Friday, January 19, 2018

Thoughts From A Cold Winter Morning

I was up early this morning, before sunrise. I always enjoy the peace of my quite time early each morning. The reading, writing, praying and meditating seems to transform a small part of me each day.  This is when I have most of my creative thoughts on fulfilling my heart's desires. Courage to face any challenge comes from these moments.

It is so cold outside! I believe my phone said 7 degrees. The previous day's snow is still on the patio. Only a few melted places could be seen. Daylight finally appeared. Yes, the sun is shining. Then I noticed the birds flying around looking for water, that was not frozen, and something to eat. How do they survive in this cold? They looked like they were starving to me.

I wanted to feed them something. I didn't have any bird seed, so I got the bright idea of emptying the pantry of outdated boxes of cereal we had for our grandchildren.  I also filled a shallow pan with water, so they could have fresh water to drink.

I waited and waited for them to come. Finally, one bird came and then flew off, then he came back. A few others came, but with the least bit of distraction, they would quickly fly away again. After several minutes, one came back.  I guess he was the bravest one.  He was very hungry and thirsty and was going to risk eating my cereal even though he had never seen or tasted it before.

With his displayed courage, the others came. Now the patio is covered with birds eating outdated cereal and drinking water that I set out for them.

Don't laugh at the wary birds.  We humans are the same way. We trudge through every day with burdens and cares. Many spend each waking hour believing there is no hope for them.  Evil abounds and touches our lives each day.  We view and hear of hate, abuse, addictions, broken homes, heartaches, and many more atrocities in our world, country, communities, and even our own families every day.

As the birds are living hungry and thirsty on this cold and snowy day, all of us are living in this fallen world, hungry for something.  Could it be we are tired of the fruits of unrighteousness?  Do we even have a solution to our own emptiness?  We do, but we are afraid to taste it.  Are we like the birds, needing one brave bird to come in and show us it is different, but it taste really good? Are we so distracted by the noises of the world, that we fly away too quickly?

Our problems arise when we do not know we are starving spiritually. We are hungry and thirsty for something, but what is it?

What is it deep down in our souls that we truly are hungry and thirsty for?

I could have mentioned this parable, told by Jesus, forty years ago and probably the majority of people in our country would have already have read it or at least been told about it.  The hunger in our souls needs to be filled, yet many do not know what it is and how to get it.  Some have known about it, but the distractions of this life have caused them to forget. Please go to Luke chapter 15.

16 And he would have gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything, 17 but when he came to himself, he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 18 'I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you,  19 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.  Make me like one of your hired servants". ...

The son did go back to the father. He remembered, repented, and was humble. He was asking for a meager existence  as a hired servant, but please continue to read in verses 20-23 what he received. The beautiful part of this story is in verse 24. 'for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' and they began to be merry.

Our Father in heaven is portrayed as the father in the above parable.  He has everything we need, but we like the son in the parable are so spiritually hungry we would be glad to eat the pods of the world fed to the swine.  We have allowed this fallen world to twist and toss us around so much, that we think we are not worthy of anything that is good. We just settle for less, not knowing what the wonderful blessings God has prepared for us.

What is it we are hungry for? Righteousness! Do we know it? Jesus came to earth so we could see what righteousness is. He was sent by God the Father. He was brave and not distracted from His purpose in coming.

The birds outside this cold, snow covered morning, are cold and hungry. What I gave them to eat, they never have seen before.  They liked it and ate all of it. Food for them is still scarce when it snows.   Humanity, outside of Christ, is cold, dark, unforgiving and experiences scarcity in many ways. 

Man looks searches in many ways for the world to give him peace and happiness, but many times the happiness and peace are consumed quickly by the fallen world we live in. This fallen world is like the fallen snow. It covers up what we need and unless we have someone to give us "food" we go hungry as the birds.

Christ said, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6,NKJV)  Why would we hunger and thirst for righteousness? Because there is none righteous before God. We all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Please read Romans 3:10,23; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

With this righteousness comes salvation. Does God want us to be righteous and have salvation? John 3:16 is a verse many of us had to recite in the first grade at school.  Please read John 3:14-21.  For me, these verses introduce  a loving God, a loving Son of God, salvation through this Son, and condemnation and perishing without Him.

Remember above how God is portrayed as the father of the prodigal son waiting for that son to come home. Upon his return, he finds the loving father waiting and watching for him.  I believe John 3:16 is the beginning of the many scriptures revealing to humanity the love God has for us.  After all, He created us in His image and likeness. (Genesis 1:27)

Are you cold and hungry? Imagine if you were the birds on this snowy morning, having to depend on the kindness of someone tossing them some food.  When I am cold and hungry, I am desperately trying to find both.  At times, my soul has been cold and hungry. The joy, I pursue and need, cannot be found in the world. I feel empty without it.

I am so blessed to have been shown and taught the Gospel "Good News" of God's love for me, and the way of righteousness and salvation through His Son. When life gets tough, I can rejoice in my salvation like the prophet Habakkuk did in Habakkuk 3:17-19.

What about you? Do you hunger and thirst for the righteousness that leads you to salvation. A salvation promising your being with a loving heavenly Father for all eternity.  A righteousness that can give you joy as you live in this fallen world, no matter your circumstances.

How is this world really treating you? Is there something deep within you longing for something better? Have you ever stopped to think how much God loves you? Think about it.  If I can help, please email me at or  at .

Are down trodden and heavy laden with burdens this life has given you? Have you ever tried the taste of God's grace, mercy and forgiveness?  Please do not ever give up, until you have someone tell you or you search in His word for it yourself what He has for you.

Are you broke, broken, addicted, incarcerated, burdened by pain and suffering, suffering the consequences of sin in your life, or just needing a few moments of peace to regain strength? This is what Christ is saying you to today. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30, NKJV) 

Are you going through any of these trials above or some that are not listed?  Is the world offering you what Christ has offered? What about your friends, neighbors, family, people you work with, politicians, and anyone else you come in contact with offering you a way to find the rest and peace you are searching for? I didn't think so.  I do! I want to help you. Why? Because someone helped me find this peace, the peace that passes all understanding.

Please pass along to someone who is hurting and help them develop a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome. Please share on
Facebook to those who are hurting.

Rick Hepler

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