This Sunday is Father's Day. We have an opportunity on this day to honor our fathers and to remember those fathers who have passed away. I am fortunate. My dad is still living.
My dad is not world famous. He was not a professional ball player, movie star, politician, doctor or lawyer, etc... . He has worked in factories and on the farm. He is still working at age 83. But I am so proud of the job he has had for the last several years.
My dad is the Peyton Manning and LeBron James of the Walmart greeters. In at least 2 counties he is widely known as "Mr. Bill". Dad loves his co-workers and everyone entering the door of Walmart. It does not matter to him what ethnic group, color or age you are, he wants to be your friend.
He is also not ashamed to share his faith. If he sees a co-worker troubled, he always tries to encourage them with God's word. He is always eager to tell them about Jesus. When dad dies, the preacher will not have to tell the friends and family that dad loved the Lord. They already know it. He leaves no doubt in his life about who his God is.
Dad is not going to leave his sons millions to inherit, but here are 3 major things he has already done for us. He confidently many years ago made the same statement Joshua made in Joshua 24:15, But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. This has been his and mom's blueprint on raising 3 boys. Next, He did what Paul recommended in Ephesians 6:4, And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. This started me down the path of desiring God more and more each day. Lastly, dad obeyed this scripture in its entirety. It is found in Ephesians 5:25. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her. He has loved mom and been married to her since November 1950. I do believe he would die for her as Christ died for the church. He loves her that much.
I have greatly benefited in this life by my dad believing in, and living the above 3 scriptures. I honestly believe if everyone had a father like mine, many families in our country today would be stronger and there would be less immorality and crime because of it.
Are you a young father? Think about using the same 3 scriptures my dad used to guide your family. I do and it is working for me just like it did for dad.
Dad, if your reading this, Happy Father's Day. Love you and mom. Thanks for all you have done for us.
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