with where God will be in your children's and grandchildren's lives when they are your age? Please read Jeremiah 4:22, Hosea 4:1 and Romans 1:28 and see the dangers of not having God in our knowledge.
God loves us much more than the world loves us. He wants all of us to retain Him in our knowledge. When we do this, we will live before Him as He wants us to live, choosing to do good, and we will not be able to be deceived into choosing evil by the Devil. It is our decision in whom we choose to follow. The consequences are felt by all. Do we want to make a difference? Are we tired of the immorality in our land today? Then we need to have God in our knowledge, submit to Him, and live the way He wants us to live.
Do you want to build your children and grandchildren's faith in God? Then sit down with them at night and read your Bible to them of how God's men built their faith in times of old. You can read to them how young David grew his faith, into a faith able to remove giants. You can also go to to purchase my book, The Heart Behind the Stone: Develop a Giant Slaying Heart. I write about how David built his faith and love for God.
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We need to recognize our enemy. the Devil. How he wants to deceive us out of the inheritance God wants us to have. If we desire to retain God in our knowledge, we will make the choices God wants us to make. It is always our choice.
Thank you for reading.
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