Friday, June 26, 2015


Today's post may sound a little harsh. But truth sometimes does hurt me.  The truth always proclaims to me what I need to do, whether I do it or not is always my choice.

I am a third generation Hepler from my grandparents, Jim and Cora Hepler.  My grandchildren are third generation from Debbie and me.  But at some point I needed to take on first generation responsibility instead of third generation responsibility. Confused?  Let me explain.

Get out your Bible and read Joshua 24:15.  Joshua proclaims, But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua is not a "third generation" any more.  He has confidently moved to a first generation with all of its responsibilities. What prepared him for this?

What internally made Joshua want to move up and make the commitment he made?  Maybe these earlier verses will help.  Turn in your Bibles to Exodus 24:13-18.  Joshua is mentioned here as Moses's assistant and he was with Moses on the mountain.  Then Exodus 33:11 says, So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.  And he would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle.  Reading these verses reveal to us the interest and respect Joshua is developing for God.

Joshua is appointed to be Moses's successor in leading the people to the promised land. (Deuteronomy 31:6-8) In Joshua 1:1-9, God commissions Joshua for the job.  Read the instructions God gives him in verses 8-9. This Book of law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do all that is written it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (NKJV) Joshua took God at His word.  The way he desired God and lived for Him was an example to his family and those he was called to lead.  They prospered under Joshua's leadership.  What happened to the second generation?

The second generation followed Joshua, but they did not seem to take on the first generation responsibilities after Joshua died.  In Judges 2:7-10 we read of Joshua's death and then the next generation died, and the third generation that arose after them knew not the Lord nor the work which he had done for Israel.  This is frightening and following this same pattern can cause the third generation of our times to not know the Lord or His works just as it happened back then.

How does this happen today with God's people?

Joshua loved God, led other people to love and obey God, and led his family by his commitment to God saying, " But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua wanted his family and everyone else to know his stand with God.  Joshua reminded God's people by example and reminded them of what God had done for them, and also His commandments for them. Read Joshua chapters 23 and 24.

The next generation, the elders, after Joshua had reminded them in chapter 24 of what God commanded, said they would serve God and obey His voice.  "Now therefore," he said, "put away the foreign gods which are among you, and incline your heart to the Lord God of Israel."  And the people said to Joshua, "The Lord our God we will serve, and His voice we will obey!" (Joshua 24:23-24, NKJV) We see in Judges chapter 1:21-34 some did not obey but compromised with the people they were to drive out. Read Judges 2:1-2 The Angel of the Lord tells Israel of their disobedience to God.

The generation of elders did not have the same love and passion for God as Joshua. Their actions did not reflect what they told God they would do. They taught the other generation by their actions toward God that they were not sincere.  Here is the consequence of their attitude and lack of passion for God.  When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.  Joshua had died, the generation after him was now dead.  The second generation knew God  and had seen His great works( Judges 2:7-8), but they failed to help the generation after them to develop a faith in the God of Israel.  This generation did not know God, and we can read what happened to them.

The same happens today in the church when the second generation doesn't grow their faith in God to become as a first generation to their children and grandchildren.  Many times the second generation will ride on the faith of their parents. They will go to worship every Sunday, but they tend to compromise with the world.  The first generation reads and meditates on God's word every day.  They pray everyday and believe God. Their faith is pleasing to God.  Doubt of who God is and what He can do never enters their minds.  They trust in God to bring them through their trials.  They believe and focus on the place God has prepared for them after this life.

The second generation, unless they do the same to build their active faith, will end up coming to worship, sitting in a pew, thinking they are faithful.  God is not first in their lives, and it is shows by the priorities they have.  Many will put their careers or recreation before God. They are like the Israelites we have just read about.  This generation wants to love God and the world.  This is not possible. Read 1John 2:15-16.  This causes the next generation to see through their parent's faith in God by their godless, unchristian living the other six days of the week.

The third generation then does not know God nor have a desire to know Him. They have not been taught how to develop a faith as the first generation or a faith like Joshua.  They quit thinking about God and do everything that is right in their own eyes. (Deuteronomy 12:8, Judges 17:6)  This is a generation that wants abortion, same sex marriages, the Bible removed from schools, and you can look at the news to fill in the rest. ( News bulletin just in: Supreme court ends same sex marriage ban.)  They know not God!

I read the Barna Groups' poll yesterday and they said that 45% of the people in the U.S. today are unchurched.  No wonder they just lifted the ban on same sex marriages.  The second generation has compromised God's word with allowing the world to come into their hearts.  We haven't begun to see what is going to come out of the third generation that knows not God.

This is going to happen when you do not have any first generations like Joshua to build the faith of the people.  Second generations, you have just been playing "church" and the third generation knows it, and they don't care anymore.

The big question is this, and please be honest with yourself?  Which generation are you? Do you enjoy going to worship the God who created you and sent His son to die for you, each Sunday? Where you there last Sunday? Do you pray to God each day?  Do you enjoy reading and meditating on His word each day?  When was the last time you did this? Have your children or grandchildren ever seen you pray or reading God's word? Had you rather listen to the ideas of men on how to live your Christian life or, do you dig into God's word and find out for yourself? Do you really know God, or are you of the generation that does not know God?

Tough questions?  You bet! They are meant to be! I have already been through them myself.  We need more men like Joshua.  Joshua wanted his people to know where he stood. I had to make that same gut wrenching decision myself.  I asked myself a few years ago, do I want to play church and have my children do the same?  I don't say this boasting, but I made the choice for me and my house to follow the Lord and serve Him.  I want the world to know where I stand on this.  I am not self- righteous because I am not nor never will be good enough. Only Christ's dying and shedding of His blood makes me righteous before God. If I love Him, I will keep his commandments.

In past blog post I have shown God's solutions to the problems we are having today in our country. Solutions, no matter who they come from, will never work unless they are used and acted upon.  I want to see my third generation in heaven someday.  I want them to know God. I want and pray my children will move from second generation to first generation in their devotion to God. They are following God's pattern to do it. What about you? Your children? Your grandchildren?  When was the last time you taught them about God?  Is their faith like yours?

The shepherd boy David developed a faith strong enough to slay a giant.  We can do the same. We have many giants to slay. If we do not do anything to teach our children and grandchildren what God views as sin, they will think same sex marriages, fornication and living anyway you feel like it is ok and not a sin.  God is not going to change his mind.  The supreme court does not have any weight with Him.

I love God, my wife, my family, and you.  We live in a fallen world. We are not going to make it pain free and without troubles, but Jesus is preparing us a place that is.  We just need to believe Him, obey Him, and love Him.

Any comments? You can go to to comment or you can share on facebook below.  You can also go to to preview and purchase my books.

I would not be writing blog post or books if I did not care about your soul's destiny, and the direction our country is going.  Don't think you are too bad to change. You can change or repent today if the direction you are headed is not the one you want your children and grandchildren to follow. Go to God's word.  See what was told to the early Christians on what they had to do to be saved.  Remember, with God all things are possible. (Matt.19:26; Mark 9:23)

Have a good weekend.



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