Monday, October 9, 2017

She Was Broken and Needing Hope.

Who told her about Him?

Someone must have told her where He would be or she overheard them talking about it. Maybe she was in the city Nain when Jesus raised from the dead the only son of a widow. Was she there when Jesus made the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead raised, and the gospel preached to the poor? (Luke 7:1-22)

She was tired of people talking about her. She knew her sins and they were heavy on her mind. Life was beginning to be cruel to her. She must have thought this would be her last hope. This man called Jesus was doing the impossible. Did she think it would take the impossible to turn her life around and to have a peace?

She chose this as an action plan to change her life.

She would show her love to Him by being respectful, submissive and humble. She would show all of these by the actions she was about to perform. Was she used to the harsh comments others had about her?  Did her critics and accusers offer any solutions or show any affections for her as a fellow human being? What emotions caused her to place herself in such a vulnerable situation that could cause her more emotional pain? I don't know.  We just have to put ourselves in her shoes (sandals) and try to identify the emotions swelling up inside us.

This did happen a long time ago, when Jesus was on earth. Get your bible and turn to Luke 7:36-50. Follow along as I try to relate this same story as to how it could happen today.

This woman was so desperate, she entered into an arena of glaring and condemning eyes. She was placing her life on the line.  She had either been told of His love and compassion or she had witnessed it from a distance. Either way, it triggered an emotion, backed with courage, to seek Him out, no matter what.

After she got her audience with Jesus, here is what she did. She wept, washed His feet with her tears, wiped them with her long flowing hair, continually kissed His feet, and anointed His feet with a fragrant oil. She realized He was her only hope. By her actions, we can identify the precious value of this hope. (Please remember this.)

The Pharisee speaks to himself.

Now let me turn to the one who invited Jesus to his house. His name was Simon. Before I get too hard on Simon, I must confess. At one point in my Christian life I have spoken to myself as Simon did. I had his same thoughts, only in a different setting and time.

I was religious like Simon. I could identify those in our little town who had many sins, just like Simon did. If they came to a worship service, I would wonder why they came. I never mentioned Jesus loved them and would forgive them of those sins. I only, like Simon, looked down on them because of their sinful life.

I had the proud look, as Simon, instead of the look of this woman washing Jesus's feet.
My look was not one that would carry me or motivate me to go into all the world making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things Christ has commanded us to teach. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Simon spoke to himself, saying, "This Man, if He were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is who is touching Him, for she is a sinner. (Luke 7:39, NKJV)

We all need to pay attention to the reply Jesus gave.

Jesus told Simon He had something to tell him. Simon agreed to listen.  Jesus then gave Simon an example we should also remember. He said, "There was a certain creditor who had two debtors.  One who owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty. And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both.  Tell Me therefore, which of them will love me more?" Simon answered and said, "I suppose the one whom He forgave the more."(Luke 7:41-42, NKJV)

What would you say? If someone forgave my debts I would be forever grateful.  Especially if I had no way or income of ever repaying.  How about you?

In the following verses 44-47 Jesus tells Simon to look at the woman. He then reminds Simon of the acts he didn't do, but should have done. This woman, although she had many sins, did them.

Christ then speaks to the woman.

Christ then acknowledges before Simon and the others that her sins were many, but she showed Him much love. Simon and the others around the table showed Him very little love. Then Christ tells her, "Your sins are forgiven" and He said "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace."

Does this happen today?

Have you ever been to a church service and someone comes in wearing old clothes and tattoos? How do we look upon them? In years past, ignorantly, I have spoken to myself as Simon, "What are they doing here? I wonder what they want? Most of the time people like that have come for rent money or money to pay an electric or utility bill. I have made that judgmental mistake before. No more.

What if one out of ten of these people came looking for Jesus and His forgiveness and the others would also have an interest if we told them about God's love, and the reason Jesus came to this earth? In my own regret, I wonder how many of these, drug addicts, unemployed, dysfunctional family members, and just plain broken people, have I ignored over the past several years. Only if I could have taken my time and shown them that in Christ they could be redeemed and start over with their lives. If I had only helped one that was like the woman above, what would his or her family look like today?

Looking for Christ can be stressful today.

Let me swap roles with one of the above.  Say I was addicted to meth., morphine or heroine, had lost my job, and have now lost my family.  I was at the end of my rope. Who am I going to turn to? My friends are in the same vicious cycle I am in, looking for the next high, enslaved to the cravings of the flesh in a most horrible way. What am I to do? Yes, it would be my fault that I was in that mess to start with. But, what if I wanted to clean this mess up?  Who will help me?

What if I remembered a verse of scripture that I heard long ago, Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matthew 11:28, NKJV) and also remembered the scripture that said, ...with God all things are possible, (Matt. 19:26,NKJV)? Where would I go to find out how to find Jesus and God to help me out of this impossible and sinful lifestyle?

What are the chances, living in the environment I would be living in, of someone coming and showing me the God of second chances loved me, sent his Son to die for me, wanted to forgive me of my sins, and then they patiently taught me how to live as Christ wants me to live? I am afraid very slim. So if I wanted to search for this Jesus to help me, I would have to go find Him. Where would I go?

Would I choose the largest, finest, newest looking church building in town or the smallest? What name on the sign would I choose? Would I go to these buildings to just see, from a distance, what the people looked like that attended there, as they got out of their cars and went in?

What if I did choose the largest church building to attend and I sat by you? How would you react? Would you be uncomfortable? Could you identify I needed help by the way I looked? Now get this.  At this moment, there is no margin for error. I do not know if you are an unfaithful member of this church or the most faithful.  All I know is, I am looking for someone like Jesus to help me. This may be the only time I ever try to get my life straightened out.

 I am sitting here beside you, in this large and beautiful auditorium, in the middle of all of these nicely dressed members, feeling all of my failures, feeling unworthy of even  sitting next to you, and my mind is racing of what you and other people are thinking about me.  Also, to heighten my stress, I do not have a Bible, I do not know the songs you are singing, and when they are serving communion I do not know what to do. Don't you think I am more uncomfortable at this point than when I came in?

If you do not show me any compassion or love or even take the time to talk to me, do you think I will ever be back? If the pain of sin and addiction is less stress on me than looking for Jesus in your church building, which do you think I am going to choose?

This is why Christ said for us, His disciples, to go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded. (Matt. 28:19-20)

Remember, He said for us to go, not the sinners to come to the church building.

What if the person next to me was like me at one time?

Let's now look at this a little differently. What if by God's providence, I walked into this church building and the person I sat by quickly identified my problem and told me I was in the right place. He said I have been clean for five years and I know what you are going through. The people here at this place sought me out while I was in jail. They taught me God's word, I repented and was baptized for the remission of my sins and I am doing all I can to help people that are in the same dark place I was in. Did you notice He said someone came to teach me?

Which one loved Him more?

Jesus asked Simon in verse 42, Which one will love me more? .  We can tell by their actions and humility, who loved Him more. Of course, the woman showed her love more. Whether I have one sin or many, I still need Jesus to forgive me. My religion will not do it for me. If I love Him, like this woman, I will follow His commandments and live the rest of my life as He would have me to live.

Think about it.

Of the two above, who do you identify with? I was like Simon, but I have changed. You? Are you broken and needing Jesus? Please let me know.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing with your friends.  In this fallen world we live in, we need Jesus and each other.

Please send your comments to or . If you know of someone struggling with an addiction or just broken down, please send me their email address and I will send them a post each time I post it.  Also please share on FaceBook with your family and friends.

Thanks again!

Rick Hepler


1 comment:

  1. Just wait patiently for your blogs, most of the time I feel they are directed at me. Thanks, Rick, you are a man of many talents!
